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A: Convolution - Calculating a Neighbour Element Index for a Vectorised Image

RaffaeleUsually when images are represented as a vector A B C 0 1 2 becomes A B C 0 1 2 X Y Z X Y Z So, given an image of width (col + 1) and height (row + 1) the element at (row, col) has index (row * width + col) in the vector. Similarly, the element at (index...

I edited my post to include some sample code, could you explain what you mean in relation to it, thanks :)
So what are your input and outputs? int[][] for the image and int[] for the kernel?
I have updated my post to show the input and expected output, in this case the method can not accept a 2d image or a 2d kernel, however the code can be ammended to accept a width and/or height parameter. i.e. the results of the output element values of vector convolution must be the same as output values of matrix convolution.
You can use the provided code to convert 2D to array and leave the convolute function as is
In my solution I should not convert from 2D to 1D so i need the 1d neighbour index to match that of it's 2d representation
So what? Provided the convolute function works (I'm not entirely sure), we don't want to touch it. So just convert from 2D to array when bridging is needed
2D convolution is a more expensive operation, it is important that I keep this in 1D
I simply gave you a function to transform a 2D array into a vector
I know how to do that, what i need to know is how to calculate the index of a neighbour pixel when dealing with a vectorised image
Sorry, I can't understand. You posted another question and it was answered. That answer works with vectors
If that works, you just need to convert the 2D array to simple vectors with the function I gave you
Otherwise, if the other answer does NOT work (which I think may be the case), you need an entirely new program, and the new ones takes two more input parameters: the width of the image and the size of the filter (usually 3 or 5)
I can work on a OO solution but you must definitely tell what the input looks like... A byte stream? int[]? float[]? int[][]?
the input is an int[] of grey values
i just need to convolve the int[] image with an int[] mask
Ok so you have 4 parameters:

# Image matrix (width and height)
# Image data (int[])
# Filter size (int)
# Filter data (int[])
Is it correct?
no just a 1d array of greyscale pixel values and a 1d array of mask pixel values
but the convolve method can take extra parameters if needed
Of course it needs width, height and size
Since in Java arrays have length, one input is given
Also, for the filter width is equals to height
yes, but that might not always be true
Greyscale doesn't mean anything. Is it an RGB value encoded in an int?
What may not be true?
you may have a mask thats 3 x 5
the grey value is the sum of the red, green and, blue integer values divided by 3
lets say we have an matrix image with grey values = {{0.1.2}{3,4,5}{6,7,8}}
lets say we also have a kernel with the values = {{0,1,2},{3,4,5},{6,7,8}}
the convolution of the first pixel deals with the neighbourhood {{0, 1}, {3,4}}
in 2d that's elments {0,0 0,1 1,0 1,1}
*[0,0] [0,1] [1,0] [1,1]
but in 1d that's elements [0][1][3][4]
In the RGB representation, each color component ranges 0 - 255 (0x00- 0xFF), and grey is simply a color with the same amount of red green and blue. Anyway, it doesn't matter for now. Let's try to fix some points
your problem is perfectly clear to me
So tell me if this is right
- you have an image, which is a matrix N x M whose elements are int. Is it ok?
- then you have a filter, which is a square matrix 3x3 or 5x5 (or 7x7...), whose elements are int as well
i have an image which is a matrix N x M...
but it will be flattened before it is processed
Ok, that's clear at this point :)
I have a filter that is 3 x 3
And then you want an int[], size N x M
yup, did that part
Ok. Can you just tell me one more thing
how do you compute the resulting pixel?
in 2d it is:
            imagePixel = image[neighbourY][neighbourX];
            maskPixel = mask[maskY][maskX];
            pixelOut += imagePixel * maskPixel;
Ok. Just give me some minutes. You don't need no cap on the pixel out for now, right?
I mean, the pixelIn has a range [min, max]
Obviously the resulting pixel may be well over max...
i have dealt with that
if > 255 then 255
if < 0 then 0
Ok :)
By the way, I already wrote the code for you when I was writing the answer to your other question, but I trashed it because it already got an answer
It was not concise, though. I'll try to keep it short and not OO, but will be a mess of indices...
that other question was meant to be this one ^^;
i just didn't know how to ask it correctly
Ok :) I should have kept the code...
In fact the accepted answer seemed so strange to me....
here is what i have:
package code;

public class Convolution
* Takes a vector of greyscale pixel values
* and convolves it with a vector of mask values.
* @param image A vector of greyscale pixel values
* @param mask A vector of mask values
* @return A filtered vector image
public static final int[] filter(final int[] image, final int[] mask)
final int imageSize = image.length;
final int maskSize = mask.length;
final int maskCenterIndex = maskSize / 2;
final int[] output = new int[imageSize];

int outputPixelValue;
opps sorry didn't mean to paste the whole thing
i paste the important part
public static final int[] filter(final int[] image, final int[] mask)
final int imageSize = image.length;
final int maskSize = mask.length;
final int maskCenterIndex = maskSize / 2;
final int[] output = new int[imageSize];

int outputPixelValue;
int neighbourPixelIndex, imagePixelValue, maskPixelValue;

// loop through the image
for(int imagePixelIndex = 0; imagePixelIndex < imageSize; imagePixelIndex++)
outputPixelValue = 0;

// loop through the mask
for(int maskPixelIndex = 0; maskPixelIndex < maskSize; maskPixelIndex++)
I have also implemented 2d convolution
but there is a discrepancy between the outputs
i will post a screen shot
thanks :)
output 1 is matrix convolution
output 2 is vector convolution
my problem is that they the same
my vector output for my vector convolution should look identical to the output for matrix convolution
i think that my problem occurs because the neighbourhood indices in matrix convolution are different than those in vector convolution
originally my kernel looked like this:
but it should look like this:
Hope that makes sense :S
you there?
Let me know if it doesn't work. Now I'm gonna go to the gym :) Later I can continue working on it
sure thing, thanks
Just saw your images. How has been output2 made? I mean, you wrote vector convolution
it's in the filter method i posted
public static filter(int[] image, int[] mask)
Sorry, just a short side note: I'm pretty sure that you can't do a proper convolution on a 2D image that is given as an 1D array when you do not know the width of the image. So I'd expect the method signature to be something like filter(int image[], int imageWidth, int mask[], int maskWidth), at least.
how would that work then
i can supply the image width
@Marco13 you there?
sorry i wouldn't be so hasty about this expect i need to get this working within the next few hours
I'm still here, but did not track the whole conversation.
i am trying to implement vector convolution
I think the key point is to not try to "do the convolution on 1D arrays", but to do it on 2D images (as it IS a convolution of 2D images!), and only convert the indices accordingly before accessing the 1D array
Roughly to what Raffaele proposed for your second question
I'll have a look at the code that you posted, and maybe answer your second question, but can't promise anything until now.
thanks, it's much appreciated
i also posted an image showing my output
the first output is the result of matrix convolution
the second output is the result of vector convolution
I believe the vector convolution should not appear different to the matrix convolution
but it is and i think it is because of the neighbourhood indexing
originally i was just flattening the image and the mask and then sliding the mask over the image as shown:
but know i believe that the index of the neighbours should correspond with that in 2d convolution
and the convolution should look like this:
Added an answer, hope it helps, I'm out now
Thank you very much, I will have a read over it asap
3 hours later…
I updated my answer and put a fully functional program at
i have another question
if that's ok? it's just for clarification
i was wondering if you know how vector convolution is typically performed
is it as I have shown in this post:…
I'd say the way Marco13 suggested in his answer
It's just that you don't have two vectors in your problem, but two matrices, so it doesn't work
i know that but i have seen instances of vector convolution
in papers i have read
(not first hand)
To process what kind of signal?
image processing
Well, if you look at my code on github, actually simple array (vectors) are used
i'll be sure to check that out
It's just that once you have both a vector and the width (the length is implicit in Java) it exactly the same thing as a 2D array
i'm just a bit confused about my output
for the vector convolution
it's just laid out differently in memory. For example in java int[][] means an array of references
and also for the output that Marco13
I think your output work by accident :P
Try it on a non-greyscale image
*i got using Marco13's solution
And try different convolution matrices
Again, that algo is broken for images processing because doesn't take widths into account
If you run it against a 200x200 or a 100000x50 image, it computes the very same neighbours
So it's clear it won't work for images
In your case it just appeared to make something useful because of the particular input you fed into it
i'm actually using javafx and so i need to convert my buffered image to a javafx image, do you know if that would result in any problems?
No probl
Use a SwingNode to wrap the BufferedImage
Or otherwise dump the BufferedImage to a ByteArrayOutputStream and then create a JavaFX image by reading that byte stream
this is what i've done:
public static Image toImage(final BufferedImage bufferedImage)
final int width = bufferedImage.getWidth();
final int height = bufferedImage.getHeight();
final WritableImage writableImage = new WritableImage(width, height);
final PixelWriter writer = writableImage.getPixelWriter();
int x, y, argb;

for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
argb = bufferedImage.getRGB(x, y);
writer.setArgb(x, y, argb);

return writableImage;
That's ok
BTW, you don't need to bridge between BufferedImage and javafx.Image
Just add a method to my own Image that returns a javafx.image by iterating through the matrix
public Image toJavaFxImage() {
  // ... setup here
  forEachElement((m, col, row) -> {
    writer.setArgb(col, row,, row));
I have to do some editing when it comes to your method, it's very good as an object oriented solution but i need to produce something that isn't so object oriented
That's ok. I wrote that to be as easy as possible to read. Feel free to make your adjustments
well thank you very much, you've been very helpful :)
Good bye!
If it works don't forget to upvote and accept
will do
Just one last thing: I updated the gist because of a bug in the Pixel.addWeightedColor method: the weight should be taken without sign!
this.weight += Math.abs(weigh);

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