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00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 00:00

yoo @UnknownOctopus
flips table
me watching chess vids
This is a long shot, but anyone in here know anything about batch?
Maybe i should post it..
It's not like anybody's here, you know/
netsh wlan show profiles gives me the correct output, however for /f %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do ( echo %%a )
makes me flip tables
Wow that looks like gibberish to me
i dont know anything in batch
other than shutdown -s
I'm usually good, but this makes me want to stick my head in the sand and slam my laptop on a rock
Go kill a dog, it helps.
@RishavKundu shutdown /s /t 10 /c "xrisk Bruh"
i know brah
did it in my school labs
yes, shutdown via cmd is disabled
solution: log off via cmd xD
@RishavKundu There's wayz around that
naw, you get messages about insufficient privileges and shit
its set up right.
Soo.. you give yourself the perms ;D
thats if you can run as admin
hold on
you cant.
becos the account doesnt have admin privs
so u cant do any of that funny business
anyways :P
its like 11 in India correct?
holy fuck, there are more updates
os x
i did like 10 updates today
This is why i like windows :P
oh 'recommended' Lol
2 pages worth of updates
Holy crap
i haven't updated to windows 10 yet, but i assume it will have similar since its so new
this is actually the beta
so updates are more frequent
beta of?.. a new version?
What's the best way to create a decent looking mobile site while also making it nice in pc? Should i have a js or php script to check if they're on mobile, then redirect them to a mobile site?
hmm separate mobile sites are so passe
build the site mobile-up
make it first for mobiles
then add things as the screen size increases
deletes project
"project"? what do you use? eclipse?
for everything except batch :3
youre writing html in netbeans? xD
*with plugins
try this
it wont show it but it's inverted
eeeeek that looks so horrible
Not to me :3
maybe i'm just used to it
soo,.. start with mobile.. but then it looks horrible on pc
yeah, make it look good on mobile first
then add features
as the screen size increases
and if i may recommend: getskeleton.com
have fun focusing xD
:3 thenks for ruining my chess video
Im gonna head out. G'night
Wait, isn't it like midnight there? You're going out at midnight?
1 hour later…
//hm start
3 hours later…
What!? Empty room?
3 hours later…
Oh man, I'm almost blind.
Broke my specs.
using dem accessibility settings for the first time
cuz i'm a cripple now
2 hours later…
so empty r00m
so much for teenage tuesday xD
Lolz... hi
heyo @BlenderWarrior
hi @KFichter
@RishavKundu Nthing much, u?
So I'm at work and my boss hasn't given me anything to do...
I'm just sitting here
@KFichter Become a gamer...
I'd play games to make my boss mad so he'll give some work to do...
@KFichter what do you code in?
How do I create the size of my canvas in Java?
I always forget the simplest sht
Yet, I can remember the most difficult, darn java
canvas in java? O.o
Yeah, I think it's width/height
you have canvas in java? i never knew it....
Yeah, you set the width and height of your canvas but the only way I get it to work is to code my canvas first...
It's simple though, I start with pseudo code which is idea's to help with your code...
@RishavKundu If your familiar with GUI then shouldn't be a problem... ?
no i am not familiar with java gui :3
@RishavKundu When did you start Java?????
about 2 years back
@RishavKundu Hm... and your saying your not familiar with GUI's?
You know that GUI stands for Graphical User Interface right? Anything that can be graphical or coded to be graphical for a user and framed as an interface.
Some languages tend to have you code the whole GUI yourself (Python). I am fairly aware that C# does the same except a hella lot easier and it's almost widget based (click on your widget tool box and drop it on the GUI and boom!!! Super special GUI).
@RishavKundu Whatever the bossman gives me to code in
Sounds like a hybrid job to me
Or maybe I program to many games for da CEO
Honestly that's a good idea
I'll just build a game
In excel ;)
@RishavKundu What happened to tom?
Built conway's game of life in excel
pretty nice
how do you set a color using an int? O.o
Is Eclipse and nice IDE?
I use TextPad
i hate eclipse >.<
in fact i hate all ides >.<
Such a insult
ides are terrible IMO
if you are organized and understand what you're doing; then a simple text editor like subime text works just fine
You should see my work desk...
@RishavKundu I'd have to say..... I am going for automated organization
That's one way of looking at it.
rect(x, y, z, width, height)
Such a unique and compiled function!
circ(x, y, z, width, height, radius*)
I think I like the circle more
star(x, y, z, width, height, radius*, diameter, circumference)
lmao, I made that my own function HAHAHAHAHA I love you java
... I do too <3
@DizzyCode Aww...
@DizzyCode where were you all day? OO
@RishavKundu Color.parseColor("#57DA15");
yes, i figured it out yay
It's a 32 bit int, one byte for each of R, G, B, and A.
You can also do context.getResources().getColor(R.color.my_color);
I settled for this editText.setTextColor(Color.rgb(3, 122, 255));
what is the range of values for the alpha channel?
Yeah that's the best way
0-255, same as all the other ones
oh mkay thanks
This is worse than python
Python is so freaking simpleee.....
^^^ WHAT!
yes i know python <3
Easy to type
@RishavKundu moar tennis
whoa; you really like tennis, dont you?
I just made school varsity, and there are mandatory practices :P
5 hrs in the morning, 2 hrs in the afternoon
Congrats man!
less congrats
lol I'm running low on sunscreen
Betta get more so you like whiter...
@DizzyCode Yes, I did
hey that dude looks like Walter lewin
well, a bit
He looks like Walter Fishburne
the comments section for that video is also quite interesting
wait a minute, did i just gain rep? :D
maybe it's for my answer yesterday
I see your the new rep master...
John Skeet doesn't have to ask that
John Skeet is always gaining rep
He is a serial repper
JohnSkeet = new RepFactory();
Error: Expression expected
oops lol; python OD
@RishavKundu hhhahahahah
ah i miss //skeet
I'm alive :)
std::cout << "Hello, @DizzyCode!";
@DizzyCode When Jon Skeet gives a method an argument, the method loses.
@AnubianNoob When Jon Skeet gives a method an argument, the method loses.
@AnubianNoob When Jon Skeet gives a method an argument, the method loses.
man @RishavKundu you gotta step up your game
@RishavKundu The Dining Philosophers wait while Jon Skeet eats.
@AnubianNoob Jon Skeet is the only top 100 SO user who is human. The others are bots that he coded to pass the time between questions.
sometimes random is not so random xD
wth... is going on?
wow, what was the probability of random.choice picking the same thing 3 times in a row :O
How many items are there?
gotta add 8 more
WScript.Echo "Hello, @HyunMi!"
1/39304 chance that'd happen
wow, we witnessed such a rare phenomenon
WScript.Echo "Hello, @HyunMi!"
sorry for the double room entry, hello how`s everyone doing?
@HyunMi Hi, I'm fine and how are you?
we are g00d
@BlenderWarrior Im pretty fine, kinda new to the site but liking it, I learn more than I give answers but hey im happy xD
I only given two answers.... and over 16 questions but thats on pets SE
@BlenderWarrior asked 1 question so far, I can answer some stuff here and there, but other people just give waaay better responses :c unless I`m typing quick
Ayyyyy @HyunMi what up?
@HyunMi Yeah it's hard...
@BlenderWarrior ayyyyy not much hbu?
@BlenderWarrior was meant at @Anubian
so bits. much wow.
I'm at work, wrapping things up
Gonna make stuffed mushrooms for dinner if all goes well
@AnubianNoob omg, I want some!!!!
Awe.... my mouth is so juiced uppp
you guys already have a job Jealous
Just me I think
And it's under strange circumstances
WScript.Echo "Hello, @UnknownOctopus!"
i thought we took out bot greetings?
i turned it on for a while
ill turn it back off wait
great its dead
oh i forgot to post that batch question
@AnubianNoob I am starving
Bout to make fish sandwiches....
@HyunMi FYI, users find it a little bit frustrating if you delete a question they just spent time on answering. Maybe next time ask in a comment if your question is worth keeping. Meta is war but we don't kill people at first sight ;)
@rene o ok, I just thought it was a dumb question, but I`ll keep it in mind in the future
@HyunMi Rene is right
@HyunMi trust me, I have seen dumber questions ...
@rene I see you have experience in batch?
Do I?
Sometimes, it is also helpful to talk to the most rep person
Are there any here?
@UnknownOctopus only some in windows
@HyunMi They'll sometimes be kind and correct to help you ask better questions and get good answers and scores
@rene Mind if i ask you a quick question? (I always try to avoid posting questions :P)
netsh wlan show profiles Works find and gives me the expected output, but when i put it in a for loop and echo the output, i don't get the expected results. for /f %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do echo %%a
srry guys :S
@HyunMi I can see how new users in chat might get confused by the bots being present in chatrooms. So I didn't find it a bad question at first sight. I had a look around first to find in which room you was seeing that because maybe you ran into something that went of control. My search would have been shorter if you had added a link to the room. So that is why I decided to let you know that it wasn't a question that needed deletion per se.
@UnknownOctopus hold on
@rene When do you consider a question to be appropriate for deletion?
wait what happened, @HyunMi did you post a question on meta about our bot?
@HyunMi when it is a duplicate and the new question doesn't give new context
@HyunMi on meta there is no reputation so you don't have to worry that much...
But questions still need research, be well formulated, stuff like that
@UnknownOctopus use delims like so for /f "delims=" %a in ('netsh lan' ) do echo %a
(I have no wlan in this box so I used lan instead)
@rene rep is always nice to have but shouldnt be the focal point ofc :)
@rene Thanks, works perfect now
@HyunMi sure, but I only mention it in case you considered that as a reason for deletion
@UnknownOctopus I see no star on my message! I do everything for the rep, you know .....
I have to go, have fun everybody, bye!
@rene I'll post it if you want?
@UnknownOctopus nah, just kidding, it will be a dupe anyway
Ok, well thanks again
@UnknownOctopus what happened? O.o
@RishavKundu ?
What was rene talking about?
A batch question i had
Read above^
No, something about meta and bots?
15 mins ago, by rene
@HyunMi I can see how new users in chat might get confused by the bots being present in chatrooms. So I didn't find it a bad question at first sight. I had a look around first to find in which room you was seeing that because maybe you ran into something that went of control. My search would have been shorter if you had added a link to the room. So that is why I decided to let you know that it wasn't a question that needed deletion per se.
i don't know
@HyunMi ?
rene is ugly
sorry, wrong chat
still, wut
wait... I meant the other rene
in irl
Raina not rene
now who is raina .-.
u will get kicked
@RishavKundu Your just jealous....
And I won't because I deleted my comment
Comments have history :3
:P But nah you wont get kicked
I forgot the history party, my bad @rene and rishav
Anubian is here...
hey0 @DizzyCode
00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 00:00

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