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@Andrew Latham sure
Thanks a bunch!
So, to introduce myself, my name is Andrew Latham, and I'm a sophomore in Computer Science at Case Western
let's see how many of your questions I have answers for, I've only been a "professional" for about two years.
OK, well first, what is your name and what do you do in your job?
@AndrewLatham IRL name is "Tavis Bohne", my company makes telephone systems (voicemail/email/text/fax/automated systems/everything)
@AndrewLatham My job is to make the telephone speak grammatically correct sentences in other languages.
That's pretty cool, what parts of your education do you feel have come in most useful?
@AndrewLatham oddly enough, we had an assignment where we made an interpreter, that's been invaluable, since our multilingual stuff uses a custom interpreter, which I have highly modified.
Neat, which class was that for?
@AndrewLatham it was for a class on programming languages. How to make them and the vocabulary involved and such.
I've actually been trying to figure out a way to get a class like that to return to my school, it was discontinued a few years ago when the professor who taught it left.
@AndrewLatham The other thing that was helpful was an assignment where we had to sort a billion integers as fast as possible. I did a lot of crazy tricks, and it took 8 hours. My roommate did stupid simple obvious stuff, and his took 6 minutes.
Lesson: Don't be tricky, just make it go, and make it right. The compiler is smarter than we are.
Haha, so that my relate somewhat to the next question, do you feel like there's a lot of room for personal creativity in your job, or is it mostly by-the-book?
@AndrewLatham It's about 30% personal creativity (adding new features and making them work), and 70% fixing old mistakes. There's no book.
What's an example of an interesting feature you added?
@AndrewLatham Oh man, my "area" is (or at least was) primarily a program we had to organize audio in a special file for the telephones. Now it has copy-paste, import/export, it can load/edit/save the associated scripts, compile and play the scripts, compare sets, works via command line.... I rewrote that entire program in the last two years. It's also about 30% faster. It was old code.
Nice, that's really impressive!
Do you feel like the job gives you a fair work-life balance, or is it more skewed towards one or the other?
@AndrewLatham It's interesting, in college I did almost nothing but program (for homework and fun), with occasional games with my friends. I expected that when I got to the "real world", I would program and only program
Turns out the opposite happened. I can't bring the work code home, so I have to stop. And after 8 hours of programming what other people want, I just want to game with my friends. I'm more social than I was before, but I'm at a good balance.
Weekends are dedicated 100% to my girlfriend (soon to be fiance!)
Congratulations :)
I spend almost all my time working on classes or code now too, but I always hoped that that was kind of a phase to get through, and that once I was out of college I would have time for a life and other such things. So that's good to hear!
@AndrewLatham yeah, since you can't take work home, it changes things.
At the end of the day, are you just sick of programming, or do you ever go home and work on your own projects for fun or to make some money on the side?
@AndrewLatham I'm not sick of it, I still code on the side if something interesting strikes me, but now once I go home, I usually feel like I want to set it aside. I dream of side projects, but mostly just want to goof off with my roommmates.
I've actually found that if I have a side-project, now I tend to stay late at work and work on it then, so I stay in the right mindset.
A lot of my experience in computer science in my classes has been that sometimes you just can't figure out how to solve a problem. In class, you take a low grade, but what happens when that occurs in the real world?
@AndrewLatham actually, a lot of the time, real world problems have obvious solutions, it's rare for me to spend more than about 10 minutes wondering how best to approach a problem. For the cases that do require thought, I'll usually talk it out with a few guys around the office and someone will have an idea.
Worst case, I just put it off. Usually each person has a "to-do" list with lots of stuff, so if one stumps you, just work on other stuff for a few days, and think about it in the meantime.
@AndrewLatham in reality, that never happens. What does happen, is totally unexplainable bugs, which may take weeks to find or fix (and it's always just one line with a typo or bad assumption)
Is there any sort of anxiety in your position that any of your knowledge will go out of date or that the field will change and leave you behind?
@AndrewLatham I had one where I had a CArray of users, and I'd call std::sort on them, and it worked fine in debug, and if there was small numbers of users, but on large amounts of data it would crash for large numbers of users. Bug went away when I replaced the CArray with a std::vector. I didn't figure out the cause until almost 2 years later.
@AndrewLatham very much so actually. Programming changes fast. .Net was almost unheard of when I entered college, and when I graduated, almost every job required it. I feel like my skills at parallel computing are fuzzier than they ought to be, since we are rapidly heading for more and more cores, and that's going to change how we think about programming big time.
So parallel computing is really important. We just started covering that in my Computer Architecture class yesterday.
How do you handle that though, by studying on your own time? Or does your job help provide you with the skills to keep up with changes?
@AndrewLatham For example, the Intel Core 2, the first processor for people to have in their homes with multiple cores, was only released 5 years ago. And immediately all programmers had to start thinking differently, all the old stuff we were taught no longer applies.
@AndrewLatham don't depend on your job to train you. Whatever they may tell you, most companies like to stick to "safe" code, which means old code. When I said I rewrote the audio program thing, I have some of the design documents for that from 1987.
@AndrewLatham That's actually a big part of why I'm on StackOverflow, to keep my skills sharp, and to keep an ear out for how programming has changed.
@AndrewLatham For instance, C++11 came out half a year ago, and now the right way to do things in C++ has changed drastically.
Makes sense. That's a little unnerving. I guess you just always have o stay linked into things and always have to care about what's going on.
@AndrewLatham it's very scary. But it's exciting too. There's lots of people who think "why hasn't programming changed in the last 60 years" and the answer is simple. "You're not thinking about this the right way. Almost nothing is the same as 25 years ago, other than we still write text in files."
Right, just in the last three years it seems like everything I knew in high school has become completely irrelevant. Mobile device programming has completely exploded.
@AndrewLatham I actually haven't followed the mobile scene much. I personally hate Java (not for any good reason, just because), and most of the mobile scene is very into Java.
I've tried to get into it, some of my classmates have inspiring stories about making mobile apps and seeing people in random places using them.
Anyway, that's all the questions I have, thank you so much for spending so much time with me on this, I know it's been a lot longer than I asked for.
@AndrewLatham I think I'll get into it soon, I have an idea for an app I want to make. We'll see if I actually finish it at any point; I've always set my aims higher than I can normally reach.
@AndrewLatham I kept working between questions, no worries
Well, thank you and I really appreciate it, it was nice to meet you.
One wierd thing about the "real world" is they keep giving me vacation time and I don't know what to do with it.
You don't ever take vacation?
We just discussed this in my management class (actually the class this interview is for) yesterday, a hypothetical company wanted its employees to use their vacation time to reduce workplace stress, but they weren't using it, and we had to decide what the best solution was.
@AndrewLatham I have used my vacation to fly to Alaska to visit my family, but I have more vacation than I've been using, and it feels wierd to use it and not go anywhere.
Yeah, I guess it would be like you take time off from your job, and then go home and spend it coding anyway haha
@AndrewLatham push back all deadlines two weeks, and send an email to all employees saying that all deadlines have been pushed back two weeks to give them the opportunity to use their time. Also suggest a specific month or two as "good opportunities for a vacation". Since they don't have two weeks of vacation anyway, they'll know they have more time even if they use the vacation, lowering stress. That lowered stress allows them to feel like the company can afford to let them take their vaction.
(do I pass? I'd imagine I'd make a lousy manager.)
Well it's only my first management course, so I don't know that I'm the best judge, but i think that pushing back deadlines or suggesting times for employees to take time off would increase the inefficiency problem. Because in either case you'd have a lot of employees taking time off at the same time.
@AndrewLatham It's probably my lack of managerial skills, but I don't see the issue. I believe you though.
@AndrewLatham I thought we were fixing a morale problem.
You are, but the tricky thing about management is that it's like whack-a-mole, every action you take to fix one problem causes problems in other areas. It's incredibly frustrating, actually.
@AndrewLatham I bet. I've just wanted to be a code-monkey. Managing is beyond me.
I never exactly wanted to be a manager, but management teaches a lot of really good teamwork skills, and helps you understand a lot more what's going on around you. That's what I'm hoping, at any rate.
Anyway, my laptop is almost dying, so I need to leave. Thanks again for letting me interview you.
@AndrewLatham no problem.

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