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A: Ajax script not working on Form Submit?

Praveen KumarYou have already attached the AJAX call, but forgot to prevent the default submission event. So, use event.preventDefault(): $('#SavePassword').submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Rest of your code. if ($(this).valid())

Still sends me to the same page.
@GarrithGraham Can you show a live URL?
Any errors in the Console?
When clicking the submit I only have one error on the page it redirects me to no element found it is still redirecting me to the Account/Manage view. I dont have a live url at the moment. This has been giving me a headache for 4 days now.
@GarrithGraham Keep the preserve log button checked. And tell me what all do you see?
What is the preserve log button and where do I find it in Firefox?
@GarrithGraham Can you try using Chrome?
Hey Tushar!!!
Tushar, tell if what I have given is a right approach or not? What do you think?
Hi Garrith...
So can you use Chrome buddy?
Hello Praveen, gimme a moment will need to install.
Ah okay...
I know Tushar is also another great guy, who could help you in this issue.
thanks :) MVC just doesnt want to play ball at all.
Running on low speed connection, bear with me
I believe Firefox / Firebug, should have a preserve log...
Its been long time before I used Firefox... It has become one hell slow ****.
the extra addons make it worth it
Chrome's catching up...
Even though it is eating up memory, it is good...
Are we here to discuss browsers?
^^^ LoL..
He's installing the browser. Please wait.
I use multiple tabs 20/30 at a time chrome use to crap out on me
I made an update to the question
Sorry buddy, you are lesser than me. I have 100 tabs min.
I couldn't see any update.
Last one was 5 mins ago.
Do you mean that?
Me, max 7-10 tabs
It's easier to manage your work
The update was to show how I am loading the partial page. I put the script inside the partial, however not sure if it can call tab-2
should the script be in the view that displays the partial or inside the partial itself?
@GarrithGraham Try $(document).on('submit', 'myFormSelector', function() {
ok how do I open a console and use this log button?
You copied my chat message! :P LoL.
Ok now what am I looking for?
@PraveenKumar Slow connection :(
Click on the console tab.
Click on Preserve checkbox.
and then click my button?
what am I looking for here?
Can you see some kind of errors there?
Something unexpected or wrong?
Do you have teamviewer?
all messages are just status 200
wait what the hell it did work
it doesnt work when I leave the items blank or make a mistake
if I make the proper password change it redirects???
^ What's that?
I dont get it, if I change the password it works fine and redirects, if I leave the textboxs blank or enter the wrong password it sends me to the Account/Manage?

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