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36 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
(No Roomba: accepted answer) typo Error: bad operand types for binary operator “<=”‭ - Odio_Programar‭ 2020-01-12 01:03:54Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body (100): Making money with bitcoin? by Gaf on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector spam
not closed as a dupe, but certainly should have been. stackoverflow.com/q/50019069/2943403
14 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
cannot modify nominated dupe to a better canonical. This page is not worth keeping. It is impeding removing another redundant page. stackoverflow.com/q/12227257/2943403
unhelpful duplicate that is preventing the removal of another duplicate (can't change nominated dupe) stackoverflow.com/q/14282445/2943403
unhelpful duplicate that is preventing the remove of another duplicate stackoverflow.com/q/22848838/2943403
suboptimal answers in dupe; safe to remove; there are better canons to reference stackoverflow.com/q/392470/2943403
new question, shouldn't have been answered, mega-duplicate, no roomba stackoverflow.com/q/68887098/2943403
8 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in body (28): How to set value for the checkbox in ReactJS by D-Nis on stackoverflow.com
10 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer (94): iPhone is not available. Please reconnect the device by szruccomi141 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Chinese character in title (82): CVPixelBufferRef转换nsdata异常 by ming yao on stackoverflow.com
Request for Off-Site Resource (NATO) Circular selected item in Bottom Navigation view android‭ - kamlesh parmar‭ 2021-04-27 07:05:52Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Post is mostly images (18): How can I make images not size outside of its parent? by Frank on stackoverflow.com
duplicate is way better than current answer; exact dupe question. stackoverflow.com/q/68574105/2943403
Needs Details Or Clarity Spring security add custom logic to log in‭ - Pavel Polyakoff‭ 2021-08-22 22:43:27Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body (69): Most Recommended Hotel in Abu Dhabi? by Royal M Hotels and Resort on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (42): What is a DEMO Account In Forex trading? by Jessica on stackoverflow.com
Needs Details Or Clarity Uvdesk cannot configure SwiftMailer‭ - Harreen‭ 2021-08-23 09:04:38Z
Needs More Focus I Need explanation‭ - Aditya Paluskar‭ 2021-08-23 10:03:12Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in username, blacklisted user (73): Facts you need to know about Reverse Osmosis by chennaiaquapure on stackoverflow.com
Duplicate Add jquery to symfony‭ - Jonathan‭ 2021-08-23 10:09:13Z
Needs More Focus (blatant homework dump) required to write and use some user-defined classes‭ - anas alnjar‭ 2021-08-23 10:47:57Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in title (70): ClientConnectorCertificateError by paul385mi on stackoverflow.com
Needs Details Or Clarity Cannot login superadmin‭ - Newbiee‭ 2021-08-23 02:17:58Z
Unhelpful duplicate undefined variables in file‭ - Leo‭ 2021-08-21 09:51:23Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in answer (36): How to split a list in Python without using any libraries like pandas? by Sanzid on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (66): Shared folder not visible for existing users in Jupyterhub UI by Nishtha on stackoverflow.com
46 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (40): TreeView cannot refresh the data by Joe on stackoverflow.com
Needs Details Or Clarity How can I turn this calculation dynamic?‭ - Jp Dias‭ 2021-08-23 12:39:42Z
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Needs Details Or Clarity how to do this JOIN query in laravel way‭ - Neena‭ 2021-08-23 14:07:57Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (88): C TOR Socket Not Sending Request ✏️ by ALK47 on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector vand
13 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
duplicate of most of the answers there (most rely on position:relative) [but is not even formatted properly] Proper way to position :before pseudo-elements
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (40): CSES Coin Piles problem explanation needed by A_009 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (88): How can I make a batch based FTP connect via a port 22 by Damián Maenza on stackoverflow.com
10 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Opinion Based Golang sql.Open Best Practice‭ - wymangr‭ 2021-08-23 15:21:53Z
Cannot Reproduce, see the answer pyqt5 combobox.clear() causing unclear issue‭ - Spatial Digger‭ 2021-08-23 07:48:19Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in username (88): Lua api script change hold key to toggle ✏️ by Primex on stackoverflow.com
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body, potentially problematic ns configuration in body (97): How to fix walls and floors to make them realistic with WebGL or Three.js and which is better by Aria Nuck on stackoverflow.com
10 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
installation of pre-built software on k8s - a sys-admin question stackoverflow.com/questions/68891422/…
installation of pre-built software on k8s - a sys-admin question stackoverflow.com/questions/68634196/…
question about configuring infrastructure and network - a sys-admin question stackoverflow.com/questions/68894199/…
8 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
General Computing (No Roomba: accepted answer) SATA PCI-E Expansion Card vs SSD‭ - cracker_chan‭ 2017-08-19 06:52:48Z
Opinion Based (No Roomba: accepted answer) Best Hardware Productivity Tool for aiding in Software Development‭ - Jason‭ 2008-10-29 06:16:26Z
Opinion Based (No Roomba: accepted answer) Visual Studio Performance Choice - ESXi or Vista?‭ - Sean Kearon‭ 2008-12-01 01:24:14Z
General Computing PCIe devices connection‭ - Udit Kumar‭ 2021-08-19 10:29:59Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Phone number detected in title (68): GNU MP: Cannot allocate memory (size=3223445560) ✏️ by Brilliant Academy on stackoverflow.com
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Got an error in Unity using C# that I can't solve‭ - ilyas655‭ 2021-08-23 19:56:20Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (35): Suggestions: Creating a database for a wordpress site by Polydoros Stoltidis on stackoverflow.com
Opinion Based (No Roomba: accepted answer) Mouse configurable buttons for programming‭ - DavRob60‭ 2010-05-19 16:04:27Z
General Computing (No Roomba: accepted answer) Ubuntu 14.04 with Kaby Lake Intel HD 630‭ - Thomas Lamb‭ 2017-07-21 00:14:08Z
General Computing (No Roomba: accepted answer) Understanding image (as for backup) formats (.iso .img)‭ - monty‭ 2017-06-21 12:35:02Z
General Computing (No Roomba) How to automatically copy usb data to desktop?‭ - Blackwolf23‭ 2017-06-16 16:36:42Z
General Computing (No Roomba: accepted answer) When can viruses affect an external hard drive?‭ - Oliver Range‭ 2017-05-31 09:33:33Z
Request for Off-Site Resource (No Roomba: accepted answer) CPU vs GPU for (conv) Neural Networks computation‭ - Sam‭ 2015-09-06 18:16:19Z
General Computing (No Roomba) USB drive emulator for windows‭ - alfred brown‭ 2017-05-10 14:36:28Z
Request for Off-Site Resource (No Roomba) Recommended enterprise server for build, CI and CPU intensive tasks‭ - Aviv‭ 2017-04-20 13:30:39Z
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
General Computing (No Roomba: accepted answer) how do I find a missing hard drive in Windows 7‭ - xarzu‭ 2013-11-27 09:58:29Z
Custom: it seems OP searches an answer on how to prevent gmail spam filter CI can't send emails to gmail account‭ - kool_Coder‭ 2021-08-23 15:45:04Z
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): Why backhub taking only master branch of repositories? by Greatfull_Helper on stackoverflow.com
Tool rec/server admin, accepted answer promotes a tool spammed elsewhere on the site (No Roomba: accepted answer) How Backup Bitbucket Repositories Automatically?‭ - Alma‭ 2021-06-08 19:15:06Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Post is mostly images (18): how to set background image using css? by Õmàr Tãwfêk on stackoverflow.com
Typo: "I realized that the object being passed in through the intent wasn't the problem. Once in the activity, I wasn't storing the entry ID anywhere, so it was blank." How to pass an object in an intent extra being built in a closure?‭ - Darin Beaudreau‭ 2021-08-20 20:12:23Z
Opinion-based, low-quality answer (No Roomba: accepted answer) Where do I save the data of my app?‭ - Mapi‭ 2016-12-03 21:06:54Z
Unhelpful common duplicate, closed as duplicate of the wrong target (No Roomba: accepted answer) How to show alert dialog in a running thread using AsynctTask?‭ - AND4011002849‭ 2015-05-22 17:29:34Z
General Computing/Web app How I can remove admob app ad serving limit?‭ - user4286376‭ 2021-08-13 07:44:56Z
Needs Details Or Clarity how to build a card with list in flutter?‭ - pmlo pmlo‭ 2021-08-18 15:12:11Z

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