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Hi all
I have almost completed my application and i am in a problem while applicationWillenterforeground is called. can someone help
Hi all.. I have posted one question in stackoverflow.com/questions/… please help me how to solve thi issue..
Hi, Please help me with my question. This is urgent. stackoverflow.com/questions/5334750/…
hello all
Hi Fasttracks
Can you help me with my problem
Can we add subview to a subview
@developer Hi..Do u know how to solve my problem?
@Fasttracks Hi Fasttrac.....Can u help me how to integrate linkedin,twitter anf facebook to my app?
Q: MFMailComposeViewController app crash in ipad.

Fasttrackshello, I have a problem in MFMailComposeViewController. if no one login in mail and i try to open this view, app crashes how to solve this? if i login frommail in ipad and after that i try to load this its working fine. Thanks, Shyam Parmar

Hi noam do u know how to solve my isssue?
how to press navigation bar's back button programatically
hi...try this way..UIBarButtonItem* item = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:container];

// set the nav bar's right button item
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = item;
[item release];
Hi Guy's.......!!
@Alekhya:Can u answer to my question.I am struggling for it from past 20 days...!!
@RaviKumarSingh to press the button, u need to cal popview.i think so...[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];this will return you to the previous view controller
Thank you very much. It works
@MonishKumar No monish,sorry
@Alekhya:Its k.No prbs.
@RaviKumarSingh its ok....
@RaviKumarSingh Hi can u solve my problem?
Hi manjotsingh...
I will try my best
@RaviKumarSingh ok thank u..
@RaviKumarSingh Did u find solution?Im struggling from past 1 mth
Can anyone suggest me how to solve my issue?im struggling frompast 1 mth...
Hi all
do somebody know how to detect an external keyboard in ipad?
the code for that i mean
hi all..
hi priya
@MonishKumar hi..
@SriPriya:Hey priya I need to ask u one question regarding to coreTelephony.framework.
@MonishKumar i didnt worked on it.., wats ur question? if i know i will tell u..
@SriPriya:Actually I am getting the call status as the call disconnected when I disconnect the call and I need to get that disconnected call number.
@MonishKumar sorry, i didnt know, if i found solution to ur question, i wil let u know..
@SriPriya:Please do that..Any way thanks.!!
@MonishKumar can u help me for my question stackoverflow.com/questions/5321374/…
@SriPriya:Sterday I saw this post sry yar Im aware of 4.3.
@MonishKumar its ok..
@SriPriya:If u want anyother help ask I will try to help.
@MonishKumar thanks..,
@SriPriya:Welcome... :)
A: Iphone NSUserDefaults Trouble?

Fasttracksat here you should cast float to string; NSString *musicVolume = musicVolumeSlider.value; athere you should cast string to float theAudio.volume = music_Volume; OR use [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]setFloat:musicVolume forKey:@"musicVolume"]; instand of string

hi all
Q: how to detect an external keyboard in my app??

Risma i made a simple text editor that using UITextView, when i try to running my app in device and using apple wireless keyboard, my app show different behavior with before i use that wireless keyboard. Is there any way to detect if an external (bluetooth or usb) keyboard is connected to the iPad? i m...

please see my question
can any one please suggest me how to parse pdf document and get stream of string from that
hi all...
hi prasanna
@Renuga, hi
hello prasanna..how r u?
fine. how abt u
hmmm :-) fine...
@Renuga hi
@Prasanna hi
@ManjotSingh, hi
@Prasanna:one doubt: how can i stop NSURLRequest...
no chats here y
@Prasanna what u doing?
@ManjotSingh:hello...how r u?
@Prasanna ok tell me i want launch an app from url from safari of iphone
@ManjotSingh, hm working on scrollview
@Renuga fine
@ManjotSingh:wht u dng?
@Prasanna who is working on scroll view
@Renuga launching an open via url
busy wid ur task ah?
@Prasanna ok
@Prasanna any issue
@Renuga launch an app via url
s but i need to try logic here
@Prasanna what is the issue
@ManjotSingh, scrollview with orientation issue
have u aware of this
@Renuga with latest ios 4.3
@ManjotSingh:how can i stop NSURLRequest
@Renuga means
@Renuga i didnt get u
@Prasanna u need to set the dimensions of the view
@Prasanna u r working on the ipad or iphone
iphone. but after this gonna also work on ipad too
some images are loading by NSURLRequest..at the same time i try to go to next view..app crashes..that's y i want to stop NSURLRequest...
after change the orientation my scroll gets enlarges..
@Prasanna call different view
@Renuga go for the multiple threads
when it was first time it has height 250 after orientation it goes up to 460.. under my imageview i saw white empty space
u mean different xib
@Prasanna make two views in one xib only
@Prasanna then call different views in the orientation method
@Renuga i was having same problem
k. when the landscape mode, what needs to be kept in mind
@Renuga use NSThreads
i mean, should i change only the frame
@Renuga or go for NSOperation
guys,i thought synchronous thread cant stop the request... is it?
NSOperationQueue will not stope the request
@Prasanna they work as a multithreading it wont stop the response while it image will load in the backhand
@ManjotSingh:okay..here,click on the back button to go for anotherview i want to stop NSURLRequest...
@ManjotSingh:plz giv some ideas for doing this..
@Prasanna:plz guide me
@Renuga what i think is to other than stop the response
@Renuga better u go for multithreading
y should u want stop the request
suppose i want to go for the anotherview ,while loading the request. app getting crashes...wat can i do for avoiding app crash..
@Renuga yes m saying na go for NSThread
@Renuga it will load the app in different thread and the app will run in different thread
@Renuga, Better you have to load some view for disable the user's action mean while clicks the application until the request finished, Else you have to use NSOperation
here we can place some trick on this.
@ManjotSingh:by using NSThread ..i achieve this ah?
@Renuga but we cant make user to wait because the response may be of 15-20 sec if many images are loading i think user will not wait
@Renuga we are having to option
@Renuga either go with NSThread or NSOperationQueue
@ManjotSingh:okay i try to use NSThread or NSOperationQueue...and let u know..
@Renuga [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(reload) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
@Prasanna:whre is ur trick for this..
@Renuga reload is the method name where the images are loading
before loadin u set the view as alpha 0
when parsing completed again change it to 1
@Renuga put an activity indicator view where images are loading
@Renuga then remove it when the images get loaded
@ManjotSingh:s friend..i'm putting activity for loading and remove the indicator after loading..
@Renuga exactly
@Prasanna:and try it and let u know friend..
@Renuga, if you set the activity indicator, it doesn't solve your problem.
@PugalDevan:yeah..user knows images are loading.but,they simply go to next view..then app crashes..
@Renuga, Wait i will explain now
@PugalDevan:okay :-)
@Renuga, First you need tohttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/3610043/on-clicking-the-button-to-changed-the-view-is-need-to-use-synchronous-method-in create one temporary view with activity indicator, Refer my questn:
@Renuga, So you need to create one temporary view with activty indicator, First you should show the temp view with activity indicator, When your request is finished after that temp view is hidden and activity also remove
@Renuga i am not getting why user waits for loading of the images
@Renuga if images are more then 10 images and if the response will be of 1 min
@Renuga so the best approach is to load the images in different thread and let the user play with app
@Renuga, How much time will take for your request, Which type of request you have used NSURLConnection or ASHTTPRequest?
@PugalDevan:1 min..
i'm using NSURLConnection..
@Renuga, Okay.:)
for request
@Renuga try with NSThread
@ManjotSingh, Yeah tats better, using to load a image for different thread, tats the good approach.
@Renuga i faced the same problem
@PugalDevan yes
Hi Manjot, how are you?
@PugalDevan hi
@PugalDevan fine
@PugalDevan what about you?
@ManjotSingh, Did you solve your memory leaks problems? I hope, your apps in AppStore now.
@ManjotSingh, Good
@PugalDevan memory issues solved
@ManjotSingh, Nice.:)
@PugalDevan but still m getting leaks but app is not getting crashed
@PugalDevan it is about to launch
NSString *jsonCoupons = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlOfGetCoupons] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];//UTF8
4:57 PM
jsonParser = [SBJSON new];

//allCouponsDict = [jsonCoupons JSONValue];

allCouponsDict = [[jsonParser objectWithString:jsonCoupons error:nil]retain];//Putting JSON all Coupons Data in Dictionary.

//allCouponsDict = [jsonParser objectWithString:jsonCoupons error:nil] ;//Putting JSON all Coupons Data in Dictionary.

listOfCoupons = [allCouponsDict objectForKey:@"ListOfCoupons"] ;//Fetching data of All Coupons From Dictionary.
i am using this code
@PugalDevan it shows leaks in allCouponsDict
@PugalDevan if i'll remove retain then app get crashed
@ManjotSingh, Okay.
@PugalDevan anything about it?
@PugalDevan is there any way to solve it?
@ManjotSingh, one min
@PugalDevan sure.
@Renuga are there?
@Prasanna are u there?
@Prasanna did u see my issue?
NSString *jsonCoupons = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlOfGetCoupons] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];//UTF8
4:57 PM
jsonParser = [SBJSON new];

//allCouponsDict = [jsonCoupons JSONValue];

allCouponsDict = [[jsonParser objectWithString:jsonCoupons error:nil]retain];//Putting JSON all Coupons Data in Dictionary.

//allCouponsDict = [jsonParser objectWithString:jsonCoupons error:nil] ;//Putting JSON all Coupons Data in Dictionary.

listOfCoupons = [allCouponsDict objectForKey:@"ListOfCoupons"] ;//Fetching data of All Coupons From Dictionary.
@Prasanna i am getting leaks in allCouponDict
// Get the parsed JSON object
parser = [[SBJSON alloc] init];
NSError *error = nil;
dict = [parser objectWithString:urlDataString error:&error];
I have used like that in my code, i haven't retain the dict value.
@PugalDevan have u pass the dictionary values in an array
@ManjotSingh,still i havent worked with json
@Prasanna not an issue
@Prasanna thanks for replying
@ManjotSingh, Dict is the NSMutable Dictionary
its k
@PugalDevan yes i am using NSMutableDictionary only
@ManjotSingh, Hmm, But i think, don't need to retain that values in your code.
@PugalDevan but if i remove retain then app gets crashed else it show memory leak
@PugalDevan is there any other way
@ManjotSingh, you have tried that, parser = [[SBJSON alloc] init]; instead of [SBJSON new]
@ManjotSingh, i am not sure, But have to try that and removed the retain value itself.
urlOfGetCoupons =[[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@", GetCouponsURL];//url of get coupons

[defaults removeObjectForKey:@"position"];//checking for position

int maxNo = [[defaults objectForKey:@"offers"]intValue];//checking offers in list

if (maxNo == 0) {

maxNo = 10;//setting mex no. to 10

int range = [[defaults objectForKey:@"range"]intValue];//checking for range

if (range == 0) {

range = 250;//setting range to 250


if (mUserCurrentLocation.coordinate.longitude == 0) {
longitude = 0;//setting longitude to 0
@PugalDevan m using this code
@PugalDevan and m getting [NSCFString copyWithZone]
@ManjotSingh:yes..i'm here only..
@PugalDevan NSCFString appendString
@Renuga please look into the issue here is my code
@PugalDevan NSDecimalNumberPlaceHolder
@Renuga m getting memory leaks
@PugalDevan are u there?
@ManjotSingh, yes seeing ur code now
@PugalDevan okkk
Postng code, its better to use pastebin.com
here you can paste your codes @ManjotSingh
@Prasanna i dont know how to use it
very easy, just paste your code enter the code which u seen in screen then submit, afterwards u will get url
just passt it here
@ManjotSingh, WHy do you all the strings are to be Alloc and init?
s right
looks good know
@PugalDevan so what should i do
@PugalDevan either i should use new instead of alloc and init
@ManjotSingh, You should go through some documents about NSString, for eg, NSString *clientId = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@",[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]];//reteriving clientId
NSString *clientId = [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]];
@PugalDevan but all string has been released
Thats too much memory has allocated ur apps, it would decrease ur apps performance itself
@PugalDevan and alloc and init is being used for checking how much is the allocation
@PugalDevan so where is the issue and on which line of code u think i should change to reduce the memory allocations
@PugalDevan are you there?
@Prasanna are you getting what is going on?
@ManjotSingh, If any need is to allocate the string, so that time you have to allocate the string, otherwise you don't need to alloc. Same thing is retain also, if you retain the values, so the memory will increase +1. NSstring *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"the string is %@", stringValue];
not.so keeps silents
@PugalDevan that i know...if we use release then memory will decrease with 1
@PugalDevan what do u think.....is there any change in the code or what should i do in the code
@Renuga could you please look into the code
@ManjotSingh, it's hard to find where the leaks appear, Wats the leak message?
@ManjotSingh, code is too long.
@PugalDevan have look in the link and let me know on which line u think there should be change in the link
@PugalDevan ok tell me the solution either to rectify the issues
@ManjotSingh, [jsonCoupons release]; you released early and have to use again here, allCouponsDict = [[jsonParser objectWithString:jsonCoupons error:nil]retain];, tats not good. Once the method is closed then released that instance, if the instance value is used for the whole class then need to release dealloc method
@PugalDevan can u please mention the line number
@ManjotSingh, those things are possible to your apps get crashed. No:131
@PugalDevan no no app is not crashing at all
@PugalDevan app works fine there is no issue with app crashing
@ManjotSingh, No, i am speaking generally, you have to follow like that
@PugalDevan i am talking about memory leaking only
@PugalDevan sure
@PugalDevan other this any other issues
@Renuga hello are u there?
@ManjotSingh, Have to go for Break, BRB
@PugalDevan sure..
@ManjotSingh:come back..just now..
@Renuga please look into the code
@Renuga m getting the memory leak in dictionary
@Renuga have u worked with the json ever before
@ManjotSingh, do u punjabi
@Prasanna yes
me like punjabi's
u know hindi?
@Prasanna where r u from?
@Prasanna yes
u r from?
@Prasanna how much is the experience in iphone
@Prasanna m from delhi
oh nice.
@Prasanna i did my engineering from banglore
which college. 3months back i was in bangalore
@Prasanna ok and what is ur qualication
@Prasanna ok
@PugalDevan:sorry friend..
@Renuga for what
i don't know abt JSON...
@Renuga, Wats up?
@Renuga how are u dealing with NSURLRequest
@Renuga, Enna Pbm?
@PugalDevan did u get any answer
@ManjotSingh, Just now back
@PugalDevan ok
i just disable the user interaction till image complete loading..
@Renuga, Okay, then wat happened?
@Renuga oh thats gr8
@Renuga what happen then it works fine
@Renuga is image data is changing
yeah..now it's works good...
@Renuga are u caching images
@Renuga. Okay fine.
@Renuga could u please help me to sort the issue
@PugalDevan please tell me the how to deal with json
@ManjotSingh, Already you have done with the JSON part.
@PugalDevan ya i had done with json
@PugalDevan but if there would be any other way to handle with json
@ManjotSingh:sry frnd..i don't know json
@Renuga not an issue
@ManjotSingh, I know, only the SBJSON parser and thats also good one.
@PugalDevan i had used it
@PugalDevan brb
@ManjotSingh, OKay.:)
@PugalDevan yes
Hi All, Good Evening!!!!
@Suresh_Again hi
hi can any one have idea to search text on pdf
@Suresh_Again hi
can anyone help me to add the facebook share in iphone app
@ManjotSingh are you available
@breakfreehg yes
have you worked with the above thing before
@breakfreehg tell what is the issue?
i want to add the facebook connect into my app but creating issues
@dinakar soma May this will help u
@breakfreehg what do u want with facebook
@breakfreehg you just want to access it or you want to post wall
@breakfreehg what do u want exactly with it
i want to share the photo clicked from my app.
@Suresh_Again thank you suresh..i already seen that...
i tried with the fbconnect but i am getting various issue due to its my 1st day with xcode 4
@breakfreehg is the image coming from server or it is in the resources
xcode 4 is completely diffrent
i will have it in the uiimage
@breakfreehg ya m using the same
@Suresh_Again i want to highlight the text
but those links not working for me.
@breakfreehg no the image is in ur code
no it will be clicked from camera
is there any need to store the image
or should i get the image from the server
@breakfreehg no be definite what is the requirement of an app
@breakfreehg where is the image
@breakfreehg ok m saying from u were getting an image
leave tell me can we create and image from two images
one image i will get from webservice and one image i will be getting from the camera click
which will be in the uiimage view
can we do this?
after that i want to send the image i.e share the image on fb twitter email and download
can you help me out?
@ManjotSingh are you there?
anyways thnks tc
5 hours later…
is some1 there?
any one could know about the InterfaceOrientation..
uiscrollview with orientation
2 hours later…
hi all

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