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2 hours later…
4 hours later…
6 hours later…
I'm going to hit some iOS questions on queen, let me know if you have a tag to work on today
2 hours later…
thank you, sir:P
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 533)
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 (batch 535)
@JAL, these are at cv4:
cv4 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ,
cv4 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ,
17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ,
@SouravGhosh @AshishAhuja:
worst net votes cv4 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
worst net votes cv3 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
@Drew thanks, let me take a look
@Drew Thanks, closed all except the ones I already voted on: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Could use another vote on those ^
@JAL can you do these in C I just moved up 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
yup on it now
those were not shown to Sourav above
@Drew done with em, as usual, most of them i had already voted, but nevertheless, thanks much.
feel free to ping me another batch if available, whenever you're free
@JAL OK, they are already closed, so I DelV'd
@Olaf these are all for you, del vote count 2 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
panta and sourav saw them yesterday i believe
@πάνταῥεῖ @SouravGhosh @Olaf ,
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 530)
^ those are new to your eyeballs from me at least
@Drew Yep, done voting
thx gents
@Drew thanks to you. :)
@que are you alive yet?
guess no...hmmm.
add this to your delete list, heck add all of them stackoverflow.com/q/40257681
@Drew Thanks, all deleted. Which means I couldn't delete the others :-} (It would be a great idea if we could accumulate delete-votes (or votes in general, but for DVs, the current dayly limit is too low).
@olaf I am tracking the worst ranked by net votes and delete counts. And just circle back til they get demolished or someone says We Love This Question
For C, just for the year 2016 questions, I have 7600 closed questions I am tracking.
`select count(*) from questions_c_cd where status='C' and deleteVotes>0;
-- 143 rows `
Ok, just feed them to me in easily digestible pieces :-)
I just do 8 at a time, maybe 2 or 3 lines a day
The question is if the list of tbd questions becomes larger. If so, there is something wrong with the DV contingent.
we need way more delete votes per day to clean this site up
it is so bad it is almost worth not getting involved with it
2 hours later…
@Drew ?
how to invite someone to chat?
need to ask Rick something
Rick James?
but maybe you can help too
one way is to find him up in the transcript (not easy) ... hold on
is about this question/answer: stackoverflow.com/a/33060896/5563083
@RickJames Paul has a question for ya
@Paul I have to hunt in the transcript for stuff to reply to sometimes if they are inactive in the room for a while (either 7 or 14 days not sure). If they are not in the chat system in a window at the moment, it takes 15 minutes to hit their inbox from here.
Another way is to go to their profile link, and tweat it with a chat. in front of it. For most users you can get away with this except for new users to chat never here before. So it looks like this: chat.stackoverflow.com/users/1766831
and look down that toward "invite this user to"
@Drew maybe you have an idea how to test if mysql can cache repeated expressions
sure I can test stuff on windows or linux just point me at it
like: select sin(x), sin(x)*2
I know you have wrote this one: stackoverflow.com/a/38189113/5563083
but it is only about aggregate functions
my real question is about equal expressions in select and where clause
like: select sin(x) from t where sin(x) > 0
@PaulSpiegel so the question you have now has nothing to do with rand() and seeds right?
@Drew right. I'v just tried to use rand() for tests
which might be a bad one to choose due to its incredibly poor performance and unknowns. Meaning: anytime one uses rand() they have to know they are in for a horrible wait.
so if we have a 10k table of x, you want to know if sin(x) is cached, is that fair?
yes. cached per row
or per x
I would say no chance that for mysql we should expect it to maintain on top of x values physical and what is in MRU cache that we should expect it to house recent results for fcns we have pumped x thru
It is just a hunch, but I would push all my poker chips on that stmt
I have been wrong many times before.
maybe i'm naive - but i really belived mysql does that :-)
alright I will try a few things
I have also found this one: stackoverflow.com/a/23841558/5563083
I tested it. and it's true. mysql doesnt run sleep(1) twice
but it does when i use it the where clause
@PaulSpiegel Have I addressed your question? If the question is about caching of function calls in general, I think the answer is "no". After all, dealing with the row takes orders of magnitude longer than dealing with a mere function (like sin(x), or even sqrt(2)), so why bother having a cache optimization for functions.
Looking at Stored Functions, there is the DETERMINISTIC clause. This could almost be used for caching, but I don't think it is. I did find it making a difference, but can't remember where.
@RickJames it's not a question if it matters. I just want to know. So i was looking for documentation or a way to test it
Here's a guess -- SELECT (...) AS x ... HAVING (...)>111 --vs-- HAVING x>111 : The trivial implementation is to either re-evaluate the expression (first case) versus use the alias x to get the already instantiated value.
To answer another way: I have long looked for the "common subexpression evaluation" optimization happening in MySQL's SQL. I have never found such. (OTOH, I can't prove that it does not happen.)
@PaulSpiegel see pastebin.com/gzeYYB1Z
SELECT SLEEP(1), SLEEP(1); takes 2 seconds.
yes i already tested with sleep(). sleep(1) in the where clause also increases the sleep time.
In the other direction,... I have been experimenting with MariaDB 10.2's Windowing functions. SELECT foo OVER ... AS x ... GROUP BY x HAVING x... -- will fail because there are limitations of where the functions can exist. The error message does not say "x" is bad, but rather copies the expression over.
find a blatantly expensive call, like one that does asymmetric PKI encryption (like a stored fcn of your own). And one would hope that it would cache. That would be a great one to test against. My gut is that it is re-evaluated every time
In that pastebin... What timer are you using?? It seems to have a precision of only 15.6ms -- all timings are within roundoff of some multiple of that.
yeah I was thinking that but then it varied not by .016 but by 0.001 once
0.015 and 0.016 are essentially the same.
but the last thing at the bottom suggests that after i crap can all the data, that 1st time in is same as prior presumably cached 2nd 3rd 4th
Take two times that differ by 15.6ms, round each clock time to the nearest ms. Then subtract -- sometimes you will get 15, sometimes 16.
like I said an expensive call like PKI is what is useful not those quick 2 things I tried
try to generate 4096 bit primes. Tens of seconds
The first time is the least reliable -- various caching of things other than expressions (table_open, QC, index blocks, data blocks, etc.)
if you `update xyz set title='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';` it still apparently shows the same timing. Again, my guess, no fcn result caching
select count(sha2(seq, 512)) from seq_1_to_1000000 #where sha2(seq, 512) <> ''
890 msec without where and 1450 msec with where
Hmmm... 23824505 is pretty close to 'proof' that the GROUP BY is cached (rather, "common subexpression elimination). (I added a comment.)
That's why i'm so confused
@Drew & @RickJames thx for your time
I'll keep the question in mind.
Good night.. or what ever your daytime is :-)

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