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2 hours later…
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
@que [c] =4cv
@Queen what???
2 hours later…
I am trying this, but getting error:

CREATE PROCEDURE rfidautomatic_INSERT(IN uid varchar(45))
DECLARE next_id INT;
SET NEW.field=next_id;
insert into webtest.rfid_uid (next_id,rfiduid) values (newPK,uid);
END $$

create table kka
( id int auto_increment primary key,
thing int not null
insert kka (thing) values (8);
select auto_increment from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME='kka';
-- 2
----- -- - -- - -- --
Now, no one is going to program like that
and you would use the info schema thing like above if you even meant to do it but you should not
Let me put it this way. It is not your job to go determine what the next auto inc is going to be. It is your job to insert the row and get the last auto inc assigned.
doing what you did is just as bad as using MAX() because 900 people could get the value at one time and then plod on to the next statement and your system blows up
-- - - -- --
SET NEW.field=next_id; from your code will never work because that is syntax (NEW) that is used only in triggers not stored procs
As per your sugession and assuming when adding UID data for Pk will auto populated, I am going to try
CREATE PROCEDURE rfidautomatic_INSERT(IN uid varchar(45))
insert into webtest.rfid_uid (rfiduid) values (uid);
let's say you have a stored proc and you have an auto inc column and a 2nd col. Just insert the data for the non auto inc column. Right after that insert stmt you can get the auto inc assigned in the call you just made. Would you like to see that?
yes, as in above procedure, I am doing exactly same
right after the call you can do:
set myVar=last_insert_id();
myVar would have been in a DECLARE
you can then use that id in a 2nd insert to a 2nd table or whatever. Or return it in an out param from the stored proc
but never use max() for this or that thing you first showed when you came here. Because you have high concurrency and it fails. 900 users could get back "ok it is safe to use the next id of 1234" when really it is not safe
2 hours later…
6 hours later…
2 hours later…
@que [c] =4cv
what happened to you @Queen?
I also delvoted this guy, blatantly too broad question answered extensively by 80k+ rep user.
@AndrasDeak keep this one or no? stackoverflow.com/q/40068153
@drew hey
I say nay
Sourav to the rescue;)
@AndrasDeak beat you by 3 secs, I guess...
probably, yes:)
@Drew any idea why queen is not responding? What did I miss?
@SouravGhosh she's not here:)
ask Petter or Tuna in SOBotics, I guess
@AndrasDeak I'm not sure...what gives? She's up in SOBotics, IIRC.
I know it's probably a different instance, but still....
@AndrasDeak Ahh, thanks to @drew, he already conveyed the message in SOBotics
@SouravGhosh no, single user named Queen
she's present in multiple rooms
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 (batch=530)
@Drew done, you mind providing a C batch, too?
I can ask queen once she's back, until then...
np gotta put a python in socvr room back in a few
@Drew Cool, thanks
@Drew deleted 1, 3
5 too
out of delvotes
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch=525)
@Drew yes sir!!
@Drew thanks, working on it.
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 1 min ago, by Tunaki
@Drew up to 2
If you look at the transcript there a few lines up there were python ones.
nvm give me a second
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch=531)
@Drew last 3 q's DVs are already by me. :(
thanks, but
11 mins ago, by Andras Deak
out of delvotes
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch=526)
@AndrasDeak I have some left, let me see
@SouravGhosh more C above
@SouravGhosh thanks:)
@Drew just to the limit
quota off
@AndrasDeak welcome, could not verdict on last 3, i'm out
ok Guys, 4:40 AM here, need to go to bed
see you tomorrow
take care:)
nite West Bengali
have a nice one
@Drew :)
python is all deleted
I won't shed any tears
thanks for helping
heck i think i owe you a lot of votes
I'm pretty sure you don't:)

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