@DharmeshKheni @DharmeshDhorajiya aa error only The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection ios 9.3 ma j kem ave 6
So, the new beta SDK of iOS released last night has "App Transport Security" which encourages developers to use https instead of http. In principle, this is a great idea, and I already use https in our staging/production environments. However, I don't have https set up in my local development env...
@DarjiJigar sendSynchronousRequest:request ana lidhe nai true result hoy tyare work kare 6
true resuly hoy tyare banne ma work kare 6.. but false resuly hoy to sendSynchronousRequest:request ma false batave 6 pan [NSURLSession sharedSession] dataTaskWithRequest direct error ave 6 false result ni jagyae
@PayalManiyar aa error only The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection ios 9.3 ma j kem ave 6..plist ma code pan add karyo
@MayankPatel response true hoy banne ma work kare 6 and afnetworking thi api call karu to pan work kare 6. same request repsponse false hoy tyre pastie.org/private/j4u0h8jimk2juq2ptzg7ya false result NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest thi call karu to ave but same requset [NSURLSession sharedSession] dataTaskWithRequest or afnetoworking thi call karu to pastie.org/private/z5rxcpqz6nlw6ck9mvuxng#2 api side koi probelm hase?
@MayankPatel same request sendSynchronousRequest:request call karu to false batave aej sam parameter and request [NSURLSession sharedSession] dataTaskWithRequest: to result nai avtu error ave