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Q: How to get data from hook in Codeigniter?

AhmedI use hook mechanism in Codeigniter. The kind of hook is post_controller_constructor. There is one private object inside class hook`s: private $settings = array(); This object is filled after executing hook. How I can get access to $settings from libraries CI and controllers? Class: <? clas...

if it's a codeigniter core class, you shouldn't need to edit it and there should be some form of a getter to retrieve data from it. can you show more about the class?
Do you mean class of my hook?
the class wherever private $settings = array(); is declared
Expanded question with code of class
oh it's your own class, just create the variable in the CI chain by adding $this->CI->LCode_module_settings = &$this->settings at the end of your constructor. then you can use $this->LCode_module_settings in your controllers to access the variable
So, will it give me filled object $this->settings after executing method $route? I seem $this->CI->LCode_module_settings will contain null object
which is why you store the reference to the property with the & symbol
Where is add this line? In the end of route method?
the end of your __construct() method
Why path is: $this->CI->LCode_module_settings,but not $this->CI->LCode_module->settings?
because LCode_module is not currently a property of the CI chain, so you'll receive an error of trying to access a property on an undefined variable, if you want it to work like that, then you'll need a line prior to it that goes like this: $this->CI->LCode_module = new stdClass;
Something wrong. I get empty object in controller: $CI =& get_instance(); $c = $CI->LCode_module_settings;
Seems your way does not work. I updated question how I have tried
I'm working on creating a static representation of the data that should definitely work
just posted an answer, it works in my CI 2.2
I use too CI 2.2

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