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8:45 AM
Stuipid numpy-question: Let's say I have a 2d array, and some of the rows are repeated, is there a way to basically count all the occurences of the distinct rows?
(Like collections.Counter, but that only works for hashable types.)
@flawr axis=0, return_counts=True?
Not sure if that does what you want
oh that looks great, thank you
I was too fixated on using Counter
9:06 AM
oh no, I got fgitw-ed
9:20 AM
man, someone just published in Nature Scientific Reports a method to do Multi-GPU computing of CT recon, and the entire discussion is "this is useful because, for example, TIGRE, can not do it"
Which is 1) complete BS, I have a paper from 2 years ago explaining how to do it 2)ASTRA (the other CT toolbox) also is able to do it
I contacted the authors quite kindly asking if they could write to the editor to make an errata and the answer, very politely, has been "no, in the 2016 paper you say you don't do it, so it makes sense we said this"
I feel that we have lost the meaning of why we publish stuff
@AnderBiguri ouch
this is ridiculous
they publish factually incorrect information, but they dont want to fix it, I assume for fear of losing reputation or getting their paper removed
is there a way to contact the editor?
I guess I could do it, but I think the athors should do it
will give them the chance (I replied very kindly too, but asking to please do it) and see what happens
if they stop replying, I will try to do so I guess
but its sad that the reaction is such, science publication tended to be something for informing the rest. This is also why it tends to be unmovable, because its factually correct at the time of publishing. But this one is certainly not
well in the end it probably doesn't matter much but it's just so sad...
9:25 AM
so reviewers did a crap job too
@flawr it will have some negative influence in TIGRE, but I assume not much.
because they literally name TIGRE, not just "no other people have done it"
ah I see, yes.
admitedly, I assume that the impact will be minimal, as also they do not provide their code
but still, ugly
My new favourite way of publishing code for a paper is a link to an github repo that is empty.
a private repo
you can not prove the code is not there
Schrödinger's repo
9:38 AM
But seriously, I've seen so many papers now doing this. I know some journals or conferences require you to publish the code too, and I wonder if these papers are actually from journals like this and the editors just didn't bother checking? Or maybe they removed the code after publishing it?
I am amazed I have not seen it
when I published TIGRE, we had a last round of review that was "OK, all good, now put the code public so we can verify"
which makes sense
And with the second paper, multi-GPU, I put it in arxiv first specifically so reviewers would have access to the code without me getting scooped
but yeah, I got a prize for "outstanding reviewer" and I was quite shocked, because I don't think I am
but also, when I review papers, sometimes people only send 1 paragraph as a review
that is total BS, I can't believe 1 paragraph is enough to review ANY work
10:36 AM
@AnderBiguri fuck that
yeah, but what can I do XD
Not much I guess. Informing the editor or writing a reply paper somewhere might be options, but I've never had to deal with anything like this.
I've see it sometimes. Not as blatantly incorrect, but yes referencing some paper with a partial truth of what the paper is saying, arguably a misleading reference
A: What should I do if I found a citation error in a published paper?

F'xSmall errors that do not affect the results or conclusions of the paper are normally handled through publication of a correction (or erratum). This is handled by the journal editor, who will be in contact with the authors for confirmation that they agree as to it being an error, and provide for t...

see if the journal has a policy for corrections
you've exhausted diplomatic options when you kindly contacted the authors
10:52 AM
I sent my second email to the authors today saying its all understandable, but for the benefit of science of correctness please do make an correction
will see how they respond, otherwise will do that
11:22 AM
and if that doesn't work nuke them on twitter:P
12:18 PM
or nuke their department
12:52 PM
nuke nature
1:27 PM
(not literally please)
6 hours later…
7:17 PM
@AnderBiguri Put a bit of code in TIGRE that recognizes it's being run by the authors of that paper and destroys their hard drive.
if they were TIGRE users they'd know what it can do *shakes fist*
or make a script that automatically tries to upload a correction to arxiv:)
Good one! A little less vindictive...
Either take the high ground or go all-in psychopath. There's no point for anything in between.
high road
bit Freudian slip I guess :D
Well, when you take the high ground it's over, so that's the right thing to take.
3 hours later…
10:50 PM
you guys like coordinate systems, don't you? eng.uber.com/h3
if anyone finds an interactive map that shows these hexagons please let me know:)
1 hour later…
11:56 PM
@CrisLuengo finally, a good use of eval
@flawr hexagons are the bestagons

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