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@Rishav why not?
Look at this beautiful icon!
3 hours later…
How did you guys add the feed
I <3 CommitStrip
6 hours later…
@Rishav I am building the color app as I have said before
I need to find the adjacent colors of a color
I came across this post:
A: Calculating the analogous color with python

mmgpConverting from RGB to HSL and rotating +/- 30 degrees might be indeed what you want, but you will not get the color wheel showed. Obtaining, respectively, 12 and 128 colors, starting with pure red (at top), this is what you will get: And here is sample code to produce the analogous colors: ...

Can you translate this code to java (not Java 8) or pseudocode for me?
DEG30 = 30/360.
def adjacent_colors((r, g, b), d=DEG30): # Assumption: r, g, b in [0, 255]
    r, g, b = map(lambda x: x/255., [r, g, b]) # Convert to [0, 1]
    h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)     # RGB -> HLS
    h = [(h+d) % 1 for d in (-d, d)]           # Rotation by d
    adjacent = [map(lambda x: int(round(x*255)), colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hi, l, s))
            for hi in h] # H'LS -> new RGB
    return adjacent
hi @Sweeper
theres some LIBRARY stuff here
colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
I know what that is. It says what it does on the lid
do you know what the "Rotatation by d" mean?
yes its a list comprehension
ok i am converting it
HI @Sweeper sorry my internet being a potatoe as usual
1 hour later…
Ok thx
I'm going to revise my exams
6 hours later…
Guys, BASH IS COMMING TO WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D techcrunch.com/2016/03/30/…

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