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Q: Switching to angular-ui-router results in 500 error on $http

TiagoI'm working on an application that uses Angular on the frontend and Scala on the backend. Originally, the app was using Angular's default $routeProvider. Upon trying to switch to angular-ui-router however, $http.get and $ no longer work (I assume $http is entirely broken) while client-...

any error in the console ??
@swapnesh Yes, the one I mentioned: POST localhost:9000/activity 500 (Internal Server Error)
can you check the POST request and response in browser console ?
Also for the time being can you please comment out the following code as few things from your available code is yet not clear to me - $locationProvider.html5Mode({ enabled: true, requireBase: false });
@swapnesh Sure, here you go.
@Claies Yes, you are correct, yet the request payload validates successfully on JSONLint. What else could be the cause of this ValidationError?
@Tiago pastebin is showing nothing about the data you are posting
@swapnesh Updated:
@swapnesh I didn't include it because it validates correctly.
@Tiago yeah I checked it on Lint check if datatypes are similar, means expected is Int and you are providing Int/boolean
more specifically here - "startDateFormatted": "Invalid date", "startTimeFormatted": "Invali: d te", "endDateFormatted": "Invalid date", "endTimeFormatted": "Invali: d te"
That may well be the cause of this specific problem
why does $routeProvider work
that is the real question
the thing is that specific piece of information is wrong because it never gets loaded ($http.get) in the first place
as I mentioned
so that invalid date problem, is actually a consequence
of a failure of $http.get
you mean to say if you only add $routeProvider it works?
can you please share the code, I need to check how you are using this ?
which part
where you are injecting $stateprovider
and routeProvider
remove un neccessary parts like template controller etc
okk you are using "http-auth-interceptor" let me chk
can you please remove the un neccsary dependencies and paste how you are including the scripts
by the time also remove $locationProvider HTML5 mode
to make the things easier to debug
it's commented out
dont you think that it should have - url: "/home"
if using angularUI router
just changed it but it makes no difference
.state('activity-report', {
  url: '/Project/:projectId/ActivityReport/:id',
  templateUrl: 'app/components/activity-report/activityReport.html',
  controller: 'HomeController'
this is the one that breaks
and how you are using the service in your controller
if($ != undefined)
$scope.editing = true;

$scope.prepareActivityIn = function(data){
$ = general.clone(true, {}, data);
$scope.originalReport = general.clone(true, {}, data);

and finally the getactivityreport is just this:
dataFactory.getActivityReport = function(id){
    return $http.get(urlBase + '/' + id);
do you have any other $http which is working ??
all broken
maybe the urlbase is broken
var urlBase = '/activity';
maybe ui-router uses no slash or something? :/
no simple add $http in your controller and do this -
and let me know the case
URL should be like - var url = 'http://localhost:9000/myapi';
paste code you are using now
it's really huge
I didn't write the file
these are just the dependencies: angular.module('MELon').controller("ActivityReportController", ['$scope', '$http', '$route', '$routeParams', '$rootScope', '$window', '$location','activityReportFactory', 'translationFactory', 'userAccountFactory', 'projectFactory',
function ($scope, $http, $route, $routeParams, $rootScope, $window, $location, activityReportFactory, translationFactory, userAccountFactory, projectFactory) {
so simple $ http code you just written in your controller
not this much
well I simply copy pasted what u wrote to my controller
GET http://localhost:9000/Url 404 (Not Found)(anonymous function) @ angular.js:9818sendReq @ angular.js:9619$get.serverRequest @ angular.js:9335processQueue @ angular.js:13175(anonymous function) @ angular.js:13191$get.Scope.$eval @ angular.js:14388$get.Scope.$digest @ angular.js:14204ng.config.$provide.decorator.$delegate.__proto__.$digest @ VM230305:844$get.Scope.$apply @ angular.js:14493ng.config.$provide.decorator.$delegate.__proto__.$apply @ VM230305:855done @ angular.js:9650completeRequest @ angular.js:9840requestLoaded @ angular.js:9781XMLHttpRequest.send (async)(anonymous function)
this line
what if you paste this in browser and hit go localhost:9000/Url
are you able to get the response ??
when you dont access the thing from broswer, how you are expecting Angular to wok correctly
The 404 or Not Found error message is an HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested.
i don't understand what you're saying
there is not Url path defined previously
if you mean the path that was there before then yes it is working correctly
it simply does not load the information that it should get with $
I dont think thr is an error with $http
i see
well i tried all urls and i have 200 status
any specific info you want from $http.get('url').then(function(res){console.log(res)});
means other urls are working correctly ??
it's strange because despite getting 200 status with your snippet
still nothing loads
just an outside observation and you may have already done so, but you mentioned everything stayed the same while making the transition to ui-router. Did you remember to change ng-view to ui-view in the markup?
yes i did do that
client-side things work fine
routes are fine and I can navigate
however, when getting this object with $http.get, I get an empty result or something
i'm not even sure
yes just confirmed
data from $http.get is undefiend
this could be a problem with $routeParams
or the ui-router eqivalent
in your controller, not sure you usage, but you're injecting '$route' and '$routeParams'. Are you using these? Perhaps you instead need to inject '$state' and '$stateParams'
what do you mean by that?
o nvm
switch your signature to instead use the ui-router injectables and see what you get
I'm injecting
Tiago I think you need a little break ...try to minimize DIs
You're probably right swapnesh :)
thank you for all the help
first check with base code and then add cod to check what part is breaking the things
let me know if the new injectables solve your issue please
however I do believe that this is the root of the prolem - I must be doing something wrong with stateParams
and that's why ui-router can't get the correct object
because it doesn't know which ID to get
sal niro, ok I will let you know
however those injectables are not recognized for some reason
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $state
is this part of ui.router ?
$state is a part
yes i know but is that what you inject? or $stateProvider ?
you inject $state and $stateParams
in controller you inject $state
and $stateParams
provider is available in config phase
I see then that has to be the problem
great :)
I need a break, thank you both for all the help
I will look deeper into this later on
and try to fix all the controllers with the correct injections
but I do believe this must be th eproblem
sure np, I posted an answer on your question regarding these discoveries. Please share feedback when you get to it. Best of luck and thanks
Thank you!

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