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Q: Gathering user info from another table

phpcoderI currently have a query set to select comments which are associated to a particular post. I also need to select the users details who submitted that comment against that post. I am struggling a little here and need some advice. Here is my current query: $q = "SELECT p.post_id, f.created_da...

So why did I get a down-vote and no comment? Brilliant...
I'm not the downvoter, but the error is actually telling you the column doesn't exist, thus the query failing, thus $r being FALSE. Which you would have solved with a simple search:…
Hey, so I understand that $r is failing at this point because there is clearly something up with my query. I need some help with the query more than anything...
The column user_id does not exist in table u (it's a table as you've not aliased anything u). What table holds the column user_id? You don't need AS when aliasing tables.
both my users table and my user_comment_join table hold that column
...Then bring users table into the query.
Hey man
sorry to be a pain I am REALLY struggling with this little part
Here is my amendments
SELECT p.post_id, f.created_date, f.comment_id, f.comment_content, u.user_id, u.first_name, u.last_name,
FROM forum_post AS p, users AS u
INNER JOIN comment_post_join AS j ON p.post_id = j.post_id
INNER JOIN forum_comment AS f ON f.comment_id = j.comment_id
INNER JOIN user_comment_join AS cj ON u.user_id = cj.user_id
WHERE p.post_id = '$id'
ORDER BY created_date ASC
But now I get this...
Unknown column 'p.post_id' in 'on clause'
remove AS after the table names
that's only needed for columns
where am I removing AS?
FROM forum_post p, users u
for example
SELECT p.post_id, f.created_date, f.comment_id, f.comment_content, u.user_id, u.first_name, u.last_name,
FROM forum_post p, users u
INNER JOIN comment_post_join AS j ON p.post_id = j.post_id
INNER JOIN forum_comment AS f ON f.comment_id = j.comment_id
INNER JOIN user_comment_join AS cj ON u.user_id = cj.user_id
WHERE p.post_id = '$id'
ORDER BY created_date ASC
Still getting the same result
Does it make sense the result I am trying to get?
You've not removed AS after the other table names
Ah ok let me try again
While I do so basically I have posts in a forum, a user posts and then it allows for comments
the comments work and are bound to the posts but I need to show who posted the comment

SELECT p.post_id, f.created_date, f.comment_id, f.comment_content, u.user_id, u.first_name, u.last_name,
FROM forum_post p, users u
INNER JOIN comment_post_join j ON p.post_id = j.post_id
INNER JOIN forum_comment f ON f.comment_id = j.comment_id
INNER JOIN user_comment_join cj ON u.user_id = cj.user_id
WHERE p.post_id = '$id'
ORDER BY created_date ASC

Same result...

#1054 - Unknown column 'p.post_id' in 'on clause'
Surely I need the AS in the query no?

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