@Yatin Which one? :) There's one about retracting flags. Another about a deleted Answer. One about singing posts.. And one about if it's fine to close a post just because it's uninteresting.
Ohh.. and one about downloading the JDK. And about having negative reputation on a post without deleting it :)
@CodyGray But it requires more than "My inputs are Y and I'd like to do X" -- you need minimal working examples, you need some evidence that you aren't just asking somebody else to do your job. We need the same thing here for "homework" to be on-topic. We need to see what work was done so far, we need to see where you got stuck (the error log, so to speak). — tpg2114 ♦13 mins ago
Moderators on other sites are using fundamental misinterpretations of Stack Overflow's rules to justify their own even more misguided rules!
huh. Heuristics are becoming rules. Not surprising given the rules (what is too broad) are difficult to interpret and the heuristics (evidence of work) are not.
It isn't clear to me whether the keyboard works in QEMU under other operating systems. If so, that narrows the problem down pretty clearly to that version of Solaris.
Ugh, only because there wasn't anything better. The problem really isnt solved. I think the "who" is a bit harsh. They point out that the policy is aimed at the substance of the question, which is correct. The problem I see is that its likely whatever decisions are made with that policy will not be internally consistant.
Oh holy hell. They deleted the answer because the question violated the policy? How many NAA flags have been declined becuase the question was explicitly asking for resources.
If it doesn't have it because someone made a decision and only spoke about to a small group of people, those are the only ones that can actually answer it.. the rest of us can only guess.
@CodyGray It's the slope to apathy. First you get pissed off, then you get depressed. I just move past pissed off pretty quickly. At some point I'll get to apathy and that's when I'll log out and not log back in.
@CodyGray I very very rarely return to anything that I've given up on. I don't think I've ever done it. I just have a "I gave up"-sign in my head on it, and I don't think I even consider it an option. It's like taking a bad lover back. Why make the same mistake twice?
@CodyGray No, I don't -- it says "What is the distance." If it said "How do I set up the equations for the forces" or "What forces need to be accounted for" or a multitude of other possible concepts that could go towards solving the problem, then it wouldn't be off topic. It would take a relatively minor edit to bring it in line with the need for conceptual questions, and then it could be reopened (although there would need to be clarification on what speed or acceleration breaks bone). Or if it said "Here's my free-body-diagram and I get it takes infinite distance, but I don't know why." — tpg2114 ♦46 secs ago
I did that too.. when I was young and foolish enough to think that things would be any different the second time around. It wasn't. It never is.. and ghosts that were forgotten starts to pop up and one get the familiar feeling of "Yeah, that's what happen the last time".
Ah, so, what it needed to be was a "debug my free-body-diagram" question.
I totally understand now.
I wish I knew why a legitimate answer was deleted, or even why the question was closed if it could be turned into a valid question by a trivial rephrasing.
@CodyGray Heh.. that is a very good question you could ask of someone having a diamond on a site. If they can change the question, why are they arguing for it's closure?
@CodyGray Those are ignorant and do stuff for the wrong reasons. They sometimes learn from other users that are ignorant. My problem with it is that moderator's actions have a lot more weight and when they do something, it's a lesson to others. They're the example to follow.
@Scratte Well, that's probably true, unless it was edited. The edits completely change the situation, so that the original vote is irrelevant and must be reassessed.
Nothing is true for everything. But the vast majority of the time, when a moderator closes a post, I don't think it should just be reopened without any modifications.
@Scratte +1 There are far too many folks users with delete privileges that don't know (or don't care) how to use them. I was one, for a while, but I learned.
Second dup for vowel question: stackoverflow.com/q/46388214/1456253. Point is that a couple of seconds of googling could have made it clear the question was a dupe. That annoys people who retaliate by closing the question rather than dup linking.
@code11 They're not perfect dupes (there's more needed to collect as a list), and I've recently been convinced by a moderator to be more exact with what I call a duplicate.
@RyanM Same reason high rep users decline my edit suggestions then made the same edits as an "improvement"
@Scratte because one is printing them out and the other is appending them to a list? I agree with being targeted with dupe links but thats kinda splitting hairs...
@code11 Lots of dupes for the vowel/python question. But, if its a dupe then it should be closed as a dupe. I've already voted on that one, so I'm near-powerless (other than comments) to act.
Generally, dupes shouldn't be deleted unless they provide no additional value. This had a bunch of new solutions, because it was a slightly different question.
But we're supposed to be curators. Without the dupe target, that deletion is entirely inappropriate. It's a reasonable question, from a potentially useful contributor, who's now been thrown out of the boat.
So, you're happy for that use to go away with the message (from the close vote - delete votes have no message): This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
@cigien I generally wouldn't. Adrian claimed they are a "potentially useful contributor", which itself is a non-trivial claim that needs evidence. The only evidence I would have at hand is that question, since we're talking about that question. And that question doesn't display anything along those lines.
@AdrianMole so you would prefer us to undelete, reopen, hammer as a dupe and delete again?
@AndrasDeak Ok thanks for clarifying, that's what I thought you were talking about. Let me just say that I'm very careful about making that judgement based on the initial posts of any user. I know that personally, my initial couple of posts are a very poor reflection of the current quality of my contributions. Perhaps it was different for you.
But it's the whole "knee-jerk" reaction that upsets me. For that question (it's not my field, by the way), somebody should have found the dupe early on. Then ... no problem.
@cigien it was, but that doesn't really matter. I don't extrapolate from myself.
@AdrianMole yes, as I said it's not optimal. But if someone after 12 years of SO's existence says "hmm, how do I remove vowels in a string?" and their solution is to ask a new question, they are (also) to blame
I guarantee that a person who can't google how to find vowels and/or read a tutorial to learn that in a constructive manner will not see a difference between a deleted dupe and a deleted non-dupe
that would need the same skill: reading messages on the screen
I'm (relatively) new here. But, even if I weren't, I would no doubt have controversial opinions. SO is a Community-driven site and if, sometimes, there is discord in that community, then ... Vive la Difference!
Here's one for y'all: I have (as do others) the power wipe out this answer (some rude comments have already been mod-deleted). Should I, just because I can?
From that perspective, I'd delete if you believe it's clearly wrong and couldn't possibly be of any value to anyone, and might mislead someone looking for help
I sort of kind of want to learn JavaScript but ... strawberries.
... I know the basics, of course, and can spot a glaring error, but there's a lot that can be done with a little learning, maybe.
@cigien That's probably the one I use most (consciously) ... it's nice when you come across an especially bad/good post in reviews that has bad previous reviews.
I probably get the most use out of Sam's Review Queue Helper script. It helps ease some inefficiencies in the queue by reducing some unnecessary clicking.
@cigien You seem to broadening your scope - and that's good!
... there are so many ways in which any one of us can contribute to this Community. It's entirely up to each individual how they choose to express their contribution.
... curation versus answering versus asking vs Meta posts ... irrelevant.
Yes. which is what I meant to say, and in doing so upset some people. But on the bright side, I do not feel I have much to lose. I already got serial voted on today.
@AdrianMole Yes, which to me means that one can change behaviour and attitude on the issue.
I just with that someone that close votes or delete votes those post can come with an actual compelling argument for why that is reasonable. But as far as I can see, none of them have been. All references to meta posts have also not been explained as to how they apply to the posts.
@Scratte This may not make you feel better, but posts like that go poof all the time. The fact that 2 of them happened in quick succession, and were noticed, and discussed at length, is a positive thing. Kind of the opposite of a setback really.
I have an Answer that has a few typos. I don't want to fix them.. only because I don't want to bump the post. Since bumping the post may expose it to aggressive close voters.
@Scratte Just so it's clear, I would never do what I said 2 messages above, it was a joke. I think that much should be obvious from my general behavior, but I'll be explicit just in case that's not.