@BenjaminGruenbaum a bit - few months ago. The API wasn't much complete then in spidermonkey nightly. but I think I told you about it before as well :P
^ I enjoyed the first one a lot. I understood only part of it, though, because of my feeble knowledge about optimizing compilers. You guys would probably enjoy it much more.
okay, then you know how you complained that javascript has statements, and for has a result but it's a statement, so you can't but it in interesting places?
It'd be weird to have no statements in the FunctionDeclaration vs. FunctionExpression sense, but other than that, I'm game. Since do is basically a BlockStatement which has a result.
There are lots of decisions templates get to make in how to present data - templates need conditionals and loops and that makes them able to express pretty much anything.
Lots of stuff I wouldn't steal from CoffeeScript (ranges, operators, ->, scoping and its own do) but I'd definitely steal "everything is an expression" and @ for this.
@Zirak js room is too much noise for me - plus you wrote some libraries. JS room is kind of a help desk and it's hard to have discussions there without interruptions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The biggest problem is that we don't have a real way to subtly tell help vampires and quasi-help vampires to go away, and that the discussion in the room is more important than questions.
The Lounge did it, but they're the lounge, and we all know how they look
@Zirak you worked on a PR for chrome, and built several things involving it - so there's that. Plus, I'm looking for people who actually are interested in having discussions about things like simd.js, or what do means - that's less than 10% of the JS room. It's not like I'm trying to keep anyone out as much as I want a different culture.
@MadaraUchiha the JS room is a good and healthy chat room, I'm still a member and room owner and this room is not intended as a replacement. I just find the culture there problematic for these discussions.
And if "ESDiscuss participation" can be made more specific to something like "more than 2 messages in ESDiscuss with 1 or more contextual replies", even I fit in :D
@MadaraUchiha @BenjaminGruenbaum I'd put my 2 cents as well: I think benji just wants a little corner for quality discussions free from interweaving messages of caprica saying "welcome newbie, read rules now" or someone dumping a row of annoying GIFs suddenly which harm readability. IMO, that is a fairly justified wish, and this room and the JS room can coexist.
I'm trying to formulate an opinion about DSLs like JSX and what can be done with them. I think it would be really nice if for example - SQL code inside my code was statically checked like JSX as part of the build process.
Being able to define literals and statically analyzing those literals could be very empowering.
Template tags are still strings - really powerful strings. I want to embed languages not strings.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd like to see a general way of embedding other languages in JS code (like HTML's script tag which is open to extending and not just limited to JS, example wasm)