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Speaking of "gimme teh codez" - stackoverflow.com/questions/48045094/…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: Smooth animation when tab switches by Allan Jiang on stackoverflow.com
It is not about programming, See als Why can't I ask customer service-related questions?. To be clear the google-play tag is used for API related questions. Merging/Migrating apps on play console (store) - Arsal Imam‎ - 2017-12-31 23:49:39Z
14 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Customer Support Request (NATO) How often is AWS bill detail page is updated? - mike‎ - 2017-04-18 17:38:39Z
Too Broad When to use Groups in Regular Expressions? - newcoder‎ - 2017-12-31 23:53:27Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in answer: Installation of tensorflow-gpu 1.4 on cuda 9 and cudnnv7 by Arun Mandal on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body: How can you really get free video encounter? by gomovies on stackoverflow.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-Latin answer: What does $$ (dollar dollar or double dollar) mean in PHP? by Annie Ng on stackoverflow.com
Unclear How is this issue resolved? - sovran7571‎ - 2018-01-01 09:01:33Z
Let's start the year with a little deletion request (10k+): stackoverflow.com/questions/47374740/list-in-function not sure roomba applies/will apply here.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Misleading link: Creating Folder in Internal memory by user9160404 on stackoverflow.com
Typo - ish. OP thinks code executes upwards. Needs retribution, not attribution:) Asking for user input for a 2d array and storing the data in the array in C - Barry B Benson‎ - 2018-01-01 12:20:33Z
Request for Off-Site Resource(NATO) Payflow SDK for PHP - Nisam‎ - 2013-05-07 13:16:05Z
low-quality typo w/ accepted answer (no roomba) C++ Output inside a for loop
Cannot reproduce / trivial error (OP admits this in his own answer) Clear text inside the JTextField in java
low-qual typo w/ up-voted answer (no roomba) Encapsulation Java Coding Error
Too Broad, OP doesn't understand C compares and is a super-duper that I can't be bothered wasting time on. Does the C equality operator compare the literal value of two strings or their memory locations? - nourdine‎ - 2018-01-01 13:06:04Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Misleading link: Django - export all models content to html by Eran_Z on stackoverflow.com
Unclear, buzzword gunge. Integer log2 via Recursion schemes - NietzscheanAI‎ - 2018-01-01 15:13:37Z
"your code works fine for me" answer here
64 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Opinion Based PHPDoc where to put @var (best practice) - slk500‎ - 2018-01-01 16:21:25Z
Off-site Resource Web app to display map to command robot - Jnus‎ - 2017-12-23 10:45:31Z
typo (see answer) ERROR CURL The curl request does not pass - Ainur‎ - 2017-12-24 18:08:43Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, repeating characters in body: Using for true javascript webview (c#) by maly9a on stackoverflow.com
16 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce android studio ArrayList - Arroju Naveen‎ - 2018-01-01 18:28:45Z
Request for Off-Site Resource Generate similar variations of a bitmap - James Rattray‎ - 2018-01-01 18:44:31Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: Error CS2001: Source file '.cs' could not be found by user9161349 on stackoverflow.com
unclear/no mcve (NATO) Error CS2001: Source file '.cs' could not be found‭ - kevlar90‭ - 2013-10-16 15:02:48Z
Too Broad / Opinion Based. What should be testing approach for a BI tool - user2852847‎ - 2018-01-01 20:40:46Z
library/tool/resource Create thumbnail from selected video and store it in server - Nayan Das‎ - 2017-12-25 11:40:10Z
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question ansasns ansd an
duplicate getSupportFragmentManager() returns null? - Isma9‎ - 2017-12-26 10:21:33Z
Request for Off-Site Resource (NATO) Portable programming environment - JackLimbo‎ - 2014-11-03 09:48:09Z
13 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce (self answer) Android Create Picasso with Cache - Amir Ebrahimi‎ - 2017-11-19 18:35:50Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: javac -cp can not find class? by BackBenChers on stackoverflow.com
Request for Off-Site Resource Java cross-platform mobile web app frameworks - Elan Kainen‎ - 2018-01-01 22:44:15Z
Request for Off-Site Resource UWP to Xamarin Forms Resources - Maf‎ - 2017-08-22 14:27:27Z
No MCVE, bean-counter malloced 21 bytes - of course, that was wrong... free() is stuck on an endless loop although the memory was allocated - chemist‎ - 2018-01-01 21:35:46Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Non-Latin link in answer, username similar to website in answer: Why 3Ds Max to ThreeJs Export object has bad smooth shading by conexraco on stackoverflow.com
Looks like k? -------------------------^
sd k

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