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A: How to convert a batch of PFFiles to UImages?

Or.RonIf you want to present them you should use PFImageView which can load the by itself. It's a subclass of UIImageView and its pretty. Example: PFImageView *creature = [[PFImageView alloc] init]; creature.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@”1.jpg”]; // placeholder image creature.file = (PFFile *)file; [...

Do I just subclass it, I don't need to add any extra code?
@Josh you dont need to subclass it yourself. It is already subclasses. I added a simple code that explain how to achieve that programmatically.
will this instantly set the PFFile or will this require loading time setting the PFFile ?
PFFile is on parse server so anytime you wish to present it, it will require a loading time. This way offer graceful loading, allows you to put place holder in the image view and handle the downloading itself. If you want batch downloading you can check out the link to the other question (although usually its not common to do with pictures).
I have already downloaded the file, I just don't want to waste time converting it. So I have the PFFile locally, I want to show it instantly instead of taking time for it to load. How can I do this?
If you already have the data downloaded you just convert to uiimage like you did in your code. But I think you should reconsider using PFImageView it covers most of the cases.
That doesn't solve my problem. How can I convert the images without having to wait for them to load? or present them as a PFFile?
look you can do that without the loading time becase its on the server
PFFile is a representation of the file on parse, meaning that you dont have the data on your device
if you want to present it you must first download it
and this takes time
So even if I download the pffile
I have to retrieve it again? before using it
If you downloaded the file you dont need to download it again
but the initial download will take time
I am aware of that and that is fine, but it is the time it takes CONVERTING them to UIImages that I want to avoid, does that make sense?
converting Data to UIIMage should take long
so i feel like you are missing something in your code
So I have a collection view that will display say 100 images
I download them all before hand
then display them, however I have to convert them 1 by 1 to uiimage
dont download them before hand
that's bad pratice
wow I didn't know
In each cell put PFImageView
How should I do it then?
and in the cell for indexpath method
use the code i worte in the answer
right, but how can I assign the PFImageView to my image view that is in my story board
You need to use custome class in interface builder and connect the IBOutlet again
can I use storyboards instead of interface builder?
same way
but its hard to explain here :)
its pretty easy search costume class in story board
also it's called lazy loading
it will increase your preforming casue you only download whehn the user needs to see it
understand ?
so Do i connect a iboutlet pfimageview to my desired UIImageView?
you define your uiimageview as pfimageview in story board
and then connect a new outlet
that baisicly it
anyway please mark my answer as correct and upvote :) i need to go
How do I define it as a PFImageView? Because I have a uiimageview connected by an outlet already?
have a good day
delete the outlet change the costume class
and the connect again
Ok I will figure it out, thanks, I will see you later and upvote and mark ur answer

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