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Typo or Cannot Reproduce System.out.print displays AFTER input‭ - Map‭ 2020-09-06 21:38:39Z
1 hour later…
11 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Customer support for Youtube API stackoverflow.com/q/63706944/5468463
14 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
General computing - server admin Can't use office365 smtp in external aplication‭ - ifilix‭ 2020-06-17 05:36:07Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (87): How to correctly nandwrite a nanddump'ed dump with oob? by Johnson on stackoverflow.com
Unclear Validation form with js‭ - Karim‭ 2020-09-07 05:00:03Z
Typo (Nesting nav under ul element) Why doesn't my <h1> gets below the nav bar‭ - Shriiharsh‭ 2020-09-07 05:09:08Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted website in answer (179): Free Video Call in Our Own App ooVoo Android by Adity Sen on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (61): SQL Server Database standards & best Practices by a deleted user on stackoverflow.com
Request for Off-Site Resource SQL Server Database standards & best Practices‭ - ntombela‭ 2009-04-22 07:27:46Z
Cannot Reproduce (OP answer "issue was because of the configuration and packages") docker operator not generating any log‭ - Shubham Jain‭ 2020-05-15 07:50:25Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (batch report: post 1 out of 2) (93): How to manage pictures in Wordpress ✏️ by Eugene Scott on stackoverflow.com
Needs Details Or Clarity Discord bot send message in schedule‭ - geek_n00b‭ 2020-09-07 05:51:43Z
stackoverflow.com/q/63746050/5779732 I improved the question and it can be answered now.
more focus, recommendation Dynamic listview in kotlin ("I would appreciate if someone post a tutorial or the code for what I explained.")
General computing / speculation about developer reasoning Why can't I use “more” command in Git Bash?‭ - ocras_ren‭ 2020-09-07 02:59:56Z
Closed for different reeason, but umpteenth dupe of this (upvoted answer, won't roomba): stackoverflow.com/questions/63768200/…
mega-duplicate that is really not required now with upvoted answer stackoverflow.com/questions/63772553/…
28 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (97): What is JIT compiler in Java? by RehanaS on stackoverflow.com
Needs more focus (two questions in one, both basically "too lazy to google") What does 'Cwd' and 'qw' mean in perl?‭ - StackGuru‭ 2020-09-07 05:50:11Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (44): Lights Out codeforces c275A by somashri rastogi on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (31): Same CSS, Same Page, Different Result Rendered by Mailing Delgado on stackoverflow.com
No repro, accepted answer - no Roomba stackoverflow.com/q/59494327/5468463
Request for Off-Site Resource Monthy school fee mangement project in php‭ - K-Reak‭ 2020-09-07 09:12:04Z
General computing (about configuring boot loader) systemd — permanently add boot loader options (PopOs)‭ - dGo‭ 2020-09-07 08:23:30Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (61): Code formatting in visual studio for ASP.NET by itsrisingtech on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (44): How can i edit the embed after someone reacts on it discord.js v12 by MetalOoze on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (31): mongdb supports join queries? by erick on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector the answers there seem to suggest it's a customer support issue. Ane with domain knowledge to verify that?
Needs more focus (vague requirement dump) How to write data in txt file with specified header‭ - Addy‭ 2020-09-07 09:34:03Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): How can one rotate proxies to avoid CAPTCHA while web scraping? by n-o on stackoverflow.com
46 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (31): spiral data, having some issues ✏️ by Devesh Singh on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (31): euler project sum of digits’ factorials by Harish Kumar on stackoverflow.com
Needs details Linearising a matlab equation‭ - user13784854‭ 2020-09-07 09:54:44Z
Needs Details Or Clarity / General computing Why is the moviemaker tool in processing not working?‭ - Coder‭ 2020-09-07 10:19:13Z
23 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
@SmokeDetector that questions looks off-topic. SF perhaps?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 1 out of 4) (94): How ca I reverse an Svg animation on mouse out? The animation was created in SVgator by Mike R Evans on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 2 out of 4) (94): bodymovin: converting .JSON to .SVG? by Mike R Evans on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 3 out of 4) (94): Infinite loop animated SVG by Mike R Evans on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 4 out of 4) (94): Having issues with certain effects from After Effects not converting into Lottie by Mike R Evans on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector this specific one does seem "better" than the rest in the sense that the question already mentions the tool explicitly. The answer could've been better (e.g. pointing to a relevant help page rather than the start page, or by actually explaining how to do it), but is at least related
26 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
details or clatrity (link to picture of error, no other info) There is a problem with the unity apk package
Needs debugging details (Smoke Detector) Wordpress - Can't produce responsive image for mobile‭ - Roze Abraham‭ 2020-09-07 13:01:05Z
8 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
@SmokeDetector it goes a bit far IMO to flag that as rude, given all the attached penalties to such a flag. A comment + VLQ flag suffices
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (71): SVG background in expo by Mathis Brossier on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (31): How does angular compile sass? by Ajini Sahejana on stackoverflow.com
Needs debugging detail (help debug "found" code) when button is clicked it should start cropping‭ - Preethi P Gowda‭ 2020-09-07 14:00:40Z
Needs serious details or clarity Makefile passing variables to for loop‭ - KillerSnail‭ 2020-09-07 14:14:59Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (32): List all graphic image files with find? by Tottele Romero on stackoverflow.com
needs focus Euler circuit in java‭ - Aadi -‭ 2020-09-07 14:31:03Z
"typo", added IDE highlighting as source code/syntax (there are duplicates but this is easier) I can't declare the string def type as “id”‭ - ProgrammingBob‭ 2020-09-07 14:29:06Z
23 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (57): Styling json output data php html by manas biswal on stackoverflow.com
Needs Details Or Clarity Styling json output data php html‭ - manas biswal‭ 2020-09-07 15:06:23Z
9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Copied verbatim from wikipedia (1appr., 1 rej.) stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/27071698
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (31): Bluetooth Communication between Raspberry pi and Android device? by Anand on stackoverflow.com
Copied verbatim from github (1appr., 1 rej.) stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/27072457
self admitted not reproducible (see comments on unrelated accepted answer) NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.String.length()' on a null object reference‭ - gojic‭ 2020-09-07 13:51:30Z
Duplicate / Typo or Cannot Reproduce / No MCVE / Unclear load drop down options based on selected radio from mysql‭ - Kousayla‭ 2020-09-07 16:35:59Z
Needs details or clarity (Smoke Detector) Training Model using Cnn for cat or non cat classification‭ - Twinkle‭ 2020-09-07 18:24:41Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (62): 1 billion rows table filtering and join by Pankaj on stackoverflow.com
26 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer (84): Mongoose Unique field error message handling by Kamil Pietrzak on stackoverflow.com
NAA? I have no idea what this is, but it is not very helpful Answer to: Serializing and submitting a form with jQuery and PHP‭ - Aniket‭ 2018-05-28 07:19:25Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body (45): How to reduce the page size and loading time? by Shishir47 on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector is this sd report spam?
needs more focus. needs debugging information (mre) when button is clicked it should start cropping‭ - Preethi P Gowda‭ 2020-09-07 14:00:40Z
Off topic: customer services Get Server Token, Scope in Uber Api‭ - user11754632‭ 2020-09-07 17:57:25Z
Custom: we are not here to review your video Noob made video to solve php question, see if you find this helpful?‭ - david wan‭ 2020-09-07 19:52:16Z
Request for Off-Site Resource/Needs Focus/Opinion Based (NATO)WebRTC without Node.js or Peer.js‭ - user3251954‭ 2014-02-19 01:45:57Z
21 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[c++] Needs details, useless question (OP didn't even seem to try compiling): stackoverflow.com/questions/61017064/…
caused by a typo (see comments) Stuck in a if else statement and return‭ - lllllll‭ 2020-09-07 19:36:39Z
Typo or Cannot Reproduce (see comment) Unreachable Code Detected C# switch statement‭ - yarnnyarmy‭ 2020-09-06 18:11:25Z
No Roomba: accepted answer PHP 7 and mysqli Login not working‭ - groot‭ 2018-03-05 07:13:22Z
Opinion based Q, Q&A badly received, discussion noise in comments: stackoverflow.com/questions/63783003/…
Needs MCVE (fix my dumped code plz) stackoverflow.com/questions/63683606/…
Needs Details Or Clarity (Data in images) Issue with writing to XLSX in R (multiple outputs from code)‭ - A.B.‭ 2020-09-05 11:03:29Z
unclear, the pdf generator is needed to know which opitions we have available Acrobat Javascript in Chrome: how to trigger a HTTP request?‭ - Tamás Polgár‭ 2020-09-05 08:42:59Z
17 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
General Computing Multiple CMD in Docker file‭ - Shruthi kallur‭ 2020-09-07 14:36:03Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (79): Filter data with slicers by cumulative periods. Data contains data.mm.yyyy dates by Mynda on stackoverflow.com
Needs more focus ("best practice", multiple language tags) Multi-Language E-Commerce Site Url Issue‭ - MrMustafa‭ 2020-09-07 23:11:37Z

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