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A: How to solve staleelement exception in selenium

Shubham JainTry below code:- public boolean Click(By by) { boolean status = false; for(int i=0; i<3;i++) try { driver.findElement(by).click(); status = true; break; } catch(StaleElementException e) { } return status; }

how to change it in my code?? why do i use loop here??
i know...just now i saw the website
It's a separate function which you can call where you are facing stale element error. just pass the element here which throwing error. I never tried it so may it help you
It's check wheather element is present or not. if element is not present now then it return false and if it is present then it will click for you.
you can also refer my answer here :-…
but i dont know in which place am getting staleelement exception
which place you are getting error
there must be a line number where your are getting error
now place that element in the code
that error came up because that element was present present before but now it is gone may be because of your JS.
So now what happening selenium is not able to locate that element and throwing such error
so you have to verfiy that is the element name is change or what happen to the element property
yeah i got line no
but it was totally different
in a diff place am getting this error
is that error occur only for one element or many other elements
only one element where I am getting a column value and checking the data with excel
try {
idz = idx * perRowCols.size();

Standard_TC_002.colsValue = tcols.get(idy);


in if condition am getting that erro
means here :- if(Standard_TC_002.colsValue.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(subName)){
yeah exactly
so is Standard_TC_002.colsValue have any value
do this before error coming statement
i didnt try it out
let me check it out pls
but it will display the value i think
colsValue have value
subName is a srting which you have fetching from sheet
and if the you are getting such error on same place that means selenium is not able to find something
something means element
It is a only thing which I can tell you now
do you mean that looping??
Standard_TC_002.colsValue is a webelement right?
no its just a srting
it is a webelement
Standard_TC_002.colsValue is element and then you are using gettext() method to extarct a string from a element
and then you are comparing that string with subName
thats your code tell me
u r right
yeah mistake i told it is a string
so probably Standard_TC_002.colsValue element is now no more avaiable on your HTML code
sorry HTML DOM
check it once
how to check it out??
or pass that element in the code which I have share with you
just change the click element to gettext
if i try to print, it lists all values correctl
and save it into anystring
if the element is not available then how it could be print my values
values. a single element is giving you more then one value
means returning you more than one value..
it means i have given it under @Test annotation. so based on my condidion it will return
but actually it gives me single value at a time.
so do i need to use ur loop??
nup in that case
dont confuse ur self...i am using @test annotation and reading data from excel..thats it
also i use for loop for that above element
everytime it iterates it returns a single value
I have to see the full code. I can't say anything in this satge
try {
idz = idx * perRowCols.size();

Standard_TC_002.colsValue = tcols.get(idy);
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
columnValue = Standard_TC_002.colsValue.getText();


now see u said, i use for loop. inside it am iterating and getting the value of element
but still get the same issue

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