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A: How to assign properties dynamically in react

Dan PrinceYou're re-implementing the existing React.createElement method. Why not just do this? var Group1 = React.createElement('g', { id: DrawingController.drawingPathCounter + '_shape', d: 'path', fill: 'none', stroke: Controllers.TemplateController.wireFrameColour_Selected, 'stroke-width': ...

i want to make different component with different properties so i this is not satisfies my need i want some modification
The second argument to React.createElement is a properties object, just pass a different properties object in each time you want to make a component with different properties.
will you please do a favor by guide me how i do in this case
Updated answer.
this is the code duplication method we are writing the same code again and again just changing the props and this eleminate the concept of modularity. we want to make code modular
But that is the minimum amount of code that it's possible to write. To instantiate a component, the essential bits of data are the name of the component and the props it takes. This is the form that JSX compiles to.
i need to create more then 50 g tags while working with svg so for 50 g tags will i have to write the code for each? if not how to incorporate that
i need to create more then 50 g tags with different properties at different function call while working with svg so for 50 g tags will i have to write the code for each? if not how to incorporate that
Assuming you either have all the properties for the SVG tags (or can at least compute them), then you'll need to get them into an array.
so will we have to keep record of the array elements? as we are dynamically making g tags.
var svgPropsList = [
{ id: 1, d: 'path', fill: 'none; },
{ id: 2, d: 'path', fill: 'none; },
{ id: 3, d: 'path', fill: 'none; }
// ...

var components = {
return React.createElement('g', props);
This returns a list of instantiated React g components
we have to make g tags at different times in controllers. will this solution can handle this situation?
i mean controllers(C) in MVC in application
that computes values for views
It sounds like you're using React in a strange way
Manage the [M]odel using component's state.
React components are the [V]iew.
Lifecycle methods make up the [C]ontroller code.
Lol we are not but was unable to do that. we are just want to do what question of this post is e.g we want have a method to which we can pass different properties for g tag and that will render g tag whenever we want to render
using React
It doesn't sound like you need React then
the limitation is if we create one g tag, it will render but if we create 2nd g tag then first one will be removed
You are overwriting the first one when you call ReactDOM.render the second time
You shouldn't call render more than one for your application
thats my point. then how to do this?
if we cannot call render more than one time then how we can dynamically render more than one g tags in this scenario?
By managing your model inside your React component, using state
if we use setState(), then it will behave as we call render twice
Keep track of the list of props inside of the state object, then when you want to create a new one, update state and add another props object to the end of the list
Don't really understand the last message, I'm afraid
kindly can you explain how we can keep track of properties?
that was some confusion in my mind. dont worry about it
Updated the answer
I answered another question earlier, it may be useful for you to read
A: How to make component instances in Reactjs

Dan PrinceYou'll probably find that you benefit from letting the structure of your code be defined by React components, rather than your own functions and global variables. Generally, if you find yourself calling ReactDOM.render lots of times, then something has probably gone wrong. Top Level Component ...

It focuses more on how you should structure a React application
i asked this question
I think both questions are trying to solve the same problem
How do you structure a React application
yes problem is same
but we are working on different modules
I would recommend reading some React codebases
It will help you get an idea for how components work together
Especially if you're currently trying to use an MVC approach
does the solution you provided on updated answer will create separate g tags whenever we pass on new props.
The addProps method creates an additional set of props in the propsList array
When the propsList array is rendered, a g tag is created for each set of props in the array
Every time setState is called, the component will be re-rendered
I think its a good solution to our problem. Thanks a lot for your help. would you like to suggest some good React codebases.
Here's a good article on conventions and best practices
Here's a Reddit thread with people looking for good React code bases
Most of the examples from React's wiki are quite readable

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