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9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce (“Sorry about that, forgot to add the javascript to the body of the HTML to execute but thanks for reminding me to check the console. It's because of CORS that my request isn't going through”) Using XML Http Request to parse XML data into same HTML page‭ - Gene Harrel‭‭ 2018-12-12 16:50:52Z
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Program wont create a text file - RERE‎ - 2018-12-12 23:57:00Z
Not programming related - possibly for statistics. Statistics: Help finding Mu when only given two sample means - Kozar927‎ - 2018-12-13 01:17:55Z
No MCVE. Parse String to Int Kotlin - UPI - 2018-12-13 01:04:10Z
Typo or Cannot Reproduce (“ I don't really know what I changed, but now I have it working”) Access to fetch at 'https://api.kendozone.com/auth/login' from origin[…] has been blocked by CORS policy‭ - Juliatzin del Toro‭‭ 2018-12-11 10:01:50Z
13 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Primarily opinion-based; Off-site resource. Database storage for small chatting like app - Prem Mehta - 2018-12-13 02:14:31Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin answer (50): Differences in boolean operators: & vs && and | vs || by Rain on stackoverflow.com
Duplicate of Is floating point math broken? (I CVd for no mcve, poster edited to provide one.) who can explain the result of running - yunkun tao‎ - 2018-12-13 02:18:22Z
No MCVE I can't apply style to a H2 - Luis J.‎ - 2018-12-13 02:01:57Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin answer (50): Allow Flash content in Chrome 71 running via chromedriver by Hadessio Chen on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector rude
Too broad; Off-site resource. GMTC, or library. Developing an application that can read audio files in a smartphone - Divyasshree - 2018-12-13 03:34:18Z
No MCVE invalid operand to binary % and 3d array - Jackkt‎ - 2018-12-13 03:47:18Z
20k Terrible homework dump ("can someone send me the source code?") stackoverflow.com/questions/53754695/…
13 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
No roomba, accepted answer, asking for pdf download links SQL TEST BOOKS DOWNLOAD LINKS
Typo or Cannot Reproduce C punctuation count - Josh B‎ - 2018-12-12 20:03:38Z
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Compare two different sized array elements - Uldis Pasters‎ - 2018-12-12 19:44:39Z
it has 6 link-only answers About Web.config
Self-dupe. OP would like it gone. No roomba; upvoted answers. Inflated Fragment Content is ignoring Toolbar - Christian.gruener - 2018-12-10 05:10:41Z
Too Broad / Image / No code How to unselect a value from fastselect Jquery plugin - Bishnu Paudel‎ - 2018-12-13 04:19:11Z
Request for Off-Site Resource (NATO) Batch Device Art Screenshot - iMobaio‎ - 2018-05-29 23:08:17Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Linked punctuation in answer (57): webconverger on Firefox ESR 60.x.x by mfu on stackoverflow.com
17 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (86): How to limit PouchDB revisions or permanently delete revisions by user10784578 on stackoverflow.com
Too Broad / GMTC Merge the rows contains same value using Jquery - sfx‎ - 2018-12-13 06:55:49Z
No MCVE Control the tab order in a CMS - Efraín GB‎ - 2018-12-13 06:56:31Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (97): How to use BottomNavigationView like facebook ✏️ by Priyadharshini on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (52): Python decorator by hellokangning on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector fp-
Opinion Based/Too Broad (asking for future prediction of support) webconverger on Firefox ESR 60.x.x - isael garcia luis‎ - 2018-08-02 22:49:51Z
Lacks MCVE, Unclear, Too broad, Duplicate... take your pick Subdomain shows 500 internal issue - Rohitashv Singhal‎ - 2018-12-13 07:28:17Z
Too Broad/GMTC Kruskal Algorithm graph java - M.Ruz‎ - 2018-12-13 07:27:49Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, username similar to website in answer (53): Android Studio Text not conforming to layout_margin when I run App on Emulator by Kriptomat on stackoverflow.com
28 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Too Broad / No Attempt Move DIV to center - ShadowHunter‎ - 2018-12-13 08:32:29Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (60): Cordova 5.0.0: Which files should I commit to git? by Gil Salomon on stackoverflow.com
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (86): 301 Moved Permanently by abby on stackoverflow.com
Dupe or Too Broad; OP changed Q to “I am looking now for a solution to obtain the data from curl or some other tool then loading the xml into my web page with javascript” stackoverflow.com/posts/53699725/revisions but previously, Q asked how to request cross-origin from frontend JS obtain xml data from web server across domains‭ - Joseph Rand‭‭ 2018-12-10 04:57:15Z
Request for Off-Site Resource NATO Two step authentication in rails - 18bytes‎ - 2012-10-07 06:57:04Z
17 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Request for Off-Site Resource Mortara ECG XML format to DICOM‭ - guibe80‭‭ 2018-12-12 16:02:42Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Non-latin link in answer (87): how to pass laravel route parameter to vue by a deleted user on stackoverflow.com
Too Broad php interaction 2 servers - stien develtere‎ - 2018-12-13 10:56:39Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (86): removing the backslashes in json string using the javascript by zainab on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body (98): docker dont recognized container by moti shaul on stackoverflow.com
General Computing Showing Download mode Nokia 7.1 - KbiR‎ - 2018-12-13 12:12:09Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (65): Database Registration by Aya El Batout on stackoverflow.com
Custom: Stack Overflow is for asking questions about your code, not for recruiting freelancers. Database Registration‭ - Aya El Batout‭‭ 2018-12-13 12:52:13Z
29 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce; “The issue was coming from the datastructure and not the props. It is fixed now. Thank you very much for your replies.” React use a prop function in a fetch‭ - Bernard‭‭ 2018-12-13 04:51:19Z
Typo or Cannot Reproduce CSS :root Selector‭ - Ahmad Arslan‭‭ 2018-12-13 13:12:17Z
14 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce (just temporary/unreproducible local problem due to browser caching) POST Request Pending After Successful Preflight‭ - Naner‭‭ 2018-12-12 15:15:42Z
Off-topic - Requeste for Off-Site resorces - stackoverflow.com/q/53763352/6426692
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (52): Should I be using Redux Sagas? by S-PRO on stackoverflow.com
Opinion Based (NATO) Should I be using Redux Sagas? - ImmutableDonkey‎ - 2018-04-17 14:34:41Z
Too Broad About Youtube Home Page Api - Jawad Gorayya‎ - 2018-12-13 14:38:36Z
Server / Networking NATO how to Accessing Websites on a Local Network (LAN) Web Server? - Birhane teklay‎ - 2017-02-25 09:13:01Z
8 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Opinion Based Mantis behind Nginx reverse proxy - Alessandro Lucarini‎ - 2018-12-13 15:12:30Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title (98): @font-face font weight looks thinner only on Safari by peterpapadim on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer (168): AttributeError: object has no attribute when using Tkniter by Daniel O'Leary on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector f
13 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce C couldn't figure put the output - Afterlife Assassin‎ - 2018-12-13 15:50:28Z
General Computing Docker Swarm Nvidia gpus‭ - Riccardo‭‭ 2018-11-30 13:16:19Z
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Too Broad, attracting link-only answers how to build android apps with android studio? - Difio‎ - 2018-12-13 16:52:56Z
12 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeated url at end of long post (100): My website not refreshing after Facebook Login by Rajan Sinha on stackoverflow.com
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
No MCVE: no code How to add flip animation to headers?‭ - Isaac4579‭‭ 2018-12-13 18:03:11Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, mostly dots in body (145): Deleted post.nothing to show ✏️ by M.Erfan.Dm on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching product name in body, pattern-matching website in body (197): (Wordpress) Creating a specific webstore by jason on stackoverflow.com
Off-Topic (OP need a tuto/examples) - stackoverflow.com/q/53768968/6426692
Too Broad / Request for Off-Site Resource (SD report) (Wordpress) Creating a specific webstore‭ - jason‭ 2018-12-13 19:40:30Z
fp feedback on autoflagged post: (Wordpress) Creating a specific webstore [MS]
Autoflagged FP: flagged by @SmokeDetector, @rene, @Federico
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
2 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
General Computing Recover dconf user profile - Muhammad Farooq‎ - 2018-12-13 19:05:50Z
Dup (the OP alredy post the duplicate one as an answer) - stackoverflow.com/q/53769674/6426692
Duplicate -> stackoverflow.com/questions/53767485/… is a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/45880592/… ; I'd Mjolnir but I'm out of CVs for the day
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected (79): const or let in React component by MaximusMaxwell on stackoverflow.com
sd n
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, messaging number in answer (173): Deleting a message from a guestbook by James on stackoverflow.com
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce (OP’s code had function but no call site which actually calls that function) react native api user console output‭ - Shawn Nguyen‭‭ 2018-12-13 20:38:27Z
Opinion Based NATO Design a sqlite server client program‭ - NewCastle79‭ 2012-05-08 18:52:15Z
Unclear / Too Broad / Request for Off-Site Resource (NATO) Connecting qt client application to a database on server‭ - ABCoder‭ 2015-02-24 10:50:10Z
No MCVE. No roomba; upvoted answers. Internet permission is not working on API Level 28 - wish kart - 2018-12-08 06:49:07Z
General computing. No roomba; upvoted, with upvoted, accepted answer. Is there anyway to extract firmware ROM from USB device? Bluetooth adapter, for example - Kosmos - 2014-04-01 14:01:07Z
No MCVE: no code block Flexbox header text not responsive‭ - Felix Bauerschäfer‭‭ 2018-12-13 23:44:07Z

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