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Q: In IPhone 4 Splash Screen show black screen when load the app

RAMAI make an app for iphone 4,4s,5,6 and 6Plus. a problem occur during the load splash screen of the app.I use splash screen programmatically in AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method. it's work fine for all iphone higher 4s and ios greater than ios 7 but in iphone 4 a black screen occur a...

Do you have "Default" launch images?
yes sir...but images name is "splash".
I think the answers of this question should help you better understand the conventions.
thanks bro.. now i set "Default" images but issue not resolved. it's work fine for ios 8 but in ios 7 a black screen occur when load splash screen
Do you have it as "[email protected]"?
yes sir,i use "[email protected]"
Are you using Images.xcassets? If so, do you have the LaunchImage there?
sir. black screen occur only in iphone 4 why??
If you use the LaunchImage in Images.xcassets, then actually the name can be anything, it just has to be in the "iPhone Portrait iOS 7, 8"...
yes sir
Islam sir please help me.
now what can i do???
and sir i not use splash screen ..i make splash screen programtically
Can you upload your code to a so I can help you more?
Sorry.sir this project is confidence by client. but i can send Appdelegate didFinishlodingwithoptions method code
then create a basic new app that has everything working then you can look at that and find an issue... I can't guess from here... and btw, the didFinishLoadingWithOptions is not responsible for the launch image - it gets set by the OS before calling any method on your app
yes i create demo app and send you in short of time

last day (14 days later) »