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A: Setting a System Wide path in Mac Yosemite

PeteshRather than adding a system wide path like this, you should add the rpath to the libraries to applications that depend on boost. To add the rpath option, you do Project Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Miscellaneous and in the linker flags add: -Wl,-rpath,/Users/myName/Documents/Software...

Putting the above line throws a compile time error: ld: unknown option: -Wl,-rpath,/Users/myName/Documents/Softwares/boost_1_59_0/stage/lib
it sounds like your linker is ld rather than the compiler driver. In that case change it to -rpath /Users/myName/Documents/Softwares/boost_1_59_0/stage/lib. If you get a linker error related to minimal mac os versions, you'll also have to add -macosx_version_min 10.5 as well.
after removing -Wl...I am getting ld: unknown option: -rpath,/Users/myName/Documents/Softwares/boost_1_59_0/stage/lib . There is no error related to the Mac version.
replace the comma with a space (i.e. -rpath path) the comma is if you need to send it through the compiler frontend, which, because you're using ld is not needed.
After your previous comment, there was no compile time error but again I am getting the same runtime error for which I posted the question :(
@skm the pathname as mentioned needs to be the same as where the boost libraries are located. Can you run otool -l on the resulting binary, and verify that there is an entry LC_RPATH containing the path to these libraries?
After running otool -l on the created binary, I can find that LC_RPATH contains the path of the libraries (i.e. /Users/myName/Documents/Softwares/boost_1_59_0/stage/lib )
What else can be done?
I'm just really surprised that it's not working - this is the standard mechanism for specifying a search path for libraries in an application.
Can I see the final link line that eclipse is using - it should appear in the build output screen? It may give a hint.
it says..Referenced from: /Users/myName/ProhjectDirectory Reason: image not found
how can I set the path variable in Mac? which bash version should I edit?
so the build is still failing?
no..I am sorry, i sent you the output of runtime
Invoking: Cross G++ Linker
g++ -L/Users/myName/Documents/Softwares/boost_1_59_0/stage/lib -Xlinker -rpath /Users/myName/Documents/Softwares/boost_1_59_0/stage/lib -o "BoostProject_2" ./src/main.o -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem
I've just rebuilt boost using: ./ --prefix=/usr/local/boost159 cxxflags="-arch i386 -arch x86_64" address-model=32_64 threading=multi macos-version=10.10 cxx=clang++ stage
Cross G++ linker? That sounds suspicious
what shoud I do?
Then i compiled and linked your sample code using: g++ aboost.cpp -o aboost -L$HOME/Downloads/boost_1_59_0/stage/lib -I $HOME/Downloads/boost_1_59_0/include -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem
I think that my main problem is not to make running Boost by adjusting the path in Eclipse only. I mainly want to set the path so that other IDEs can also use
It's more a build thing - as long as the rpath option is added to the binary, it is supposed to automatically search for libraries in that directory - it's considered a better alternative to using DYLD_SEARCH_PATH and family
i guess the thing which you have mentioned about rebuilding the boost libraries..that will install boost in the system directory and hence there won't be any problem of searching in the local directory left.
It's not ideal
sorry, i did not understand what is not ideal
when I mentioned rebuilding the boost libraries it was for me and my attempt to reproduce your issue.
ah crap, xcode 7 automatically looks in /usr/local for stuff now; this is muddying my reproduction efforts
yes, thats the problem. If i keep my libraries in /usr/local..then, there won't be any problem.
apologies - work intruded.
I have now been re-educated in the behaviour of OSX in relation to rpath. The problem is that the boost libraries have an install_name of just the library, rather than an install_name of @rpath/, which means that they don't respect the -rpath in the library. It's a known source of confusion on OSX, and I should have been aware of it if it weren't for the fact that I've been blessed with well written packages that put it into their names.
I have a script, that should be run from the boost directory that reconfigures all the boost libraries to respect the use of -rpath
#!/bin/bash -p

for i in *.dylib; do
    # set the rpath
    install_name_tool -id @rpath/$i $i
    for lib in $(otool -L $i | grep libboost | awk '{print $1}'); do
        if [[ -f $lib ]]; then
            install_name_tool -change $lib @rpath/$lib $i
thanks, but I would still say that I want to know the method to set system wide path variable becasue this is not just the problem of Boost...i want to do a similar thing with OpenCV libraries too.
You can use a similar pattern for other libraries that don't set the install name; and then use the -rpath to explicitly set the location.
If you really want to set the variable then you can follow the suggestion in… - using launchctl setenv DYLD_SEARCH_PATH path/to/libraries:path/to/other/libraries to set it for all process launched from that point on
By putting 'setenv DYLD_SEARCH_PATH …` into /etc/launchd.conf it should take effect from the next reboot (you can use the launchtl setenvto make it picked up effectively immediately), although the man page seems to imply that this shouldn't work any more launchd.conf is no longer respected by the system it says
then there's this option for making it active on login for all processes:…

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