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Q: TextInputLayout removes EditText style after setting setError property to null

AEMLovijiI want to use TextInputLayout with my new app. I have such layout *** < android:id="@+id/input_layout_email" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginBottom="8dp"...

actually where you are setting both color
@Sree , sorry which colors?
i mean red and another
Red color for error span is coming from TextInputLayout standard color. Another color after calling setError(null) i can not understand where it comes
so better set the color for the text and background what ever you want once again if you find a entry
But i think it must be done automatically. Because if i fill field it hides error span. It's good. But it would not to change background color of EditText that i have not declared
It is good to find people that help me
do you tried by setting the color once again, that may work
i think i can do it. but as i said i think it must done automatically
yes i think so, i asked to change bez we can easily find out the problem
some times there may be another initialization or some thing happen to your TextInputLayout
i can not change it programmatically
can you help?
what it says
moment pls.
A: How to change the floating label color of TextInputLayout

johansonFound the answer, use attribute to set your own floating label appearance. Example: < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" xmlns:app="

but calling etBackgroundResource not changes
i have tested this link
i can send you my project
it is new and small
of course if you have time
ho sorry
really i dot have much time now
but if you are not in hurry i ill look later
my mail id is [email protected]
yes i sent you mail. Please see what is going there wrong.
ok let me see
mean time you just go through this…
you will get more idea
it is simple demo.
i have customized edittext design
it is working right
set inputLayoutEmail.setError(null);
no it is
you take it from my app?

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