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12:21 AM
@KonradRudolph Okay, just posted:
A: Left factorisation in Parsing Expression Grammar

seheAs proposed in chat you could start out with something like: expression = addition | simple; addition = simple >> ( ('+' > expression) | ('-' > expression) ); simple = '(' > expression > ')' | call | unary | number; call = id >> *expression; unary = qi::...

See for code: gist.github.com/2152518 (which was forked from your gist)
Both approaches compile. I suspect the 'iterative' parsing (using 'natural' order for the terms in addition) will be more efficient. However, the AST is somewhat less natural
@Sleep well
12:34 AM
@KonradRudolph just for completeness:
AST: ((((1 + 2) - 3) + 4) - 5)
Workyworky :)

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