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Q: OpenLdap exception : bdb unable to join the environment

Subodh JoshiIn Openldap after making changes when i am trying to run below command slaptest -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d/ I am end up with the below exceptions 562f60eb bdb_db_open: database "dc=tm,dc=tel,dc=ro": unclean shutdowed; attempting recovery. 562f60eb bdb_db_open: databa...

is slapd already running? This is the typical error you get in this case.
no Ldap is not running when i am trying to start ldap i am getting Checking configuration files for slapd: [FAILED] 562f6c02 ldif_read_file: Permission denied for "/etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config.ldif" slaptest: bad configuration file!
It sounds like you're running slaptest as an ordinary user instead of as root. try as root? Generally I would expect all the files/directories to end up owned by openldap
I am login as a root only.
ehhh… it sounds like you've run slaptest -f -F as root, which has created files owned by root, and now it's likely that trying to startup slapd is changing the user to openldap which doesn't have access to the config files anymore. You should make sure that all the files under /etc/openldap/slapd.d are owned by the user that the service slapd runs under (I've mentioned openldap as a user as it's a likely account name)
Ok What i did ,i removed to /etc/openldap and configuration and retry now its starting .But now i am getting another issue when i am connecting ldap from Apache directory,after making connection Root DSE have no any child so any import of ldif file i am getting openldap “no global superior knowledge”
Hi Petesh
Sorry to disturb you do u have few minutes
by removing /etc/openldap you've deleted all the configuration - which is required to have it work properly.
I have done with installation
slaptest when used with the -f -F options converts the file specified by -f into the directory structure at -F
Actually I have installed Openldap 6month back also at that time when i am trying to connect it with Apache DS it was showing child inside ROOT DSE(2), But now current installation its showing nothing
What configuration change did you make? it sounds like you've changed the baseDN of the tree, which is having cascading effects
In my /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
I made these entries
database bdb
suffix "dc=tn,dc=alcatel,dc=ro"
checkpoint 1024 15
rootdn "cn=root,dc=tn,dc=alcatel,dc=ro"
was this different to the previous entries?
Its a totally new installation with a new machine
Previous setup showing right values check attached screen shot
and you ran slaptest -f /etc/openldap.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d so that when slapd runs it tries to use the config from the directory, rather than the file?
does the ldif you're importing reference the new root dse or the old root DSE?
the error at import indicates that the ldif file you're trying to import can't attach into the tree as configured in slapd
actully the files which i am trying to import have previous refrence but
i changed that also
dn: dc=tm,dc=alcatel,dc=ro
dc: tm
description: Alcatel Lucent
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
o: Alcatel Lucent, Inc.
Now i copy paste dc=tm,dc=alcatel,dc=ro all the place where it was dc=in,dc=alcatel-lucent,dc=com
If you will see the current upload screen shot there you will get Apache DS showing child of Root DSE but in new setup its showing nothing
it will show nothing until you import some data
the fact that you can't import still seems to indicate that you've got something in your configuration that is referencing the old root prefix
hmm ut i made changes in ldif file, whole file totally changed
still some issue let me check one more time
[LDAP: error code 53 - no global superior knowledge]
You're better off running the ldif import using ldapadd or ldapmodify (i.e. from the command line). That way it will complain at the point of failure (generally easier to see the error in that case)
Hmm That i dnt knw and i have to add around 150 user thats y using file
Let me try this
dn: dc=tm,dc=alcatel,dc=ro
dc: tm
description: Alcatel Lucent
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
o: Alcatel Lucent, Inc.

## FIRST Level hierarchy - users
## uses mixed upper and lower case for objectclass
# this is an ENTRY sequence and is preceded by a BLANK line

dn: ou=users, dc=tm,dc=alcatel,dc=ro
ou: users
description: SEM PORTAL users
objectclass: organizationalunit

dn: ou=groups, dc=tm,dc=alcatel,dc=ro
ou: groups
description: All Groups in SEM PORTAL. LDAP Groups are synonymous with Roles in application
Even for Single entry it is giving same exception
it does seem to indicate that the openldap server is using a different basedn that you chose in the config file. Bear in mind that newer versions of openldap use an ldif-based config, so unless you re-run ldaptest, you won't be changing the configuration for the server
Ok but whever i made changes in config file i run the slaptest
and i got config file testing succeeded
did you use -f and -F option - to generate the directory tree of config?
yes slaptest -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d/
scratch that - can you check the content of '/etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config/olcDatabase{1}*.ldif' and make sure that the olcSuffix matches what you're trying to use?
the * is because it could be bdb or mdb (probably bdb in your case)
olcSuffix: dc=tn,dc=alcatel,dc=ro
here you can check dn: olcDatabase={2}bdb
objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
objectClass: olcBdbConfig
olcDatabase: {2}bdb
olcSuffix: dc=tn,dc=alcatel,dc=ro
olcAddContentAcl: FALSE
olcLastMod: TRUE
olcMaxDerefDepth: 15
olcReadOnly: FALSE
olcRootDN: cn=root,dc=tn,dc=alcatel,dc=ro
olcRootPW:: c2VjcmV0
olcSyncUseSubentry: FALSE
olcMonitoring: TRUE
olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap
is there an olcDatabase{1} file as well?
yes but its 0
[root@help cn=config]# ls
cn=schema cn=schema.ldif olcDatabase={0}config.ldif olcDatabase={-1}frontend.ldif olcDatabase={1}monitor.ldif olcDatabase={2}bdb.ldif
Its config file not bdb
yes, the bdb specifies the backend that's being used
So any file should be delete?
i omitted the .ldif because I was lazy. the olcDatabase{1} - no everything looks ok filewise (centos or rhel config)
Its too late in office leaving for home will talk to you next 30min
m at home
I just noticed that the olcDatabase file has an olcSuffix of dc=tn,... while the ldif file has it as dc=tm... (i.e. n vs. m)
wait let me check
Still same issue after changing it
Only thing is that it showing first child
Now it is giving issue with LDAP: error code 17 - refreshInterval: attribute type undefined
This link mentioned add a empty line and i already added empty line
if it's showing the first entry, then at least some of the addition code worked
it showing two entries
generally I use ldapadd on the ldif file, with the -c option to get it to keep trying to add entries in the face of pre-existing entries that would cause it to fail otherwise
if you're still getting global superior knowledge errors, then it means you're referencing missing parent items
No now i am not getting that error
Now it is giving issue with LDAP: error code 17 - refreshInterval: attribute type undefined
refreshInterval is somewhere in the ldif file?
dn: cn=admin,ou=users, dc=tn,dc=alcatel,dc=ro
sn:admin User
carlicense:HISCAR 123
mail:[email protected]
description:Admin User
has the definition of semUserObject been imported into the ldap config?
inetOrgPerson or any of it's containers doesn't have a refreshInterval attribute defined
I did not get your question but i am getting this
the entry you're adding is defined as a 'semUserObject'
a semUserObject has attributes like refreshActivation, refreshInterval defined for it
if you're using a fresh openldap configuration, then it probably doesn't have the definition of this object type
but in previous installation i did same just imported same file its worked
the previous installation probably has the definition of a semUserObject, or it's possibly got some default for unknown attributes configured
Ok what to do now
the second is unlikely, the first is most likely
you'll have to find the definition of semUserObject from a working database instance
all the definitions - refreshActivation, refreshInterval and userState seem to be defined in that object class
Can we get it from Apache DS?
possibly by using the export schema facility (seems to by googlable). I honestly don't know at this point - I don't use apache DS.
just as an additional note, this question and your related one are both sys-admin/power-user questions and would have been better asked on those stack exchange sites
you mean linux related stackoverflow
more likely or would have been the two places I would have gone first
unfortunately, at this point, you'll have to resolve the missing semUserObject schema before you can add any of the user accounts. you could create a schema file and add it - but that's less desirable than having the definition from a running directory server
hmm i have less knowledge to do all from command prompt mainly i am working on Java project new experience with ldap
it looks like this document -… should get you at least most of the way to exporting the definition from a working system? assuming that the working system has all the object information
hmm i am looking for it how to create a object class
ok, this seems to show how to read the schema:…
it also shows exporting it to an ldif for subsequent import it seems, later in the document
hmm looks lots of reading
tell me one thing
schema file have information about the dns ?
the schema file defines the structure of an object
Because whatever documents i got for setup they mentioned some schema files which i copied to etc/openldap/schema
when i am installing the openldap
in that directory, is there a file containing the schema definition of semUserObject - a simple grep of the files in the directory would indicate that
grep semUserObject /etc/openldap/schema/*
i am getting
/etc/openldap/schema/semuser.schema:objectclass ( NAME 'semUserObject'
ah - paydirt
we need to convert this file into a .ldif file and import it
so it mean object is there
did you reference this file in the /etc/openldap/slapd.conf file? there should be a bunch of lines like:
include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
and so on...
let me check
ok then my schema file entry is missing so its not able to load the object
it's a little bit trickier than that
slaptest converts the content of /etc/openldap/slapd.conf into a directory tree
when slapd starts it looks in the directory tree under /etc/openldap/slapd.d
Yes got your point
these incluses are missing from conf file
now i added them
re-running ldaptest should generate the appropriate .ldif file in /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=schema
yes rerun test also
Yes now import run successfully
ok, sounds like you're all sorted out then
yes thanks for your valuable time and effort
i waste your plenty of time.
can u plz share your gmailid
the first time I had to set up an LDAP server I encountered the missing attribute issue and the global superior knowledge issue, so it's all to be considered a learning experience
For me First time everything worked like charm but this time a nightmare
newer version of openldap -the configuration changing from the file to a directory structure has been a complete pain, but because you can now configure it using a directory browsing tool it's a mixed blessing
yes you are right i am not experience on ldap side
you are working on ldap or programming side
For development, I've needed to configure several different ldap server types so I've a bit of experience at administration as well as programming.
oh both way
generally, I need the ldap server for authentication, but in a QA environment there are no fixed LDAP servers to depend on so I have to automate their construction from a core configuration
then the authentication code gets a look in.
… and it's the authentication and authorization code that is the real task
oh from code you are trying to connect ldap
ldap, radius, tacacs - depends on what the customer wants to use
and then do operation through some API
because we're under linux, it uses PAM
can you share your gmailid
I can - it's pete.shanahan
anyway, I have to head home myself. Hope all your issues are sorted with this.
yes thanks for your time
m adding you in gmail
i drop a mail to you

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