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[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: CSS background image URL path by Has The Mean Laugh on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
Request for Off-Site Resource - attracting new answers Component to view and annotate PDF documents - JV. - 2008-09-17 17:29:53Z
Request for Off-Site Resource Quartz.Net JobStore using RavenDb - SaguiItay - 2013-04-07 16:34:48Z
Asking for a code rewrite How to convert a python script to a class - israkany - 2016-04-14 23:40:06Z
9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Excel VBA error preventing RDP connection - Bobby Lansing - 2016-03-08 06:08:28Z
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title: icq#6868-58468 SELLCVV.CO this site is LEGIT or SCAM? by ryanparker3 on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
sd tp
@Mogsdad [:29959071] Recorded question as true positive in metasmoke. Use tpu or trueu if you want to blacklist a user.
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
it is not focused on any programming problem. SSC fee submission fails due to timeout or bank port could not redirect back to SSC web page - Pushpendra - 2016-03-08 07:45:38Z
it is about vendor's product plans, not programming. Google AppEngine handling sensitive governement data? - b_dev - 2010-11-22 04:10:17Z
This question is off-topic because it is a customer support request. See: Why can't I ask customer service-related questions? NYC DOB SOCRATA Data Incorrect - not updated? - Ralph Yozzo - 2016-02-16 17:53:08Z
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
this is not a job search site. This is programming Q&A site. Finding a job as a junior develper - Aaron - 2016-04-15 05:36:02Z
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: Best Method To Build Muscle by ruthgodwin on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
@SmokeDetector k
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2 hours later…
sd k
Request for Off-Site Resource MeteorJS Publication and Subscription - Website Is Fun - 2016-04-15 07:41:20Z
No MCVE error getting json - noob_butcute - 2016-04-15 08:00:22Z
No MCVE 8/9 and 9/9 Coding Error - Atul Agarawal - 2016-04-15 07:47:50Z
Request for off-site resource. "Swift - How to implement a before/after transition on a picture?" 2016-04-15 05:46:46Z
sd why
Blacklisted user - blacklisted for http://stackoverflow.com/a/36152157 (http://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/posts/by-url?url=//stackoverflow.com/a/36152157) by http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29488805
sd - f
Request for off-site resource. "Swift HTML parser for Reading and Manipulating elements" 2016-04-15 09:22:38Z
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: I am trying to make a simple toggle button in javascript by herman de perman on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
sd tp-
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted website in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: Blank canvas when trying to import image for texture mapping by Priya Tamil on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps body, offensive body detected: php+mysql Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() by Rudolf on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
No MCVE (question of ^answer) unable to run web application eclipse using google app engine - ramya - 2016-04-15 10:39:22Z
Unclear, Need more info, No MCVE, OP doesn't respond Getting column names from a join query - Shuhom Choudhury - 2016-04-15 11:38:33Z
No MCVE Why does my code add an extra IP - Aries - 2016-04-15 11:41:13Z
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected in title: (((188!226!1422))Norton Tech Support Number? by Karan Rawat on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
sd k
sd f
Request for Off-Site Resource Looking for REST Api documentation on cloudboost.io - Maurits Meester - 2016-03-19 16:33:13Z
@SmokeDetector k
1 hour later…
Request for Off-Site Resource - attracting new links A very good PHP image resize script - suggestion - sammville - 2012-01-11 12:46:48Z
Request for off-site resource. "ImageView and supporting Live Photos, swift" 2016-04-15 14:22:06Z
No response even after 30 mins. Better to close as unclear? how to solve anonymous function in console, when i'm using ready function getting that error - yunus - 2016-04-15 14:11:15Z
Primarily opinion-based Swift - How to get index of an item in a array? - Ronaldoh1 - 2016-04-15 14:43:02Z
Broad How to track paypal purchases? - Leisure - 2016-04-15 14:51:26Z
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Making a JPanel Popup by cock on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
not a programming question CCNA Fraud or not?
Delete as the question is open to delete stage and has answers, so roomba can't clean it up. CCNA Fraud or not? (on hold) - user349326 - 2016-04-15 04:25:42Z
Off-Topic & Broad How can we separate audio from youtube embed video? - Kyle - 2016-04-15 15:29:30Z
Primarily opinion-based (Best practice questions aren't good for Stack Overflow since their answers are based on opinion, not fact.) Do we really need to use .enumCase instead MyEnum.enumCase - Matrosov Alexander - 2016-04-15 15:26:10Z
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: How can I make a QR creator/reader only for numbers with C#? by Robin on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
sd naa
@Tushar [:29971951] Recorded answer as an NAA in metasmoke.
@SmokeDetector remove
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Redefinition of class in c++ - Bruno Gutierrez - 2016-04-15 15:36:37Z
Unclear/Broad/Off-topic(package) how would you parse a log file in R - user1471980 - 2016-04-15 15:58:08Z
sd f
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Scraping Keyword Suggestions from Google by Hardik Chotaliya on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
sd k
42 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
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@SmokeDetector f
Primarily opinion-based Star-Schema Design - S.Lott - 2008-09-21 02:22:02Z
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: Fibonacci using Dynamic programming by bradley finyel on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Can I sort the tabs in Eclipse alphabetically? by Israel Z on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Python list sort in descending order by poopy on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
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sd remove
14 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Too broad (recently ended bounty question) Creating a custom image with UIImage and other attributes - StuartM - 2016-04-05 14:10:52Z
Request for Off-Site Resource Best way to learn android - Nathan Marotta - 2016-04-15 19:20:11Z
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: Website not showing after adding https by Adeena Mushtaq on stackoverflow.com (@PraveenKumar)
sd n
Request for Off-Site Resource IP address list for Mexico? - Jeff - 2010-10-28 02:27:09Z
Unclear what you're asking gps info from flash web to xcode - Önay Akpinar - 2016-04-15 19:33:26Z
Typo / issue not reproducible. "How get value from variables of similar names" 2016-04-15 20:38:04Z
3 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Opinion Based parameterized constructor in Java - Marco Martens - 2016-04-15 21:10:58Z
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
2 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers

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