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12:26 PM
posted on July 15, 2020 by Loren Shure

Guest blogger, Kelly Luetkemeyer, who is a senior software developer at MathWorks, returns with an article on displaying fault lines on a geographic globe. Kelly's previous articles included Tracking a Hurricane using Web Map Service, Visualizing the Gulf of Mexico Oil Slick using Web Map Service and Using RESTful Web Service Interface in R2014b MATLAB.... read more >>

does anyone actually want to keep these matlab blog posts in here?
(cause in my opionion we can trash them)
they used to be more interesting, perhaps they ran out of topics
we could include cris' blog instead:)
or the vim changelog
@flawr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
12:34 PM
is anyone opposed to adding cris' blog? maybe we can goad him into writing some more posts:)
not at all
we should def add it
flawr has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Did you remove the matlab spam while you were at it?
posted on October 21, 2017 by Cris

Since I have spent quite a bit of time porting 25-year old code, I have been confronted with the significant changes to CPU architecture over that time. Code in DIPlib used to be very efficient back then, but some optimizations did not age well at all. I want to show some examples here. It is […]

posted on March 21, 2018 by Cris

The Union-Find data structure is well known in the image processing community because of its use in efficient connected component labeling algorithms. It is also an important part of Kruskal’s algorithm for the minimum spanning tree. It is used to keep track of equivalences: are these two objects equivalent/connected/joined? You can think of it as […]

posted on May 26, 2018 by Cris

A recent question on Stack Overflow really stroke my curiosity. The question was about why MATLAB’s rgb2ind function is so much faster at finding a color table than k-means clustering. It turns out that the algorithm in rgb2ind, which they call “Minimum Variance Quantization”, is not documented anywhere. A different page in the MATLAB documentation […]

posted on January 23, 2019 by Cris

Several algorithms require a set of uniformly distributed points across the image. For example, superpixel algorithms typically start with a regular grid. A rectangular grid of points is trivial to draw into an image. One simply generates the set of points of a grid that covers the image, rounds those points to integer coordinates, and […]

posted on April 07, 2019 by Cris

The Laplacian of Gaussian filter (LoG) is quite well known, but there still exist many misunderstandings about it. In this post I will collect some of the stuff I wrote about it answering questions on Stack Overflow and Signal Processing Stack Exchange. What does it do? (From my answer to the question “Is Laplacian of […]

12:37 PM
oh no:/
Cris flood! OPEN THE GATES
@AndrasDeak I didn't not, which ones should I remove?
I think its just past feed pushes, should just happen now
@Feeds this is teh newest one anyways
12:56 PM
posted on July 15, 2020 by Johanna Pingel

Developed in Collaboration with NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute MathWorks is pleased to announce a new course that has been developed in collaboration with NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute... read more >>

2 hours later…
2:55 PM
Hey, I recognize those blog posts...
Has it really been more than a year I wrote anything for the blog? Damn!
print("hello 2020")
3 hours ago, by flawr
is anyone opposed to adding cris' blog? maybe we can goad him into writing some more posts:)
@CrisLuengo I have the impression ^ is working:P
perhaps he'll object
he doesnt have a saying in here
3:16 PM
@flawr Do you have a good topic I can write about? :)
convolutions, obviously
Of course! I'll just collect all of Luis' conv solutions.
@flawr Regarding this video and the discussion that followed: I don't think MATLAB encourages bad programming, in as much as it allows people that don't know how to program to write programs. MATLAB is too easy to use.
The guy said something about encouraging writing code without loops, as if this is a bad thing? Don't NumPy and Julia give the same encouragement? Aren't NumPy and Julia inspired by MATLAB?
numpy's trying very hard to get rid of some of the matlab baggage, but yeah
and I think numpy's a lot more against loops than current matlab, though this is probably not reflected in the knowledge available online
Indeed, it really depends. In the language you mentioned this is good practice to avoid looops, but he is implying that people would then go blindly try to do the same thing in other languages. And you definitely cannot say that this is MATLABs fault.
Python doesn't have a built-in JIT, so yes, it's even more important there currently to avoid loops. But I don't think the language itself does this, it's the slowness of the interpreter.
And I happily avoid loops in C++ too. If there's a function to add to arrays together, I use that function, I don't write a loop. Don't reinvent the wheel...
3:27 PM
Well the need for dynamicness is a strong obstacle to optimization. There's pypy that JIT compiles python in python, but it tends to have missing features and lagging with numpy too, I think
It's interesting though, with list comprehensions in Python, and similar constructs in the newest revision C++, to avoid writing out the trivial, repetitive parts of a loop and just focus on the "do this for every element in the array" part. I think all languages are moving in a direction of reducing repetitiveness in the code and simplifying things by removing explicit loops.
@AndrasDeak Didn't know about pypy. Is this different from Numba?
Ah, it's a different interpreter: pypy.org
@CrisLuengo yup
"PyPy3 implements the Python language version 3.6.9. It has been released, but Python is a large language and it is quite possible that a few things are missing."
also yup
3:45 PM
@CrisLuengo Haskell did this before it was cool:)
Have you guys used Rust? I just recently looked into it and quite liked it.
I hear people wanting to learn Rust all the time :P
the one thing I know about it is that you even have to think about variable timelives when you write Hello world
@flawr It seems to be a well loved language, according to the Stack Overflow survey.
4:02 PM
Indeed, and rightly so I think:)
5 hours later…
9:20 PM

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