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7:23 AM
I was thinking the same, but patches are notoriously difficult to handle in my experience ('how to plot error bar shading'...), just wanted to touch base to wager a guess whether I should even consider spending time or if it would take too long and some sort of library would be recommended instead
7:47 AM
I had the impression that these patches are quite a simple matter, they are just made from a sequence of points?
1 hour later…
8:59 AM
I guess, but if you have a lot of points, changing over time, and you simply want to plot +- std or SEM, that seemed a bit more complicated
1 hour later…
10:23 AM
@user2305193 I don't see at all why this is an issue. You have the top and bottom lines, you can fuse them together head to tail to get a closed polygon to shade
I'm probably missing something in your use case, so perhaps try articulating why this won't work for you (or just do it and show us why it's insufficient)
2 hours later…
12:33 PM
posted on April 15, 2021 by Loren Shure

In a recent post, I talked about for-loops in MATLAB and how to optimize their use knowing how MATLAB stores arrays in memory. Today I want to talk about getting ready for parallel computation,... read more >>

2 hours later…
2:41 PM
I think that you should use the patch @user2305193
wrtie a small function that generates a patch for a given regression
@AndrasDeak im checking my own python library, and I suffer
:( whyyy Ander whyy
It was written by 2 python noobs (I am one) and approved by me as code reviewer
so no diea if its my fault, but I definetly went "yeah that looks good"
there are worse, Ive seen some wonky tricks to simulate the matlab eval
getattr(self, self.some_fun_name)()
@AnderBiguri why do you have matlab eval...?
2:46 PM
I don't XD
@AnderBiguri at least it's not eval
nono, its just that, but it makes the code horrible IMHO
because I don't know what is in some_fun_name, so kinda eval
But it's not eval. No injection vulnerability.
Terrible design, but not all-in bad
fair, no one will hack a PC with this, the worst that can happen is programmers cry
but I am very vulnerable right now :,(
Just fix it :)
And operator.methodcaller is slightly, but not really, better
2:50 PM
needs more serious coding I think, still to many things that don't work to be fixing the ones that do
The question is why you have a method name in a string like that
@AnderBiguri do you have a test suite yet?
I am working on that
its not really a "test suite" as such, but its 22 demos that use most if not all of the code, and should return reasonable stuff
Pytest with coverage reports can help a lot. You can see which lines are tested etc.
yeah, its on the list, but tigre pyhton is still before that, I can't even test stuff myself because it breaks. I NEED 3 ANDERS
Its not evne part of my job to maintain TIGRE and I am behind my main job, so I can't spend time on those things :(
Yeah. The open-source contributions I do are my procrastination.
@AnderBiguri I thought this was tigre python
2:55 PM
sorry, tigre-python is behind on that. In the sense that to have tests, the code needs to run
and it does not do that always
Oh, nice, excaza worked on your tests
yeah! made mayor contribution
particularly to have code quality, you cannow run code via pre-commit to clean it up
@AnderBiguri There’s also test-driven developement, where you write the tests first, and then develop the code. When all tests pass, your code is done.
2:59 PM
@CrisLuengo yeah I learned about this a bit too late. Currently my python version is just trying to catch up with the MATLAB features
so its more of a race to not be behind rather than proper new development
Ah, blackened code
Maybe you need to stop sleeping. That frees up so much time for coding!!!
im just currently trying to get this PR finished (github.com/CERN/TIGRE/pull/263) so I can merge tons of tests and bug fixes that came with those "tests" (demos really)
so I Can say I have an almost finished and working python version, and then the bugs will start arising
@CrisLuengo solid advice. I know now how to make the perfect coffee too
in fact excazas PR has solved most of those setatr! <3
3:17 PM
double neat
now I just need to convince all the rest of you to make a ~3000 line contribution to TIGRE each, and it will be the bomb
solid plan.
I told you, if you have a test suite I'm a lot more confident fixing things :P
I'm totally happy adding a dependency to DIPlib in TIGRE.
It's the only way I know how to contribute. :)
hahaha I was joking of course
btw solid way of getting your library used: make random PRs and add it as a dependency
btw, software-suggestion
anyone has some nice tool to fix merge issues for git?
@AnderBiguri vim
3:26 PM
I just fix them by hand
I made the msitake of mergin excazas PR before my massive PR and now I am in PR hell, because I have conflicts in ~30 files. I'll need to just do it by hand yes
@AnderBiguri Are you suggesting there should be an automated way to fix these issues? I think if git can't make the call, you need human eyeballs on it.
nono, just something nicer than removing line by hand
@Dev-iL Andras-2
3:28 PM
Yeah, there must be some GUI that asks you whether you want to keep A, B, or write a mix of the two yourself.
@Dev-iL lol, not that I know of
@CrisLuengo yeah, something like that. I use gitkraken, but its a bit meh for this
@AnderBiguri that's why you should avoid "40 files changed" PRs
@Dev-iL and I'm appalled that they are calling muons "obscure"
yeah, but it was "and from now we enforce code quality automatically" so at some point there needed to be 1 of those I guess
but then you started your own in parallel :P
3:31 PM
yeah, before XD my mistake was indeed merging it before the WIP branch. Oh well.
I know it was inevitable, I just like to be a smartass. Sorry.
@Dev-iL "others say it’s too early to throw out the previous calculation" The new calculation matches experimental results, but let's ignore that and instead say that all of physics must be overturned.
hahahha nah, you are right tho :D no offense taken :D
@CrisLuengo thing is, the previous calculation used experimental measurements to do the math, thus still would be weird that it does not match. Weird in a different way
Jülich has a crazy-ass cluster. Something like 300k CPUs. Blue Gene Q and friends.
@AnderBiguri It'll be interesting to see where the discrepancy happened.
3:34 PM
@CrisLuengo perhaps it's easier to publish in Science than one might think
In cancer research something like 40% of experimental results cannot be replicated. In social sciences it's like 99.9% (or so it feels like to me). It's not crazy to think that in physics some results cannot be replicated either.
computational folks usually aren't too forthcoming about open-sourcing software, so you only see a partial explanation of the implementation at best
aparently the new simulation is all 100% CPU powa, but the old one used experimental data for Hadron virtual particles (approximate term), because its too expensive to compute (until the new one came). Apparently this difference makes the new one match the experiments, but now they are all wondering why the fully theoretical one matches experiments, but the one based on experiment does not. So either mayor mistake, or seriously still somethihng about physics wonky there.
@Dev-iL It seems to be related to connections, more than experimental quality. There's a reason that the methods section is not printed in the magazine.
@AndrasDeak it said, "the Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal (BMW) collaboration", so has to be you. Unless you're saying that you're not an employee of BWM... ;)
3:36 PM
@CrisLuengo yeah, I've heard this in the past
@AnderBiguri something about computational physics wonky, perhaps
could be too, but either case somethign wonky in physics
@Dev-iL no, I prefer turn indicators
Also it appears I cannot tell the difference between BWM and BMW
3:38 PM
@AndrasDeak They used discrete numbers in the simulation. Obviously it's going to be wrong!
@CrisLuengo no, it's just not a mathematical issue :P
I think "our older, easier methods give the wrong result" is a lot less interesting "physics is wrong" than "every method we have give the wrong result"
So even if there's a theoretical bug here, it probably isn't groundbreaking.
(Speaking as someone who doesn't know the field at all and has only seen that article that explains that muons are tiny rod magnets)
poor physicists, they have a model that they know is wrong, and it does not matter how hard they try, they don't seem to be able to find where its wrong because its so right all the time.
I think dark matter is just made up by physicist just to excuse them having a job, because they realised they just discovered everything, so they are out of a job.
3:44 PM
@AnderBiguri they hope it's wrong
they only know that it's ugly
4:23 PM
num2str with format spec (sprintf-like) gives funny spacing:
>> num2str([1 20 300 4000], '%i')
ans =
    '1  20 3004000'
>> num2str([1 20 300 400], '%i')
ans =
    '1 20300400'
>> num2str([1 20 300 40], '%i')
ans =
    '1 20300 40'
Probably a bug. I cannot see the pattern to the spacing
On the other hand, sprintf behaves normally:
>> sprintf('%i', [1 20 300 4000])
ans =
>> sprintf('%i', [1 20 300 40])
ans =
@LuisMendo padded to longest number's number of digits except first number
(leading spaces removed)
4:39 PM
Good catch! That seems to be it. Now, is that intended or a bug...?
No idea :D
I presume docs are inconclusive
octave:1> num2str([1 20 300 4000], '%i')
ans = 1203004000
Yes, Octave works as expected, like sprintf
Doc does say num2str trims any leading spaces from a character array. But it doesn't say that it inserts spaces between numbers as determined by the longest one
4 hours later…
9:11 PM
@AnderBiguri meld
It's quite easy to use, and you can also configure it as git difftool
@CrisLuengo ^ my recommendation
I like vimdiff for difftool
but I use vimdiff a lot anyway
I have a purely intuitive hunch that @AnderBiguri might have some preference that does not include vim:)
I didn't know about vimdiff until now, it looks quite nice!
@flawr that's in my debian repo, +1
and git knows meld by name, +1
oooh there's a git mergetool git-scm.com/docs/git-mergetool
I'll definitely have to try that now
I should've thought of this sooner, thanks guys
@AndrasDeak oh that's actually what I meant when saying difftool :)
difftool is difftool... it shows you diffs
9:25 PM
@flawr I've used Meld. I don't need it any more because I use CLion. But I wasn't aware that it can be used by git for difficult merges. Cool!
(CLion has a tool built in comparable to Meld, but with CLion's full ability to understand code, which makes editing so much easier...)
This is really cool! It shows the file in its mid-merge state in the bottom, and the individual versions at the top, side by side.
now I just have to figure out why it shows three states on top in what should be a two-way merge...
Ah, "base" is the common ancestor. Neat.
9:49 PM
Yes, it's a three-way merge.

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