@Drew @Drew Hahaha. No problem. That tag gets abused with so much garbage. At least 20% is first-timers asking for help before they've even read a chapter of Prata's C Primer Plus.
@Drew also, you can add me to the "ping for C help" section in the XLS files if you deem it appropriate.
I've gone through the android batch from the beehive. That leaves most of the entries at 4 CVs - none of my votes closed any. Just FYI for the next person :-)
If anyone has a few cycles to spare, all the remaining c++ entries are at 4xClose and are blatant "Needs MCVE/Learn-To-Ask" criteria. Why not hammer it like c yesterday? :)
Hmmm...all CSS is closed except for 10, 11, 12 - 10 looks like it might end up being closed with a duplicate that isn't close enough to what the OP wants, and the latter two may have been edited to redemption.
Hmmm...sure, you can publish them! I'll probably look at Python and C++ too, since I've worked a little in those languages (most of the questions probably don't require the deepest knowledge in the field, anyways).