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you reached end of season 2 yet? xD
Im on EP 35
How can you solve a puzzle that never really exist.. lmao
The phi brain team is now officially a Puzzle Nazi
2 hours later…
I didn't know Jerry was a sexy beast with a 8-inch wang XD
What is the best example of being a stereotype?
I'm looking for a super deep definition.
A stereotype is what everybody assumes it is because of what they hear about other versions of the same thing. Most commonly used on people, but not exclusively
Assuming a woman is dumb because she has blonde hair is a great example
Hmm that sounds unpleasant to hear. :(
You have blonde hair, don't you...
OK, let me see if I can dumb this down for you...
not really :)
How are you today?
I just wake up
Is that good or bad?
because sleeping morethan 13hours is like suicide
Makes you more tired
not really tired.. Im just bored :) .. btw I lookup some readings about freeBSD
I didnt finished reading it yet :P
From what you have read, what do you think?
cannot conclude yet
Kinda busy this morning...
@deadlydragon00 What you doing today?
Im not sure which should I do first , read something or watch something...
I have several phone calls to make, then I have to go to the neighbors and teach him how to play Forza 6. It's his Xmas present, which I gave him early...
Best neighbor awardee joe
<-- the only expensive thing I own is my computer, I dont have phones,cars etc..
I managed to get a MAJOR steal on the games...
The games are $60
They went on sale for $40
I managed to buy three for $4 each! Yes, $12 TOTAL
STEAM also having a Christmas discount this time.

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