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4:42 PM
lobster in the python room D:
is he being a danger :P
stranger danger
you caught me lurking
I was just confused I thought there was going to be snakes in there
spying on you
there are usually, maybe they are resting
4:43 PM
how are you guys doing?
alright, too locked, but otherwise kind of handling it with patience
grading remote mid-terms, ugh
yeah same here actually, things were better here for a while and then they reopened schools, and now we're back in lockdown again 2-3 months after that dumb decision
i mean I get it, but jeeze
@AndrasDeak hahah rough, how are those working? Just all online exams?
What class is it?
@ballBreaker same here in the UK, we are almost as bad as in April after the goverment suggested all ciizens to go out to pubs
4:47 PM
hahaha wow
yeah I think we're actually worse now than we were back in march/april
I mean who would have thought that everyone breaking their bubbles to let their kids interact with eachother would do this, nobody could have possibly predicted this would have happened
no one
how's your research going?
Still taking radiation pictures of body parts and objects?
haha yes
4:50 PM
@ballBreaker yeah, students solve on paper and then scan it/take a photo
it's a kind of intro physics for freshmen
doing PET, so now instead of shooting radiation to people, we inject radioactive material into their veins
@AnderBiguri I heard that people can't infect when sitting at tables, so it should be fine.
in the UK no one wears a mask outside because "you onyl get it indoors"
yeah, walls are the culprit here
unless sitting at a table
@AndrasDeak ah okay I was wondering for the maths how they would do it, that makes sense. Kind of a hassle for both eh lol grading scanned stuff must be a pain and having to scan your tests.. bleh lol
@AnderBiguri what were you doing before, CAT ?
I seem to remember a mix of normal xrays and some CAT stuff
4:54 PM
yeah, CAT are X-rays
right but just a BUNCH of em right
CAT is basically those X-rays you get when you break a bone, but isntead of 1, you rotate the machine and take a bunch yeah
I guess I don't know what PET scans are
learned about xray/cat in physics but don't believe they touched on the PET scans
you inject some radiactive stuff into the veins of the patient, it goes to their bodies and you see where it goes becase its radioactive (i.e. emits X-rays)
ahhhh okay gotcha
they do that for MRIs too don't they? sometimes
4:56 PM
thing is, you can make that radioactive stuff behave like glucose, so everything that takes glucose in large scale (e.g. tumours) is "lighted"
I remember them injected a dye into me when I had one done
or maybe it's a different dye, the one I had not being radioactive but more just to highlight contrast differences?
@AnderBiguri oh that's really cool
Yea, with both MRI and CAT, you can inject "contrast agents" to make sure a particular thing (e.g. blood) is much clearer in the image
right okay cool
but as you say, CAT and MRI agents are not radioactive
It's nice to know I haven't completely lost my intelligence since graduation
4:57 PM
PET is 95% used for tumour finding. If you know anyone iwth cancer, is almost sure they got a PET scans, to find the tumours
@ballBreaker I've been teaching remotely all semester, but students were on site for most of the time. So my first mid-term was 1. students write it on paper, 2. I get the mid-terms, 3. I grade them, 4. I scan them each to send them... I can now skip step 4 which spares me a workday fiddling with a scanner
Intersting, yeah that makes sense, from looking at pictures it looks to be more used for tissues I guess?
but its somethign they call "fucntional imaging" because you are not imaging structure of tissues, but function, so there are brain studies that show behaviour of brain etc
@AndrasDeak bahaha nice, makes sense. You dump the scanning onto them now
@AnderBiguri oh interesting.. very interesting. So you get more of a "video" of the scenario as opposed to a picture?
although I guess before IIRC you were taking a bunch of pictures and animating them so maybe that's not the right way to word it
not really, you take a fixed one. But interestingly, my research is in dynamic pet, which is to get videos
that is a random image of a PET/CT. Left is only PET, right are PET (color) overlayed onto a CT (gray)
5:00 PM
oh cool
how do you determine the colour? just a conversion from greyscale to RGB?
so the "color" is low res, but shows body activity, which is of interest.
Yes, the color is simply that left image put on top of CT image, its just you need some way of drawing it, so you make it color/tranparent
ahhhh okay so it's kind of a different method of the PET scan to get colour as opposed to more detail greyscale?
ahhhh gotcha okay
what is your current research focusing on?
mm yeah more or less. So the CT image has all the detail, the PET has all the behaviour, so you get the left image. But you want to overlay that on top of the CT to know where that happens
ohhhh okay
my research is on dynamic PET, i.e. videos of PET over time
5:04 PM
that makes sense now I get that
there are some guys in the US that have an amazing machine for this, onyl 1 in the world
How does one line those images up? to overlay them?
I dotn work on that machine, but yeah
@ballBreaker very carefully XD
yikes is that prostate cancer?
no, you just pee a lot of the radioactive tracer XD
5:07 PM
from the sounds of it the dye typically will accumulate in areas of high chemical processing aka cancer by the sounds of it? or is that kind of a red herring
there are lead toilets in the hospital 😆
ahhhhhhhhhh bladder lmfao okay
it looked like it was pooling in their left leg and then suddenly BOOM all bladder
@ballBreaker yeah, its basically a radiactive glucose, so it actually gets to the metabolims as energy
hahahaa lead toilets, that's actually hilarious
Once when I was in the office I got an email saying toilets in room X out of order (unless you are radioactive)
5:08 PM
😆 someone peed in a shower after a PET scan, was all radioactive 😆
any idea how much of a radioactive dose equivalent having that done is?
oh god hahaha
not really. But clinicians have this super into account always, its def in their radar
Yeah makes sense
I wonder if it's any better or worse than a normal CAT/xray
it ALSO has a normal CT lol
5:09 PM
it's definitely cooler
so definetly worse XD
you get a PET+CT for a PET scan.
but yeah, about 5000% cooler
anyway 😆 hope you find this interesting XD
@AndrasDeak hahaha
gotta go, friday, I need a beer :D
in my house, but a beer XD
hahah true yeah I guess if you're also getting the CT makes sense
sounds good man, enjoy your weekend :)
def found it interesting
same thing!
5:10 PM
this pic really highlighted the necessity for both scans for me
yeah, thats a realy good picture indeed
have an extra beer for me man! was nice chattin :D
you can also see how much we fucking think, that its as active as a tumour in consumption of energy
yeah true eh LOL
isn't something like 40% of calories consumed by the brain
ah nvm looks lower ~20-30% at rest
up to 60% when thinking really hard hahah
@AndrasDeak what's your research about these days?
I live vicariously and intellectually through you guys
same as always, magnetism :P
5:13 PM
hahah mangets
what about magnetism specifically? I forget the details of your studies
I don't usually go into much detail so as not to dox myself
yeah fair enough
computational nanomagnetism, keywords like that
is your name not andras deak then
oh interesting
5:16 PM
hahah I miss that man
what a perfect loop
How's the family and situation in Hungary?
fine and shit
well glad to hear your fam is doing well
I'm going to head out and get some work done, was nice chatting :] take care man and stay safe!
you too :)

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