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A: Placing selected rows without duplicates

RamRaiderAs a guide might I suggest something like this? <?php if ( $result = $mysqli->query( "SELECT question, answerA,answerB FROM questions WHERE type='$type'" ) ) { /* rather than string concatenation use an array */ $html=array(); $html[]=" <form action='' metho...

@RamiRaider sorry man i got this error : Call to a member function close() on boolean in..Why ?
i fixed it..Just if you don't mind me asking just a logical question. If i have for each question the same answer (1-2-3-4-5) it's necessary to place it into my database?
The call to $result->close() was outwith the if( $result... ) clause which would have caused that error most likely if the query failed. Not necessary to put the answers in the db @dan - I didn't know how they were derived and that would be a standard way of doing it - so I made an assumption!
i was just asking.. Anyway thank you for your help, i really appreciate it
are you still available?
I'm still sat at the laptop
is it possible to open a chat conv for a minute please?
if you can go ahead
dear i'm sorry for disturbing you..
hi.whats the problem?
i'm trying to extract the answers of the bullet points
by putting the name in a variable
isn't that the correct method?
to insert it into a table in a database?
do you mean once the frm has been posted?
so you post the form and then you want to put the answers into a db table?
i click on a sub button and the answer bullets are inserted in the database
this is what i have done (at the bottom):

$options = '';
$filter=mysql_query("select afnumber from employees WHERE Status='Employed '");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($filter)) {
$options .="<option >" . $row['afnumber'] . "</option>";
$menu="<form id='filter' name='filter' method='post' action=''>
AFNumber : <select name='SelectAF' id='filter' style='color:grey;'>" . $options . "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Evaluation Test Type : <select name='Type' id='type' style='color:grey;'><option selected='selected'></option><option value='loyalty'>
at the bottom of this code
if isset submit1
i understand the appointment of variables is wrong
but i don't understand why
put aside $ans
why $type1 didn't work
I'm looking through the code and there are issues for sure. Let me be clear - you want to add the answers, as given by the user, into another table called "questions" and you are having problems with taht part of the app?
$type1 = $_POST['Type']; - there appears to be no form element called 'Type' so that POSTed var will be null - or cause an error
also, $ans = $_POST['question-{$counter}-answers']; ? The $counter variable will NOT be available at this stage as you are operating outside of the loop where the counter was defined. You WILL have a series of POSTed vars named along the lines of "question-1-answers", "question-2-answers" etc
I get the feeling you have gone but... in the first form ( the one I helped with earlier ) you would need to add a field for type. Try adding this at the bottom of the form

<input type='hidden' name='type' value='{$type}' />
Then the last piece for adding records would be something similar to:

if( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ){
/* here you want to add the user's answers into the db */
/* First, get the POSTed variables */

$numQuestions=10; /* How many questions in the quiz? You could get this by using an sql query or hardcoded */


$sql="insert into `question` (`type`,`value`) values ('$type1','$ans')";

for( $counter=0; $counter < $numQuestions; $counter++ ){

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