@AnderBiguri A concussion back in 2017 is still bothering me and I have to rest in a dark room for several hours each day. Combine that with two preschool girls, and I don't have much time left in the day for SO.
Whenever I have time left I have to prioritize my SO over our SO.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні I know, but I tell my wife I just rest. That way I have an excuse to not always be the one that answers the midnight "Is it morning now?", "I need to pee", "I fell out of bed", Surprise vomit, etc.
Joking aside, I actually listen to podcasts/audiobooks...
Any suggestions? Not the heavy "Now I'll learn a lot about this and that." My head quite literally needs to rest, so I need fairly light entertainment.
@StewieGriffin there's a scifi short film anthology called DUST that has recently started adding podcasts. Basically scifi short stories as audiobooks. Often gloomy though. E.g. youtube.com/watch?v=8xZadcCrqQA (haven't listened to this one)
@StewieGriffin ouch! well, aside from your libertarian anti communist view of SO (my instead of ours?!), hope you are good!
I listened to 2 podcasts: Welcome to the night vale (absurd sci-fi news radio station of some weird town) and Lex Fridman Podcast, where he talks with important people about stuff, mostly science and tech
@StewieGriffin I'm sorry to hear that. I really like 99% invisible, it's quite well made and covers quite a wide range of topics (originally mostly architecture and design).
haha yeah, give it a shot and let me know what you think! I think they do some backstory of some of the episodes, and talk about their on-set shenanigans etc
wanna see something cool? :D I finished painting some of my warhammer guys
my adhd revved up huge from reading the lore.. spent 2 weeks reading lore to decide which faction I wanted, then by the time I started I kind of burned out on the hyperfocus
I don't care too much about the lore, I just like painting, and needed something that required concentration but not creativity, as my brain was mushy peas
@ballBreaker yeah, I would just sit for hours easily
there is this youtuber that talks about climate science etc, and at some point he super nerded out and started talking about the physical feasibility of the planets in the lore