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room topic changed to CHATLAB and Talktave: Congratulations to Ray for hitting 100k unicorn points! Room to discuss MATLAB and Octave related topics - Also... i.imgur.com/EHAPP7J.gif [matlab] [octave]
:D not to brag but it needed to be updated.
Not to brag my ass :P
2 hours later…
@rayryeng welcome back and congratulations :D
1 hour later…
stackoverflow.com/q/72003234/5211833 besides the missing MCVE, I'm fairly certain there are dupes for this. Counting consecutive zeros in an array is probably close, but doesn't take the duration into account. Won't bwprops() (or bwcount() or whatever that binary image function is called) do the trick nicely as well?
but those may be image processing toolbox -specific
but I agree
must be some dupe somewhere
They definitely are, but then again, they probably attend a uni which has access to all toolboxes anyway
Q: Matlab Find number of consecutive zeros

8727I want to find the lengths of series zeros in a matrix A = [0 0 0 3 1 4 6 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 2 1 1;2 3 1 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 2 3 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1] I need result gives seriesZeros = [3 1 6;2 3 5] and also [rows,cols] from series of zeros value thank you very much...

@rayryeng Congrats!!!! :D
for example
Good to see you are still alive and earning unicorn points, Ray!
@Adriaan fair, feel free to close! I voted needs debugging details
@AnderBiguri as did I. I'm loath to provide dupes to zero-effort askers
4 hours later…
@rayryeng hi, and congratulations!!!
@rayryeng good to see you're still alive!!
What's next, Divakar popping in?
Get a full reunion going
hahah, unlikely. I haven't seen Divakar or Amro in a long time. I know what Divakar is up to on LinkedIn, but we haven't spoken in years.
Kids also make it difficult to have time for myself.
@rayryeng stop having time for yourself and spend more here :D
Speaking of kids...
Does SO still give the goodies for 100K unicorn points?
@rayryeng hahah niceeee. They do behave like cats though
your kids are lovely.
hopefully that wasn't during the great american toilet paper crisis of 2020
@AnderBiguri When I looked it up on Meta SO, as of 2021 they still do... but I'm not sure when I'd get it. I did get an automated congratulatory email from SO though yesterday.
@rayryeng so that's why people hamster toiletpaper!
@ballBreaker the great world toilet paper crisis of 2020
@ballBreaker haha, no that was a few months ago.
hahaha awesome
You still in lovely san fransisco?
I do see a snow picture so.. im curious
@rayryeng haha, an email, I guess its better than nothing :D If you get something do lets us know. You have 100% bragging rights.
Definitely, we need to know whether it's still worth getting those 100k:)
@flawr on PPCG you mean? ;)
Yeah I need to know if I should get another 99.4k rep
@Adriaan yeah I don't think I'm gonna get 100k there anytime soon
@flawr you're closer there than anywhere else ;)
No I'm back in Toronto Dustin. I've been here since Feb 2020 and I remember telling you this too the last time I was here 😜
Don't worry. I'm not here often enough for anyone to remember
Dude comes once every two years and expects us to remember him! ha!
(its a joke :D)
Yeah that's right. What else are you gonna do with your time?
Thats what I do, scroll the chat and know where everyone is!
I will appear in your houses at some point!
Lmfao. Vade retro.
Yeah other than bragging rights I haven't seen anything. I think from what I saw is they're waiting for a bulk of users to cross the threshold then send it to them in one go.
@rayryeng hahaha
@rayryeng well, hopefuulyl you get some unicorn plushie or something
I still wear my Tshirt from that giveaway years ago where I mentioned you :D
:D I still too.

The 2021 giveaway consisted of the SO t-shirt... and socks. No mug :/
I was so hoping to get the mug. My wife has commandeered it and it's tea-stained to hell.
I wanted another one for myself.
It was nice to have that SO Legends thing. Thanks for mentioning me :) I still think about it.
:D you deserved it
I still have my morning coffee in that one
and cut my cheese in m cheeseoverflow board
@rayryeng OHHhhhh right. I think you said the wife was missing the family too much IIRC?
We should get lunch or dinner sometime :D
Yeah, combined with her being pregnant with our second kid and American health care being absolutely shit, we decided to come back.
I can say this without impunity as none of us are from the US :)
The COVID-19 pandemic was what pushed it over the top as we were very nervous. We made it across the border on time. 1 week after our goods made it across the border, they closed the US/Can border.
@ballBreaker Sure! Are you still in Toronto or the GTA?
Ooooooo jeepers, right I do seem to remember this now, it's all coming back!
North york :) (Toronto)
haha don't worry. It has been... what 2 years?
Cool cool. I'm in Mississauga now. I moved away from Toronto because it was getting expensive to live. Not enough room for our kids.
I also probably told you last time that I got my PEng as well eh
yaaa I feel that
No you didn't! Congrats! When was this? Did I serve as a referee?
You aced that test with the stuff I gave you right? :)
I don't think you did IIRC , I went through a huge struggle trying to get people because I had to have someone who was a P Eng and that I worked with/under haha, and my first boss literally blocked me
yaaa aced the test!
Fuck. Sorry about that. I could have totally been one. I got my PEng in 2015.
I spent a week tracking a coworker down across the planet lmaoo
Hahaha shit.
She moved Toronto -> Texas -> Florida -> France
and I did it all through real estate records
was pretty insane hahaha
I had no coworkers with their PEng supervise me, so I had to go to a supplemental meeting with two PEngs that vetted my work so they could sign off that I had PEng experience.
ahhhh that makes sense!
I remember you mentioning that
real estate records? Damn that's some nice sluething.
hilariously though, I got the p eng and haven't done a single thing with it
me too lol.
I just pay the yearly cost so I get an insurance discount xD
I've got my plaque and stamp and that's really it.
hahana same
oh yeah! haha, right.
It's really bragging rights at this point... much like these 100k unicorn points
lmfao exactly
my current company is like ... "oh that's nice.. anyway"
except that the unicorn points is what people actually care about:P
@rayryeng oh wow. Total adventure
yeah arguably more people care aboutr the unicorn points than the PEng I wager
@flawr haha, well I see an additional digit beside my "score" now and that's really it.
you're in the comma club
@ballBreaker Yeah I can definitely argue this to be true. P.Eng. is really only used in infrastructure or power work. Software Engineers don't need a P.Eng. at all.. ironically, you can't be called an engineer here officially without it :P
is this PEng one of those official title engineers that comes from old school bureocracy?
If anyone calls themselves an engineer without a P.Eng., they can get sued or fined.
hahaha yeah which is kind of funny because I've noticed lots of people unofficially call software engineers engineers without PEng's
my company does it all the time and when they do I'm like o.o
repeats to self "i'm not a rat im not a rat"
Yeah in a sense. It comes from that because about 100 years ago, there was a bridge that connected between two provinces in Canada that did not go through the proper verification procedures, which resulted in shoddy work that resulted in it collapsing with a lot of lives lost.

The licensing is to ensure that only those who actually undergo the accepted practices can be engineers.
@ballBreaker :D LOL
yeah "professional accreditation" I think its what the brits call
correct. The UK's equivalent is a C.Eng.
as I still don't have a real job, I don't even know about these things
Oh neat I didn't know UK had the equivalent
Spain too, but its only if you are e.g. building bridges/houses etc. Its a way to say "whoever signed this know what they are doing (and will go to jail if they fucked up)"
thats awesome, I love to hear that
I think it's a very smart thing to do, and everytime I hear that the US doesn't have an equivalent I'm like :\ why tho
Yup pretty much!
@AnderBiguri Haha don't worry - you're not required to.
No one believes academics do anything important enough :D
Hey that's not true
you've almost finished painting 50% of your warhammer guy
@ballBreaker I was a stickler when it came to that. When I worked at my first startup, they printed out business cards that put me as a Software Engineer and I did not hand those out until I got licensed. I kept them locked up in my drawer because I was afraid of PEO coming down on me.
that's pretty important
@rayryeng hahahah that's actually probably a good call
I also didn't want them to reprint the cards. I was gonna get my license eventually.
anything in writing I'd be super iffy about
@ballBreaker hahaha, my most productive endeavor
my manager routinely (verbally) calls us "Backend Engineers" and I really dont wanna poop on his party so I dont say anything
hahaha :D speaking of which, where are you at now!?
@rayryeng Askuity! It's a subsidiary of home depot, we do supplier analytics and ML/AI/Data science stuff for them. It's a pretty neat application. I absolutely LOVE the company though, the culture is just too good
I'm learning a TON as well. Backend is written in Scala and the front end in Typescript both of which I am (or at least was) a total noob in when I started
I saw you're doing Augmented Reality stuff, so friggin cool!
I'll be honest I like my company/manager/team/job so much that it feels extremely surreal. I keep having to pinch myself
It's kinda stupid to be so protective over a word that you use to describe the guy that drives a train...
I think we call them "conductors"
That's great! I'm really glad you're at a good place Dustin. Me too. Went through a lot of crap to finally be at a place where I feel appreciated and valued.
@ballBreaker That's the guy that yells "all aboard!" and then cuts your tickets.
Also in Canada: "commonly known as an engineer in the United States and Canada" (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Train_driver).
Cris is correct.
So I have a piece of paper from the University of Delft saying I can call myself engineer. Would I get into trouble if I waived that piece of paper in Canada?
Yes and no. We recognize foreign credentials, but depending on their level and experience, they would simply just be recertified, take a few exams or take a few courses. After that, you can practice :)
@rayryeng Yeah man I feel that! Life is filled with stepping stones to better opportunities :)
Ahhh look at that, I'm wrong!
for once
Essentially we need to make sure that the standards and education meet what we consider to be acceptable to our needs.
hahah I have a story related to that. In Spain, I was unable to do a PhD. I needed European credits, but I studied "Ingenieria Superior", instead of "Master en Ingenieria", because the second was just a new thing in Spain. They very clearly showed me how I could not do a PhD anywhere in Europe because I clearly had no MSc title. I said "OK, can you please give me my academic paperwork in English please". The first row reads "Masters in Engineering". Problem solved.
wowww that's amazing hahaha
Spanish bureaocrazy for you
more like beurocralazy am i right
too many ciestas
am i right
@AnderBiguri Love that. I'm sure there's no difference between the new "Master en Ingenieria" and the old "Ingenieria Superior".
"siestas", but yeah XD
@CrisLuengo well, the practical difference is that I studied 1 year longer XD
I had a full extra year on education. Ergo, my titile should be invalid. Great, Spain, great.
@AnderBiguri They cut down to match other EU countries' curriculum? Wow. Why is it always the lowest common denominator?
luckily UK (and most EU) is not self-shooting itself in the foot with self-imposed paperwork stupidity
Yeah, in EU its 3 years of BSc + 1 MSc. I did 2.
And here you can start a PhD without doing an MSc first...
Yeah, in the UK too :D
@AnderBiguri lol damn so close
I am still 1% scared that if I ever go back to Spain they won't accept my PhD because of this XD They are idiotic enough to do it
Somehow, I wouldn't be surprised.
Well you know what they say
Can't spell Spain without pain
Who says that? :)
I may have just made it up (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Nice one, though. I never noticed that.
You also can't make it without Spa 🛀. Not sure if relevant....
This is true!
I bet Spain has some of the world's best spas
I want to go back again soon, love that country and the people
hahaha. As any Spanish expat, I agree
haha this song is pretty awesome
The neil degrasse intro combined with the heaviness is pretty fookin awesome
4 hours later…
@ballBreaker pain au chocolat :)
@AnderBiguri maybe you have to ask your phd-university to translate the degree to spanish? :P
and if that doesn't work maybe first to basque and then to spanish
@ballBreaker feels a little bit like Symphony X mixed with Dream Theater:)
^ a fun video, talking about how some guys made analog bayer filters before it was cool

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