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5:21 AM
@CrisLuengo Dankjewel! Of course I don't mind having smarter users than me edit my answers ;)
6 hours later…
11:44 AM
@flawr That is so freaky!
12:13 PM
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні lol WTF. Unicode has too many spaces for weird characters
what do we need in unicode? a weird char from a middle ages drunk monk writting a meme? YES
I don't expect the 3 additional eyes to take up more code points :P
decided to search for weird unicode characters
﷽ <- 1 character
ah nvm was a stupid meme
I am going to stop, but I think I could spend hours being amazed at unicode
1 hour later…
1:52 PM
@AnderBiguri I found a nice method of optimizing with constraints and you don't need to do math if you use autograd
still at your Y problems eh :D
show me! :D
you can just compute the lagrangian, use autograd, and flip the signs of the gradient with respect to your multiplier and BAM, constrains satisfied
this paper here
compare eq 9 and eq 10, that is the whole idea of the paper
I use ADMM in my work
I'll check later, I am a bit swamped with work atm
didn't know about ADMM but it seems to be quite popular, but you can barely find anything about this BDMM
yeah. Sad thing, all written by matehmaticians. Tried to made sense of it and took me like 3 days to figure out what some magic step is
the just like to say "and now you minimize f(x), no probs"
2:06 PM
"not sure but it exists"
but really nowadays I autograd everything
You can't autograd a CT forward operator though
what's the issue there?
that for speed reaons its a black box function in CUDA
(i have no idea what a CT forward operator does)
given an image x, compute a set of measured projections b. A*x=b
2:08 PM
oh I see
but A ~ 134217728 x 183500800
for your poor computer I hope A is sparse
so A never exists, only computed on the fly. So you can't just autograd things that have this matrix basically
TIGRE is, basically, a [A*x] and [A^t*b] computation toolbox, with some fluff around, like algorithms XD
but isn't A more or less defined by the geometry and beer-lambert?
admitedly I think you can define autograds for these operators yourself, with most autgrad computers
@flawr yes yes
you can autograd it
2:11 PM
but in practice you can't?
yes yes you can, I was lying
I am doing it XD
but you can tell autograd to do it for you, you need to tell it what its the grad yourself
I don't exactly know how, but I am using something called tomosipo that has .to_autograd() function
@AnderBiguri it uses/is compatible with pytorch:)
yes yes it is (which is why I use it), but it needs to provide pytorch;s autograd the definition of the grad of the operator
2:56 PM
@AdriaanBiguri one for you:)
I want to add "[citation needed]" to this statement:
> Undo operation (Ctrl +Z) is very important in Programming.
@CrisLuengo Close > Opinion Based
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні I'm sooo tempted to.
@flawr I've done that all my life, but have never used Vim. :/
maybe using vim would help you!
3:43 PM
Hahahaha. LOL.
I'm gonna have to call the asylum to come pick you up.
Look, if the "M" in "Vim" stood for "Mouse" and "Menus", then OK. But I think it stands for "Memorize these shortcuts or you won't even know how to close the program".
Wrong. Ctrl+c tells you how to exit.
Ah, so it is indeed "improved" as they claim! :)
Like in Python, where typing "exit" explains how to exit, rather than just exiting.
>>> exit
Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit
Refuse the temptation to guess!
4 hours later…
>> size(@(x) x)
ans =
     1     1
huh, that's funny
8:00 PM
@SardarUsama Interesting. You cannot put more than one function handle in there though, it has to be a cell array.
>> [@(x)x, @()1]
Error using horzcat
Nonscalar arrays of function handles are not allowed; use cell arrays instead.
So yes, it's an array, but it's always a scalar array?
octave:2> size(@(x) x)
ans =

   1   1
I half expected that to fail
I like MATLAB's consistency though. Everything is an array. Makes it so much easier.
Of course you can't both index into a handle array and call the function in the handle array with the same syntax, so they had to artificially limit handles to one per array. If only MATLAB had used the more common [] for indexing, we would have been able to do fun[5,6](...). Would have been quite convenient!
I still don't see why one couldn't do fun(5, 6)(...)
obviously it would have to be funs(5, 6)
8:38 PM
did they actually ever provide a reason why you could index expressions?

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