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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

@JackSmith The commands are: cat, gandalf, listcommands, echo, kill, imagetext, slap, time, sniper, cowSay, help, meme, bigLogo, bigWord, catLang, pirateLang
1 hour later…
hello anyone here?
2 hours later…
anyone here?
Good morning...
good morning
hello every one I need to help for print invoice from php
ya please tell
suppose mara pase 20 item nu bill che to mare e bill ne 2 page pr print levi hoy to kai rite levay
1-10 entry page 1 ma ane 11-20 page 2 ma
aema to mare pn problem aave chhe
ha e hu samji gyo
Q: How to deal with page breaks when printing a large HTML table

h3.I have a project which requires printing a HTML table with many rows. My problem is the way the table is printed over multiple page. It will sometimes cut a row in half, making it unreadable because one half is on the bleeding edge of a page and the remainder is printer on the top of the next pa...

to kai idea apo bhagvan
ha ha ha
aama jovo kaik mdi jase
me mara mate ek inventory system banavi che to have biil ni prob thay che
thodu logical vicharvu padse
Q: How to apply CSS page-break to print a table with lots of rows?

Mohammad SaberiI have a dynamic table in my web page that sometimes contains lots of rows. I know there are page-break-before and page-break-after CSS properties. Where do I put them in my code in order to force page breaking if needed?

aama kaik dam hoy aevu lage chhe
ana thi thay jase
try karo
ok i will try aje akho divas aj karva nu che
to pachhi moj karo ne
ek divas ma aetlu to thay jay ne
ha @SagarNaliyapara
Q: PHP script wont work when executed via command line but work fine when executed from browser

amarinder thindMy PHP script is working very well when executed via browser but showing error message when tried to execute using Command prompt. First I tested php file from command prompt using "system('ls >/tmp/test.txt')" in php file. It worked fine. But when executed Mysql query within PHP script via c...

looking for answer to this query
hi @SagarNaliyapara
3 hours later…
hello @MayankVadiya
no @SagarNaliyapara
kem kya atvai gyo bhai?
i find another way but i not sure about that
Hi all.
I remember their is a element in html / css that enables you to shorten for example a h2 element with ... instead of making a new line if the headline is "to long" for its parent container. But i forgot the element name. Anyone who know?
word-break: normal
are you talking about this...??
Something like that i reckon, but instead when the word reach the end of the parent container (single line) it will hide the part of the word that is to long and replace it with ...

So for example
This is a super long headline
This is a super long he...
Q: On css: if text line is break show dots

OnengLarI seen before this solution but i not remember where exactly... without JS maybe it's work when line is break) But what a css property is? DEMO <div>apple</div> <div>jack fruit</div> <div>super puper long title for fruit</div> <div>watermelon</div> div { font-family: Arial; background: #99DA5...

this one may be useful for you
Q: How can I show dots ("...") in a span with hidden overflow?

prashmy css #content_right_head span { display:inline-block; width:180px; overflow:hidden !important; } now its showing content content but i want to show like content content ... I need to show dots after contents Contents are coming dynamically from database

Q: Add three dots in a multiline span

NikolaI found this question here on SO and the solution is pretty simple: jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Y5vpb/ html: <span>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printe...

Q: With CSS, use "..." for overflowed block of multi-lines

Oviliawith overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; "..." will be shown in the end of the line if overflowed. However, this will be shown only in one line. But I would like it to be shown in multi-lines. It may looks like: +--------------------+ |abcde feg hij dkjd| |dsji ...

Thanks for all the links!
2 hours later…
I understand and will obey all rules
aaya visit karjo regular to kaik mja aave
aaiya ghana chhe gujarati
jarur @SagarNaliyapara
HEllo people
gow do you do ? :D
Tu sam :)
anyone here?
hi bro I have a question
can you please help me for a while
please read the rules though
it's about database
If for example i have a table employee and its PK is emp_id can emp_id still be used as PK on other table?
enlighten me please
what is PK? sorry for the stupid question
primary key
I think it can :D
but i'm no 100% sure
why don't you try ?
then whats the purpose of foreign key?
well , said i wasn't 100 % sure, i'll try it now
@Pretorian can you use PK in to tables in mysql that is your question right? @Pretorian
@MarkoMackic no need you can
i thought, because there is nothing that prevents you from making same column names in 2 different tables in one base
oh ok
hey guys can u send me an example of a dynamic form sets please?
@treblaluch hey
@JackSmith hey jack
so what do you need @treblaluch
can someone explain what really regex is ?/
@JackSmith well some examples on working with dynamic forms
@treblaluch can you tell me exactly what you mean?
just joking got what you mean @treblaluch
@Naruto please read the rules if you have not done so yet
@CristianMatthiasAmbæk please read the rules
why all of you here respond so slow
why nbot not started ?
i will start now
@JackSmith ouch
@treblaluch he didn't answer you ? :D
@JackSmith The commands are: cat, gandalf, listcommands, echo, kill, imagetext, slap, time, sniper, cowSay, help, meme, bigLogo, bigWord, catLang, pirateLang
who created the bot
echo hello
+echo hello
@MarkoMackic hello
do +echo hello
i know
@MarkoMackic Time: Wed Jan 06 2016 09:16:38 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
is there any param for time
@MarkoMackic he did not >.<
and yeah about the tech this is built on, i meant on programming languages used
@treblaluch you here?
@treblaluch you want a form that submits to it's self right
@JackSmith yeah im here. hmm i was asking for examples of dynamic forms
@treblaluch is this what you are looking for?
@JackSmith The commands are: cat, gandalf, listcommands, echo, kill, imagetext, slap, time, sniper, cowSay, help, meme, bigLogo, bigWord, catLang, pirateLang
look treblauch, you could create a couple of html files containing forms you want, and based on some param load a form ? THat's what you're asking right ?
now how to load that's up to you, refresh, ajax :D
@MarkoMackic well i have this field 'location' which is a dropdown from the database data and if i want to add more location there is a button bellow to add more then if click this button it will make a new input text appear in which the new location will be inputed and beside it is a button for querrying it to the database then the new location wll be added to the dropdown of locations. How can i achieve this?
Now look, if users click the button, use jquery or something to detect it, and then append html "<input type textbox bla bla class='newloc' ></input>' , so your jquery code would look something like this '$('.addnewbutton').click(function(){$('.somedivwhereyouwant').append('that html specified up')}); $('.newloc').click(function(){$.post( "addloc.php", { lock: "John"} );}'
and then you create php file named addloc.php which ineserts new location in db
if you can't get something just ask
and exept john you wolud take $('input').attr('value')
@JackSmith how didn't you explain the man :P
@MarkoMackic what do you mean ?
who created N ?
why i did not explain it
@MarkoMackic @NiKoLaPrO @UNIKITTY2.0 they did
@MarkoMackic is this only for adding to the database?
this is only
user interface
be here
i'll be back in 20 min to eat
@JackSmith is NikolaPro only from serbia here
@MarkoMackic so in the addloc.php ill just put $_POST there directly?
@MarkoMackic yes i think so
hi i am NBOT i am just a ROBOT :(
@Jacque Goupil please read the rules at: yourphotomake.info/rules
I understand and will obey all rules.
Isn't this a bit over the top? Oh well, hi :)
@JacqueGoupil thank you hi
That seems like a very, very generic chat subject
@JacqueGoupil you can try NBOT just do +listcommands
@JackSmith The commands are: cat, gandalf, listcommands, echo, kill, imagetext, slap, time, sniper, cowSay, help, meme, bigLogo, bigWord, catLang, pirateLang
@JackSmith Time: Wed Jan 06 2016 09:45:36 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
@JackSmith Hmmm. I dunno what you want help with. Do +help command
Yeah, I'm used to chatbots, I spend most of my SO time on the JS chat
+help nothing
@JackSmith No such command bro.
@NBOT really
@JackSmith can someone replace nbot or he's only a bot
@treblaluch what didn't you understand up there
$('.somedivwhereyouwant').append('that html specified up')});
this and { lock: "John"} );}'
can i show you that on jsfiddle it's simpler
you could ask it as a question :P i'd get 20 reputation hahaha
yeah sure go ahead :)
@MarkoMackic only a bot but you can say things on his account
@NiKoLaPrO please read the rules at: yourphotomake.info/rules
Command +meme list is broken
@JackSmith I dunno what u want, use +meme <meme>
+meme blast
@xaviert hi please read the rules at: yourphotomake.info/rules
@NiKoLaPrO what is up?
+meme list
In serbia
Meme list is broken
I will fix it later
@NiKoLaPrO you got snow we had some here in the US about a week ago
@NiKoLaPrO great
NikolaPro djesi brate :D
ala brate, el ko prati chat
anyoneeeeeeeeee her
im here :D
Here at us
snow is half
a meter :D
woah it must be very called out there
@MarkoMackic really where do you come from
I'm from Republic of Srpska :) that's part of bosnia
you ?
@MarkoMackic o ok i am from U.S.A
united states of america :D
do you love russian people ? ahha
I am from serbia :D
nikola ja sam tebe zvao
al ti ne odgovaras , razumijes :D pa ja reko da ne smaram cojeka
Srecan Badnji dan
@StormSpirit hi please read the rules at: yourphotomake.info/rules
Nisam bio za kompjuterom ceo dan, samo sam bio na telefonu :)
@NiKoLaPrO what happened to the auto rule thing on NBOT
Takodje :D
I understand and will obey all rules.
@StormSpirit thank you hi
Its disabled @JackSmith
@NiKoLaPrO ok
hi guys, do you know mongoDB?
It was annoying for people in other rooms
I have confusion, on how do I convert these table into mysql.
no i have never heard of it sorry @StormSpirit
I will create special script for this room later
i know mysql but not mongoDB sorry @StormSpirit
this is the array i.imgur.com/dd84SJY.png, do I need to create table work, transportaion, criminal, etc. or just create column "profile" then put all there?
like json data yes
but like array no
do I need to create table and have foreign key ? *
sorry for my RIP english guys
do you have something like phpmyadmin
I have phpmyadmin
where you manage database, or it's cms
I know the commands, but what's your suggestion about this
create table for work, transportation, criminal and add column to them user_id or
guys i have this external java script file which has all of my javascripts, do u have to type $.document ready to each functions?
you need to create database, with a table, with 2 columns, one id that is iNT ,and second json data where you put the whole array
create user_profile table then put column work, tansportation, criminal and foreign key user_id
why not
where is okay? 1 or 2?
@NiKoLaPrO you here?
come on, do you know how much work when having more tables
someone told me i could just write 1 $(document).ready for all my functions?'
Yup @JackSmith
there that is for you
anyone else want one?
Thanks :DD
@MarkoMackic yeah but work column have employed, retired, position, and etc, so when I add that on my php searchfield/edit details it's confusing
let me look your array structure once more
@JackSmith i will create one typing animation for you, i learned how :)
Im on phone now
Im having hard time how to do this on mysql
i suggest you create more tables
and declare them in conf file
so one db, table for everything, and even different db for profile
what do you mean on conf?
Something like that
well i use conf.php file, where i store username, pasword , tables, databases, and everything needed for connection
@NiKoLaPrO hey that is nice
@NiKoLaPrO sorry if i do not answer right away you will need to do @Jacksmith to get my attention i am doing 2 things at once
jel ti to pravis animacije
@StormSpirit i don't know where to show oyu
where do you have server
Da, ovu nisam napravio samo sam namestio tekst
Ali radim sa animacijama
A su cim pravis ?
@StormSpirit teamviewer ?
A more se gif napraviti ? :d
nisam znao :D
10 mins i'm back :D
Napravicu ti jedan posle :)
this is the form i am working on:
using bootstrap
i'm working on site for some municipalities
using bootstrap
tell me is it good ?
and @JackSmith yout form is cool, is it only localhost or online
i like your site :) @MarkoMackic.
I like to do as much as i can with css , and server side scripting, to minimize javascript dependencie :)
i can give you code
give me :D to se :)
come on people let's chat :D
who has questions
i have time
does anyone havve projects to propse
is this correct? $(document).ready(function() {
$('#newlocation').append("<label>Add New Location:</label>" );
$('#newlocation').append("<div class='input-group'>" );
$('#newlocation').append("<input type='text' class='form-control' value='' placeholder='Location Name*' id = 'loc_name'/>" );
$('#newlocation').append("<input type='button' class='btn btn-default' id='sub_loc' value='Insert location'/><br>");

var location= $('#loc_name').attr('value');
(see full text)
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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