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Q: Haskell code fails to show output in Notebook

raxacoricofallapatoriusIn the Haskell tutorial I'm reading through there is an example that works fine in GHCI (7.10.2) but fails to produce output in a Notebook (both Jupyter, 4.0 or Kronos-Haskell). The issue seems to involve a function lockerLookup :: Int -> LockerMap -> Either String Code which in the tutorial ...

@Carsten: data Either a b = Left a | Right b -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’ at <interactive>:1:1
@Carsten: That's all Notebook shows. A popup with just that one line. Maybe there's a way to see the instances too, but I don't know.
@Bakuriu: The same thing happens in Kronos-Haskell. And I'm using IPython 3.0.
fwiw, I tried your code in my build of IHaskell and it worked. Using 7.10 built with stack. I think there's something corrupted with your setup.
@user5402: You tried it in a notebook?
Yup - did it in a notebook. I basically followed the build recipe in the IHaskell README for stack, but I also used stack setup --no-system-ghc to make sure it used it's own ghc and tools.
@user5402: What version of GHC does that end up being?
7.10.2 (la di la di da filler)
@user5402: Maybe I have some config issue then. But Haskell/Cabal is such a mess (learning fresh and really astounded how messed up the install and config and package management is) I may just try another language.
So frustrated. I'm a pip/Python guy and Haskell just seems a mess to me.
I started clean and exactly followed the instructions online, so I'm not sure how things got messed up.
Maybe I just have to live with some cases that don't work in notebooks (they're a little clunky anyway).
I use stack now for all of my development and even experimentation. I can guide you through the steps if you like.
Haskell is different from Python because it involves a compilation step which links a module with another specific version of a module.
Can you explain a bit about what stack is. It sounds more sophisticated than I'm into. Right now I'm just learning Haskell for the first time, mostly for the CS concepts (I doubt I'll use it as a tool: between Mathematica and Python I'm pretty much set). So I don't want to spend a lot of time installing and configuring (or messing up my system).
@user5402 Yea, I finally get that now. Very foreign to me.
stack is a configuration tool which helps ensure that the module versions you use in a project are all compatible with each other.
On a daily basis sets of module versions (called resolvers) are compiled against each other to ensure compatibility. When building your project you select a resolver, and that pretty much guarantees that the modules will work together.
Here is the download page for stack:
What OS are you using?
Sounds promising. Do I need wipe my Haskell and start fresh (I began with Haskell Platform). OS X.
Nope - you can tell stack to download the specific version of ghc your project needs, and it downloads stuff into your ~/.stack directory.
I'll be on-line here for a while if you want to try it out.
Got it working! I had added Haskell to my path (/Users/Rax/Library/Haskell/bin) by putting it in /etc/paths; but apparently it needs to be at the front, so instead I added using export PATH=/Users/Roy/Library/Haskell/bin:$PATH in /.bash_profile. Weird, but there it is.
I wonder though now whether I need to rebuild/reinstall, since I had my path "wrong" when I built everything.
I don't think you should have to rebuild.
So - what did you get working? Your project or did you build IHaskell ?
Everything was working but that weird error about displaying Either in notebooks.
The key thing I stumbled across was that the path to Haskell's bin needs to be "before ghc in your path". The instructions I was using just said "on your path".
btw - you can change your path in ~/.bash_profile instead of /etc/paths.
Changes might not take effect until you restart your terminal app, though.
Yes. I generally do the latter, but the former seems to be required (to force ordering).
If you use stack --no-system-ghc it will download it's own ghc and not use your installed ghc.
I think you first have to run: stack --no-system-ghc setup
to download the required ghc to your ~/.stack directory
To be safe I also use: stack --no-system-ghc build
Sorry: /private/etc/paths (just to be clear). And if I put it at the front of the list there it also works.
So the key thing does seem to be that the path to Haskell's bin needs to be "before ghc in your path".
for the Haskell Platform, ghc is install in /usr/bin, right?
but ghc does not appear in ~/Library/Haskell/bin
And that was before /Users/Rax/Library/Haskell/bin in my path.
@user5402 Right.
So what is in your ~/Library/Haskell/bin that is responsible for things working when it appears before /usr/bin in your PATH?
Perhaps cabal? What is the version of your ~/Library/Haskell/bin/cabal versus /usr/bin/cabal?
No idea, but the instructions say explicitly that it should be in front.
Which instructions?
Only one cabal in /usr/bin/. (2.1, "Important notes")
But I missed that before.
Ok, the reason why they say that is because the Haskell Platform installs binaries in ~/Library/Haskell/bin.

So, if you install a new version of `cabal` with `cabal install caball-install` it will go in ~/Library/Haskell/bin/cabal, and so you'll want ~/Library/Haskell/bin to appear before /usr/bin so you will pick up the newer version.
Note that stack installs binaries in ~/.local/bin, so if you start installing stuff with stack you'll want to put that directory in front of your PATH.
Not sure why that mattered for the Either behavior I was seeing in notebooks, but it did. Putting the path where they assume it is fixed it.
What else is in your ~/Library/Haskell/bin ?
I think I'll stick with this for now (since it works) and see how things evolve.
cpphs gridsynth happy hlint ihaskell superdoc-armor
So, critically for this error: ihaskell (I'm guessing).
Perhaps it was the ihaskell binary which it needed to find.
Just try copying ihaskell to another directory in your PATH, remove ~/Library/Haskell/bin from your PATH and see if it still works.
I think I'll run with this for now.
If you like, you can post an answer to the question: For IHaskell to work properly it is critical that ~/Library/Haskell/bin be on the path before ghc because ihaskell is there. I'll accept that.
If you want you can like to these instructions noting that thought they say to merely put the dir "on" the path, they show putting it at the start (which is what the Haskell-Platform instructions say explicitly).
Ok - done!

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