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Q: Pass value javascript on laravel route

Dadan Hamdanii try to pass 'sat' value from route. My problem in this line. $return_array[] = array('value' => $v, 'id' =>$k, 'sat' => $k); i can pass 'value' and 'id', but im confusing on 'sat', how to pass 'sat' field ? 'sat' => ??; here is my route code { $term = Input::get('term'); $data = DB::tab...

there is no problem at all passing "sat" variable to the view, its not reserved word or something
on my code i still using 'sat' => $k , and the values will be same as "id" because im using $k, and i want replace 'sat' => $k with right "sat" value
so do 'sat' => $theREALsat
how can i get $theREALsat bro ?
oh I think u need to do $v->sat
"sat" is field from "sps" table, see my code above, use$k->sat still not work bro, im already try that
try to do $v->sat
not work bro, ERROR: exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Trying to get property of non-object'
you here bro?
yeah, im here bro
the problem with your code is the lists() function take only 2 arguments
like ->lists('value','key') key=>value
you can remove that lists() function and change it to get()
ca you give me an example with my code bro ?
yeah I am giving it as answer to your question
thanks bro,
A: Pass value javascript on laravel route

amir barthe problem with your code is the lists() function take only 2 arguments you can read more about it in the docs: search for lists() this will work: { $term = Input::get('term'); $data = DB::table('sps') ->select(array('sps.namasp as namasp', 'kodesp', 'sat')) ->where('na...

i get this error bro,, unexpected '$return_array' (T_VARIABLE)
and before you didnt get it?
yeah, thats why im using "lists" bro
I forget a ; after the get()
thanks a lot bro, thats working, :D
you need to read the docs I gave you and to understand what the lists() function do :)
oke bro,,
hey bro you know how to format input(date) to dd MM yyyy ?
{!! Form::input('date', 'd1', date('Y-m-d'),['class'=>'form-control']) !!}
use carbon it came with laravel
thanks bro, i'll leave chat now, :)

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