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A: Color shade is different on second UINavigationBar

AbhinavConor of UIStatusBargets automatically set to match the colour of UINavigationBar with: self.navigationController.navigationBar.barTintColor Please try setting this to your desired colour.

What file does it go in?
In my case I have created a subclass of UINavigationController and have implemented it there. All my view controller uses my custom navigation controller class. Of course I did that to have more such common functionalities written once. You can put it in AppDelegate.
I got the error - "Property 'navigationController' not found on object of type 'AppDelegate*'
BTW... what is the iOS version you are running your application on?
When I run the app on my phone, it is 8.4 (latest version) But the target is set to 7.0
I don't think you need 2 navigation bars here. Any reason doing it that way? You need to setup your first one correctly so status bar do not overlap with it. Here is the apple documentation link for the same:
Let me explain a little better - I have one navigation bar that I am using as a background for the status bar. The second navigation bar on the bottom is for the title bar.
But why so? Why are you adding a navigation bar as background for status bar? Thats not typical suggested way.
Because then the status bar color is transparent and there is no background color
Is there any way to make a specific background color for the status bar
Hi, can you please follow this link
Yes, I read it
I have updated my post to give you another alternative. Can you please try with that.
Basically, it do not use 2 navigation bars. Instead in your second navigation bar add a subview with -Y (-20).
what file does it go in?
Where ever you have your second navigation controller. Basically, for now, comment out first navigation bar code.
wait what
I believe this is how you might be presenting your community view controller:
UIViewController *viewController = [[CommunityViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"CommunityViewController" bundle:nil];
UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:viewController];
[self presentViewController:navigationcontroller animated:YES completion:nil];
Then navController is the object I am talking about.
If you could share the view controller & app delegate you are working with then I can probably take a closer look, fix it and send back.

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