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2 hours later…
Hi there people. Any experienced core data devs here? I get a warning when building, but I very intentionally created the design like this. Is this bad practice? "OLocation.images -- to-many relationship does not have an inverse: this is an advanced setting (no object can be in multiple destinations for a specific relationship)"
This is the part of the design, an OImage can be used by many different object and is never used in reverse lookup, thus doesn't have inverse values. grabs.epologee.com/6a9b70ab3d4b665c63851fd979d38f6d.png
unaware of that.
any body aware of xmlparse with reloaddata
hi guys
any one know about simple code for lazy load
me using xmlparsing with images. i refer apple resources. but not understood
2 hours later…
anyone aware on lazy load uiimage - simple
@PrasannaVenkatesh yes wat u need?
hai then tell to goahead with.
i am struggling from 1week
i used nsthread to display UIimage, text from URL but its working and showing image only after i scroll the tableview
so now i need simple steps to do that
may be need to reload table end of the nsthread
ya i done. but not works
@PrasannaVenkatesh k
then what shld i do
how u work on LazyLoad Image? tell the same
why u need nsthread
@PrasannaVenkatesh i am using in table view method
to display image on cell
bcoz if we put urldownload in background process as thread, the tableview doesnot jerk nah
k will it ur method display image from url? also im using custom cell too
@PrasannaVenkatesh its working ,i am displaying from url only
then tell the idea. what u had using
also send me the sample codes
@PrasannaVenkatesh one sec
also i use operation queue, its too not working
@PrasannaVenkatesh in table view cellfor row at index i placed this code
what is that
[lazyImage loadImageFromURL:url];
[cell.contentView addSubview:lazyImage];
u need lazy image class
@PrasannaVenkatesh do u hav lazy image class
u give me that class of all
soon pls
2 hours later…
oh god no one is here
any one knwo about lazyimage download tableview
very bore

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