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Q: Color Parse issue in android

Jeeten ParmarI am parsing sky blue color with hax color as Color.parseColor("#5bc0de"). But don't know why it is showing green type color. I am using it with ProgressBar as pbScore.getProgressDrawable().setColorFilter( Color.parseColor("#5bc0de"), Mode.MULTIPLY); Am I doing anything wrong ?I am testing this ...

where you are testing this?
@Sree, on real mobile. HTC One M9+
can you able to check this on any other device,?
@Sree, let me check it out.
if not working set like this - progressBar.getProgressDrawable().setColorFilter(Color.RED, Mode.SRC_IN);
@Sree, yeah, but I need that particular color. I have tested other colors on my mobile and it is working fine. I have issue only with this color.
Lets define this color in color.xml file and call like R.color.yourcolor
@Sree, tried by calling color from color.xml but having same issue.
are you still using Color.parseColor when calling color?
@Sree, yes. I also tried on another mobile but have same issue.
Why you dot try with out Color.parseColor
@Sree, I already tried. But Still have same issue.
one more question, in which version you are testing this ? i mean android version
kitkat and lolipop.
ok can you able to post your whole progressbar code please
@Sree, check updated post.
look this… i think your progress get confused and showing that color
@Sree, no, if i use any another color there then it is working fine.
really unfortunate.. but why that is not working

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