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Time for some problem solving , babes!! @Jerry @deadlydragon00
any idea? i'm confused..
@Sword done
int Trees(int N) {
    int  p = 3;
    for(int x = 1 ; x < N ;x++){
        p = p*2;
    return p;
there is a short formula for this, sorry Im doing something
@deadlydragon00 3*(2*(N-1)) doesn't work..
no need for a for loop
During a recent police investigation, Chief Inspector Stone was interviewing five local villains to try and identify who stole Mrs Archer's cake from the mid-summers fayre. Below is a summary of their statements:

Arnold:  it wasn't Edward
         it was Brian

Brian:   it wasn't Charles
         it wasn't Edward

Charles: it was Edward
         it wasn't Arnold

Derek:   it was Charles
         it was Brian

Edward:  it was Derek
         it wasn't Arnold

It was well known that each suspect told exactly one lie. Can you determine who stole the cake?
@Jerry There is a similar puzzle in phi-brain remember the dwarfs holding an apple?
uh huh, except that one is not rigged :)
ah darn. it's all over the internet too
well, it's up to you if you want to test yourself or cheat yourself :)
@deadlydragon00 I never got that ping D:
hi berserk-kun
hi dragon-san
I think it expires already
hi minna-tachi
hi jerry-sama
jerry wa ii
wearing the bracelet of Orpheus from ebay
@Jerry Brian
@deadlydragon00 nope. The orpheus armlet is not working it seems :P
yea I think, I will ask for refund
hint: look for people saying both positive or both negative statements. If they tell exactly one lie, it's easier.
If a suspect tells 1 lie does it mean the other statement is real?
every suspect speaks 1 truth and 1 lie
TLDR lol , i did not read the bottom part
I am using this approach though
but it didnt work for me..
hmm for that one wasn't it the german?
@Jerry pass
Brian:   it wasn't Charles
         it wasn't Edward
Brian says these. So it must be either Charles or Edward
Derek:   it was Charles
         it was Brian
and here it must be either Charles or Brian
Charles is the common culprit, so it must be him
okies, you explain it right :)
*explained lol
8 hours later…
what kind of room is this?
4 hours later…
4 walls, a cealing and a floor

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