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hello all
2 hours later…
I've done some CoreAudio work
how to refresh mapkit
1 hour later…
Hi All
Does anybody has done over the air installation or update of enterprise applications?
any expert help me out from my demo project.
problem with singleton....
i do like to share my project with you people..... where do i upload it.
5 hours later…
Hello is anyone there
I have got issue related to Bindings
I want to bind an NSTableView with multiple NSArrayControllers
I would be obliged if anyone can help !
@kiran Hmm, create a class, call it composite TableViewController, tht will take both as parameters and do what you want with each?
How can I bind an NSDictionary to NSArrayController ?
I do more iOS code, but ill look into it..
Use: [myArrayController addObjects:[myDictionary keys]]
or values, if you need the values
4 hours later…
anyone in here familiar with core data?
for iOS?
Hi everyone
is there any to give me a hand?
2 hours later…
what was the core data question?
does anybody knows if it is possible to ignore the tab caracter in a textField?
[string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\t" withString:@""]?
hey! thanks... but I need to not allow the user to type the tab character
if i'm building a game that has "puzzle packs", or a collection of puzzles, where each puzzle is essentially just a string, what's an easy to use data mechanism to store this puzzle content in my application so that I don't have to compile my code every time the content changes?
property lists look like a good approach
(i'm reading about them right now)
@Omer set a delegate on the UITextField and implement textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString and return NO when the replacement string is a tab character
@loomer thanks! but the problem is that the delegate method is not called when you type a tab character
Beach runner plists are likely the best way to go about that, yes.
As far as I know there is no way to prepopulate the sqlite db on an app without having the code to do that run on the execution of your app, since the sandboxed directory that contains the db file is created the first time you run the app.
thanks, kyle
as far as core data goes, i wanted to ask if anyone knows of any documents or tutorials that cover one-to-many relationships. the Apple docs go over it, but not with enough detail to allow me to really manipulate and save these kinds of relationships in core data
3 hours later…
somebody knows why are two objective-c rooms???

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