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We've been forced to make home office for the next two and a half months. So until the end of May :(
Luckily I could visit the office to pick up stuff, so with a screen in both of my bicycle bags and all peripherals in my backpack I went home
UCL is closing this week too
Also till the end of May?
not official, so no idea
Imperial College epidemiologist are suggesting that current measures+current NHS will lead to 250.000 deaths
@AnderBiguri a quarter million? Geez, good thing you didn't kick out those 50k EU-nurses yet
UK has one of the lowest ICU beds per capita in europe
that is the bottelneck there
"Flattening the curve" means "Get rid of any curvature" in your case :(
it means killing everyone above a treshold
Q: Can we create a app with A.I. - M.L. for potentially infected people with COVID 19

Marian07I think this one of the fastest way for mass testing of COVID-19. Based on public videos of infected people train a ML model find: - skin properties - voice properties - eye properties - ? hair properties Compare to selfie videos of healthy people. Instructions should be to: Record a sel...

Dunning Kruger
Indeed. I tried to describe the problem, but didn't get very far:
If this were a Hollywood virus, then you could certainly make such an app. Unfortunately, real-world viruses are not like that. They give you a fever, a cough, and make you feel like shit. They don't change your face. — Cris Luengo 3 mins ago
But the answers
simply this person is too ignorant about the topic to realise how ignorant they are
Q: Can we create a app with A.I. - M.L. for potentially infected people with COVID 19?

Marian07Say if it's possible that a person has the virus. I think this one of the fastest way for mass testing for potential of COVID-19. Can start with a testing version. Based on public videos of infected people train a ML model find: - skin properties - voice properties - eye properties - ? hair pr...

Well, actually I'm a doctor, but I'm not on vacation.
but not a PhD, MD
so clearly you can't spot something blatantly ridiculous
I'm a doctor. You interpret that however you wish. :p
@CrisLuengo we got an email from the academic union today with the sole message that home office due to Corona is not vacation :P
That skill only comes with the combinations, the PhMDD
@Adriaan LOL!
you do research Adriaan
"progress has been slow"
@AnderBiguri Is that when you take an MD and a PhD and you graft their heads onto the same body?
I joke, but I am stressed because I just started my job and progress is literally slow and I dont want to seem to be slacking off
@CrisLuengo yes! its also the baby of people with those degrees
Yeah, starting a new job and working remotely at the same time makes it hard to make a good impression.
at age 3 they know everything about CoVid-3 to CoVid-124
all the range
@AnderBiguri Ah, the baby thing is less gruesome.
@CrisLuengo my girlfriend should start 1st April, but that has been postponed to 1st May (she can't do home-office, it's in a museum), and my neighbour has no clue yet. He starts a new job 1st April, but starting directly with home office sounds awkward at the time
Aren't museums doing virtual tours these days? Here they're all closed to the public, you can only visit them online.
@Adriaan my gf is job searching, so shes stressed
@CrisLuengo Do you know the Science museum Nemo? She's becoming a lab assistant in the Swiss version. So no, she can't do virtual tours, as she has to help kids getting their experiments to work
@Adriaan I didn't know about it. It looks really cool!
Marian, downvoting out of spite is a sad thing to do. Take a break, come back when you've cooled down. — Cris Luengo 2 mins ago
When the question is childish, you know the user will react childishly to criticism.
@CrisLuengo that sucks, just a single vote. No reversal there
I couldn't care less for the two rep. But I somehow always think I'm dealing with adults when on SO, and then end up surprised to learn I'm not.
> Note that it is now permitted for doctoral examinations to occur via video-link
Well, at least it takes place, but man, what a bummer for the candidates to close off in such a way
Hey, it'd be worse if you gramma died because she wanted to be there for your defense.
The worst thing is not being able to throw a party after you graduate!
my friends in spain are going out via group videocall
My 100 year old grandma was there for my MSc defence. She was melancholic afterwards that "She no longer understands what the youth is doing". Me mom, who sat next to her, started laughing at that. She didn't have a clue what I did either :P
10 people on videocall drinking beer at their place
@Adriaan did you gradma understand quantum mechanics when young?!?!?!
@AnderBiguri she was one of the first medicine students in the country though... (Her studies were put on hold during WWII)
Plus, I didn't do QM for my MSc thesis, luckily :P
I mean because she understood everything that youth was doing back then
g stands for generic in gca and gcf...? stackoverflow.com/a/60717780 didn't know that
I though it was "grab"
I couldn't find it in the doc
I thought it was "get"
well, yes
I'm sure it's "get". gcf is short for get(0,'CurrentFigure');
thas what I meant really
docs say " Use the gcf command to get the current figure handle."
which makes sense
"generic" also sounds pointless in this context? There's no "generic" figure handle. You get a handle for the current figure
he edited to include both of them, generic and get
From a job ad: "You will be building software that will be used by millions of people or effect millions of dollars." What does "effect dollars" mean? Is this a typo or do I just not command English as well as whoever wrote that?
I assume "have influence on"
but sounds weird indeed
@CrisLuengo perhaps they will be designing dollar bills?
its bussiness buzzwords to attarct devs
It turns me away, because my first reaction when I see "effect" as a verb is to think "they don't know how to spell 'affect'". :)
Not that I'm a dev...
Is it just me or has question quality been in the toilet today?
covid induced programming learning boredom?
It is not just you
@AnderBiguri side effects include an inclination to learn MATLAB and loss of common sense
those are the worst case symptoms
Dry throat
Spamming stack overflow
all are well docummented
I'm only 87 rep off my 20k and there's no good questions to answer!
Had a problem earlier I solved, maybe I'll self-isolate
@Wolfie No, the problem is that there is no inclination to learn. "please do my homework for me"
posted on March 17, 2020 by Johanna Pingel

Hello deep learning enthusiasts! My name is Sara Nadeau, and I am excited to be writing this guest blog post on behalf of the MathWorks Grace Hopper Celebration team! The Grace Hopper Celebration is... read more >>

@Wolfie and without any toilet paper!
2 hours later…
@AndrasDeak touche, that's why the shit is sticking
4 hours later…
considering the amount of toilet paper that is bought every day, there might be more assholes than we ever imagined

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