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String s ="project/emp-pd1545/ID-JHKDKHENNDHJSJ/";
String s1="project/tmpid-1224509p/emp-id1545/ID-JHKDKHENNDHJSJ"; I'm trying to get first emp-till /
here is my regex
but i'm getting output emp-pd1545/
how to avoid /
i tried this ("(emp-.*?)[^/]"); then i got only emp-i
output emp-p
did you see the above message @AvinashRaj
and it's better to use \b before emp.
can you explain a bit if you don't mind as i'm trying to learn regex
emp- matches the substring emp-
like why not use capturing group() here
[^/]* a negated character class which matches any char but not of /, zero or more times.
So it stops matching once it finds the forward slash.
why you need to use capturing group?
if you want to use cg then try this
and print only the group index 1.
yeah i tried that initially but output was like / was getting attached at the end
i'm using java
Try this,
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(emp-.*?)/").matcher(s);
yes making it group(1) worked
i wonder so cp captures and split it into two group here right ?
BTW THANKS for helping me out :)
btw final question .. i just wanted to ask to this .. since you are pretty much well versed in this .. which book should i start with for regex learning and then advances .. i'm just a beginner and all site just tells the basic .. @AvinashRaj
@AnkurAnand we capture the chars we want.
@AnkurAnand I learned all the regex stuffs from this site only.
But you may consider reading .
@AvinashRaj we capture the chars we want ? site
not able to get in google

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