I am making paging view of scrollview. It works well when i give fix width and height of subview.
let me show you code.
Making scrollview and contenview
[self.view addSubview:self.scrollView];
[self.scrollView addSubview:self.contectView];
Addding constraing for scrollview and contenview
I need to validate an international phone number.
I know its difficult to validate an international phone number, so I'm going to keep it simple:
+ or 00 then 6-14 numbers
My current code using a regex isn't working for some reason which I can't work out. It just says that it cannot open the r...
@RaviPanchal there is no method that you can pass data from one fragment to other in swipe. But you can save data in action to any of the constant class . and when you go another class you can get those data from the constants.
@NitinGohel i gave a one problem i will download pdf file using tableview.but i will apply also search view so when i search any subject than i want download file
I am switching an application from Objective-C to Swift, which I have a couple of categories with stored properties, for example:
@interface UIView (MyCategory)
- (void)alignToView:(UIView *)view
- (UIView *)clone;
@property (strong) PFOb...
if the app is running on a device with SDK version 23 or higher. If the device is running SDK version 22 or lower
when you update an app to include a new feature that requires an additional permission. If a user updates an app on a device that is running SDK version 22 or lower, the system promp...