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Q: Android - How to Open Another Activity When you click a button

Kyle BrooksI am trying to open an Activity that contains a few TextView's and EditText's, my code was working perfectly earlier, but now when I click the button to open the Activity, it says "Unfortunately ... has stopped!". Here is a code snippet: Button address=(Button)findViewById(

Code seems to be correct . did you change anything
Are you sure you included ChangeAddressFromAddressButton in the Manifest.xml. Could you please update your question with the stack trace ?
whats errors are accur in log cat?
post you logcat please
Check if <activity android:name=".ChangeAddressFromAddressButton"/> is included in your Manifest.xml
check the console. you will have info there
Yep, it's in my manifest: <activity android:name=".ChangeAddressFromAddressButton" android:label="@string/title_activity_change_address_from_address_button" > </activity>
@JaseemAbbas I'm not sure what the stack trace is, sorry, I just started with Android and more intense programming
Did you try cleaning and building the project? Can you please update your question with the manifest as well?
@JaseemAbbas I edited my question with the manifest file
@RavikantPaudel I did, yes, but that is what I have been using the whole time, since before I edited it, I only started implementing a SQLite DB
Can you try : Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ChangeAddressFromAddressButton.class); ?
@mayo No, still isn't working
Weird, one way (a long one) to fix it, or to try to discover the reason of error is start a new project and start to copy & test your code. In one step you will see what is going wrong. Also using a repository (like git) will always help you to have an "stable" (or working) version of your code. With the info that I have, I cannot see what the problem is.
@mayo I don't see the problem either
I have done everything that you guys have told me and STILL it just refuses to open the activity
can you make a zip, upload the file in some place (like wertransfer or something like that) and post the url here?
@mayo what about DropBox?
ok !, Works too !
@mayo I would actually rather use another site, I'll create an account and get back to you in a few minutes
@mayo , please could I have your email address to send it to you on Wetransfer
@mayo , nevermind, I found out how to get a link
@mayo Thanks so much for offering your help
You are welcome ! For me it's another way to learn !! Give me some time please !
Ok, I am also going to carry on working with it, please don't copy my ideas or anything
don't worry :) Ok, It was weird, I'm using AndroidStudio. And I only found a "replicated" activity on manifest (pointing to a non existing class), but anyways I got a lot of errors. So I decided to make a new project from scratch and started to copy file by file. And now it works ! Here is the link:
Thanks, I just can't open it in Eclipse now though
mm, even if you try to 'import project' or something like that? I suggest you to use androidStudio. Years ago I was an EclipseUser, but think that AndroidStudio is much better.. Good luck !
@mayo thanks, I've just moved to Android Studio, but I've broken my app, the problem I was having before with the one button is now happening with ALL of them, I've checked, the classes are spelled right in the intents, the activities are in the manifest, but still have the same problem
:O that's more weird... well I suggest you to start a new project and recreate one by one the structure of your project.
Good idea, I think I'll do that

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