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A: Update IONIC not working

mudasser ajazYou do not need to be in www folder, if you want to update ionic libraries of your project then go to your ionic project folder and run ionic lib update But if you want to update your ionic package then run this command anywhere sudo npm update -g ionic

i want to update in system my ionic and when create new project to be last updated, is that this second command?
yes then run second command.
When enter that command, report message is: 'sudo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
@RS92 , i assume you are running windows, run without sudo,only npm update -g ionic
This is result, but i think not updated
You ionic has been updated. 1.6.4 is latest version, as you can see in your ionic info, you have same version. Most latest one.
@RS92 Compare your image which you put in question with latest one. Your older version were: ionic-cli:1.6.1 and ionic app lib version: 0.3.3. Now they are 1.6.4 and 0.3.8
OK i think thats latest version, but i can't find on official website
main package is ioni-cli which you have latest. But ionic-cli update other dependencies to that version which are stable.
hello there
thank you man, you have great experience
thank you a lot
Can you tell me, what is your jiob position, do you know something else
jiob position ??
I thinked, what are you doing, in which tech you are specialized
I saw you have experience with IONIC
yes for one year i am working as ionic developer
before that i used to work with cordova and angularjs
you can say i have 2 years experience of hybrid mobile application development.
i work as a free lancer now.
ok nice to meet you, I'm working in small startup company, now I learning Ionic. I'm working like front-end developer
cool, where are you from ?
I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina
and you
i am from pakistan.
by the way this is my skype : mudasser.ajaz1 , let me know if you need any kind of help related to ionic or cordova.
ok thank you so much, i need help in this, because I'm beginner
my english is not very good and I think yo uunderstand me
I worked 4 months, have not yet paid.
yeah no problem :) feel free to ping me on skype. Got to go. good night :)
I want to start workign on elance
Thank you again, I will add you on skype
Best regards!

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